Politics and Religion

That sounds like an issue for the State of Missouri to handle.
JohnyComeAlready 525 reads

There appears to be some levels of government between the state and the town of Furgeson as well.

JackDunphy2570 reads

Reports now of the officer having a fractured eye socket and at least a dozen witnesses came forward to support his version of events.  

This is starting to remind me so much of the Trayvon Martin Case.

86H13LTP510 reads

celebrating the shooting of an AA . They'll say the officer was walking in wet cement drunk at the party ,
Tripped and cracked his head on the sidewalk .

salonpas576 reads

........so far we should get a true picture of what exactly happened very soon.

One of these for the killer cop:

1. First Degree Murder - State Death Penalty.   Will not happen.
2. Civil rights violation leading to murder - Federal Death Penalty.   Very likely
3. First Degree manslaughter amounting to murder - 25 years to life.   Possible
4. Second Degree manslaughter with depraved indifference to human life - 17 and half years.    Not a chance.

JackDunphy586 reads

And I'm sorry but the officer being white and the teen being black doesn't meet the threshold. You need to PROVE intent here that he killed him, at least in part, BECAUSE he was black.  

That is a VERY high and difficult burden for the Feds.

So what proof do you have of that?

Posted By: salonpas
........so far we should get a true picture of what exactly happened very soon.

The coppers HAVE had more than enough time to 'intentionally' work over(injure) the cop; just like in the movies.  

  If I was a cop facing a charge of 'excessive' or unnecessary deadly physical force, or the spineless superior officer seeking asylum from the public outrage such a scenario is not unimaginable.  

They had several days for the "Blue Wall" to clandestinely alter physical evidence and facts. And if you think that cops don't lie you're incredibly naive.    

Posted By: 86H13LTP
celebrating the shooting of an AA . They'll say the officer was walking in wet cement drunk at the party ,  
 Tripped and cracked his head on the sidewalk .

86H13LTP558 reads

almost cost me my career and in the end it was he who lost his 6 months later in an unrelated event but I can clearly see that this was a justified shoot . The video The video The video . I'm sorry in sheltered life you haven't seen enough.

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 6:12:41 PM

This case is simple, there was one person with a gun, shots were fired from a single direction and one person is dead. The FBI and the DOJ will fairly investigate this killing and get to the bottom of this shooting incident very quickly, irregardless of what any of us think.

It seems obvious to me that this kid that got shot and killed certainly seemed to have an attitude. He was seen on video abusing people at the store. I don't think he deserved to die. I think the police could have tazed his ass and arrested him. And it's clear to me, that the police in this town are complete shitheads. This was made abundantly clear in how they handled the aftermath. The Justice Department ought to disband the local police force and reorganize the entire department.

There appears to be some levels of government between the state and the town of Furgeson as well.

JackDunphy532 reads

And it certainly appears like he assaulted a police officer as well. This kid was headed to prison or an early grave in either case.

And you have NO clue whether he "deserved" to die or not. If the story is as the cop will assumably contend and as a dozen witnesses will state, a 6'4" 300 lb pound mammoth sized person, who had already attacked and injured the officer and tried to get his gun, bum rushed the cop. For the SECOND time.

The cop was by himself against two perps. More than enough evidence to suggest he felt like his life was in danger or severe bodily harm was about to come his way. I should say MORE bodily harm as his eye socket was busted.  

Not sure how much bodily damage and threatening action you would have taken from that punk but I would guess you would have unloaded on him too, to protect your ass Willy.

for college, which he may have deserved. I'd say he may have found himself with a new sense of entitlement. Coupled with the use of cannabis, he may have been in a state of delirium.

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