Politics and Religion

Speaking of Louisana, and more specifically, Katrina
St. Croix 477 reads

Ray Nagin, the great mayor of New Orleans, is going to jail for 10 years for bribery, money laundering, fraud. I didn't see that coming...YEAH, SURE.  

Speaking of music, here are some prison songs that Ray may not want to consider.


Face it, this numbskull is not just stupid but LAZY.  

Check lout the video. It's not YouTube like bitchhound likes, but its pretty damning, particularly because its on MSLSD, NOT FOX!!!!

Dem. Rep. Rips Obama: 'Aloof,' 'Bizarre,' and 'Detached'
12:34 PM, Jul 9, 2014 • By DANIEL HALPER
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Democratic congressman Henry Cuellar ripped President Obama for being "aloof" and "detached" by not visiting the Texas border to see first hand the immigration crisis. Cuellar made the comments on MSNBC:

"He's so close to the border. And let me say this: when I saw, and I hate to use the word bizarre, but under the circumstances, when he is shown playing pool in Colorado, drinking a beer, and he can't even go 242 miles to the Texas border, and plus, if he doesn't want to go down to the border, there's the Air Force Base where HHS is holding some of the young kids from the border. He could at least make that trip to San Antonio, but again, border community leaders wants to see him down there on the border, and I think the optics and the substance of it is that he should show up at the border," said Cuellar.

And he had some advice for the White House."If they are worried about putting a face, the president's face, to this human crisis, humanitarian crisis, I think it's worse if he doesn't even show up. Either way, he's going to be tied into this humanitarian crisis. he either can roll up his sleeves and go down to the border, or he can just look aloof and detached and not go to the border, send surrogates down there, and say that he's got everything under control."

He adds, "It Just floored me, because if he's saying he's too busy to go to the border but you have time to drink beer, play pool."

The president was in Colorado last night -- drinking beer and playing pool.

salonpas402 reads

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

"Heckuva job, all you people down there clinging to the rooftops!  You look like little-bitty ants to me from way up here.  Oh well, time to go to the golf course.  Y'all take care!"

umbest and worst President this country ever had......George W Bush!! Your hero has shamed America's standing around the World beyond belief! How can anyone say that Obama is worse than this guy

...my favorite Bush moment...

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 3:46:13 PM

"How can anyone say that Obama is worse than this guy?" Someone who found himself voting for the likes of him (Bush)! It's not a rational process. Just one meant to avoid the shame after all Bush turned out to be! But hey, some of us knew what he'd turn out to be. One just need to know how to read! ;)

Bush went through elite Ivy League schools.  The same as JFK and FDR. Probably, like those to on a legacy admission.

It is true that he may have gotten a legacy admission, which only adds a couple of points to the admission calculation.  However, the schools that he went to all have a strict anonymous numbered blue book system of testing, where the professors do not know whose tests they are grading.

Unless you believe that somehow 50 or so professors at top schools (based on number of classes per semester times number of semesters) conspired to commit fraud on the system for the son of a president with no particular prospects at that time, he did pretty well in college.

Of course, Obama has hidden his grades, not as if a Black applicant with a Moslem father from Hawaii and a single mother would not get any consideration for "diversity."  Can you say trifecta of diverstity.  (NO I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA IS A MOSLEM. I AM SAYING HIS FATHER WAS, which is diversity.)

Now of course, we can show a picture of Bush reading to school kids. Maybe he should read a nuclear physics book to 5th graders.  What does Michele O read to kids when she visits schools?  "Dreams from of Father?"

...great great gramps went to Yale.  That and "baksheesh" got Georgie through college.  And of course, rich folks NEVER get others to do their work for them, do they?  Remember the Walton heiress who was forced to return her USC diploma because she paid someone to do her term papers and assignments for her?  You think that's the first time it was ever done?

Just like marikod, everything to you is so black and white.  Try getting out of your mom's basement and into the real world once in a while and see the gray areas of life.

But I agree that Dubya wouldn't read a book on nuclear physics to kids - he can't pronounce "nuclear."  "Nyoo-klee-ur"  hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

salonpas416 reads

........hacking into a schools blue book of testing shouldn't be too difficult. FYI Obama's father graduated from Harvard and it's likely Obama also qualified for legacy admission status at Harvard just like GWB.

I'm wondering who's less intelligent, Bush or the right wing wacko birds who voted to keep the dumbass in the White House for 2 terms.

...flew over New Orleans, LBJ was on the ground less than 24 hours after Hurricane Betsy struck New Orleans in 1965.  LBJ walked into a shelter and announced: "This is your President; I'm here to help you."  Dubya said: "Heckuva job, Brownie."  Inspiring words indeed.

St. Croix478 reads

Ray Nagin, the great mayor of New Orleans, is going to jail for 10 years for bribery, money laundering, fraud. I didn't see that coming...YEAH, SURE.  

Speaking of music, here are some prison songs that Ray may not want to consider.


salonpas523 reads

Ray Nagin should have gotten the max 20 years. His failure to prepare New Orleans adequately for Katrina are a disgrace.

What happened to their plans of Secession.?    Everyone knows they hate the Federal Government and the black President.    So what are you crying about Federal Government or President not visiting the Border.

Bush! Katrina!

At least we're argreeing that the border is a disaster!!!

Difference is, Bush did'nt cause Katrina!  

In debate parlance, You leftards LOSE!!

salonpas496 reads

From an incompent Mayor, Governor, FEMA head and of course President Bush.

The Border is a disaster because Republicans have done nothing to pass immigration reform. Simply pass the immigration bill languishing on the House Majority leaders desk. Now they are refusing Obama's request for money to deal with the crisis. What idiots!

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Bush! Katrina!  
 At least we're argreeing that the border is a disaster!!!  
 Difference is, Bush did'nt cause Katrina!  
 In debate parlance, You leftards LOSE!!

By the way old ass white man with penis envy, I see your dumb ass is  learning,  at least this link is not YouTube.

GaGambler523 reads

Don't you think he knows what's in for him if he gets anywhere near the border? lmao

I now live in Texas, and I feel embarrassed for the entire state every time he gets on national TV. The only way I can think of that you could ever get me to vote for the Hildabeast would be to give me Perry as the ONLY other choice. You can actually see the slime oozing out of him if you look close enough. lol

IN THIS CONTEXT, you're suggesting Congress could pass a law!!

We already have immigration laws ya wanker, the problem is Dumbo ignores them.

Sorry, angry young woman of color.


y saying no, congress could not enforce laws.  But, you really look stupid by playing on words. Just admit you did not know what the hell you were talking about.  Real men admit when they are wrong!  I guess your not a real man little dick. Also,  you have fail to give any examples to prove your right,  you can't.  

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
IN THIS CONTEXT, you're suggesting Congress could pass a law!!  
 We already have immigration laws ya wanker, the problem is Dumbo ignores them.  
 Sorry, angry young woman of color.  

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