Politics and Religion

Sorry to say plants but I don't have any of them on speed dial. LOLteeth_smile
JackDunphy 466 reads

I'd tell you to ask Ruth Badass Ginsburg but she has issues with her alcohol intake and staying awake. LOL

I'd go with Sotomayor or Kagan. They both seem your speed. :)

saltyballs1649 reads

It appears, Trump spends more time watching cable news than reading his security briefings. SNL ought to start taking auditions for women who will play Trump besides Steve Baldwin. Two excellent choices, that would drive Trump bat shit crazy are Leslie Jones and Rosie O'Donnell. Maybe even have Kathy Bate's play Steve Bannon.

Leslie Jones as Trump on SNL?? 🙏🙏

earlweaver313 reads

kinda like the thin-skinned Obama early

without the lecture ;)

gawd, this is gonna be fun!

The mentally challenged are upset so easily!  

hotplants428 reads

Who, just BTW, is not THE most powerful man on the planet. Please.  

Are SNL players gonna get disappeared....lol...? Is he gonna shut down the network? (I think he'd love to).

That skit by Melissa M was laser spot-on and fucking_funny_as_hell. If THE biggest Internet troll ever (our new idiot in chief) can't take some (very well deserved) heat targeted at his peeps......?

Posted By: stucaboy

I mean he turned the most powerful democracy in the world into a dictatorship in less than two weeks. ;)

Surely you can find it in your heart to re-evaluate his powerfulness Plants! LOL

hotplants224 reads

that his administration will be presenting to soon.

I'd tell you to ask Ruth Badass Ginsburg but she has issues with her alcohol intake and staying awake. LOL

I'd go with Sotomayor or Kagan. They both seem your speed. :)

one of the attributes of a malignant narcissist is having no sense of humor! ;)

That skit was among the best of SNL. It was outrageously hilarious.

During the Obama years, SNL just did not have as much funny material they could draw from the White House. He was a fairly normal guy with very few clownish mannerisms.

I enjoyed SNL very much during the GW Bush years. He was such a clown.  

Now, we not only have super duper buffoon, he has a big entourage of clowns.

Posted By: saltyballs
It appears, Trump spends more time watching cable news than reading his security briefings. SNL ought to start taking auditions for women who will play Trump besides Steve Baldwin. Two excellent choices, that would drive Trump bat shit crazy are Leslie Jones and Rosie O'Donnell. Maybe even have Kathy Bate's play Steve Bannon.  
 Leslie Jones as Trump on SNL?? 🙏🙏

I'd wager she's the angry, dominant, insecure man in her relationships with women.  
  Or perhaps a demented Father figure persona who beats his children and his wife.  
   She resembles that profile in many ways, didn't her daughter run away numerous times?  
 There must be a reason for a teen ager to run away from riches ?  

  Rosie's  resemblance to  Khalid Sheikh Mohammad is  remarkable.
 I heard from an anonymous CIA source, due to security issues with body double possibilities,  Rosie isn't allowed within 50 miles of Cuba.

Mr.M.Johnson420 reads

Say, stucoboy, what say you 'bout all the fucking Birthers including the Head Birther Trump?  Did you piss and moan about birthers?

Still waiting for Trump's apology to Obama....

stucaboy436 reads

If so. How...whats the proof?  FYI it no longer matters.

Mr.M.Johnson257 reads

Even Trump, the Leader-of-the-Birthers is now a Birther-Denier

Stuco, you pissed-and-moaned earlier that people were pissing Trump off by complaining etc. - my response was that Trump was pissing-off Obama bigly

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