Politics and Religion

So we are going to hold Rick Scott and Bush responsible for Medicare fraud where no one died...confused_smile
JackDunphy 156 reads

...but we shouldn't hold Obama responsible for VA scandal when people did???????????????????

thisbud4u918 reads

The announcement by the AG says majority of the arrests were made in Florida.   Any surprise ?     Florida has a history of defrauding Medicare by the $billions.

1. Governor Rick Scott was President of HCA when it was found to have defrauded Medicare to the biggest amount in history $3+ billions.

2. Jeb Bush lobbied for this Hispanic Miami Doctor Miguel Recarey Jr., head of the health maintenance organization International Medical Centers (IMC) with HHS for 50% more payments to him than what Medicare normally pays.    He defrauded Medicare to more than $2.5 billions and fled the country to avoid prosecution

...but we shouldn't hold Obama responsible for VA scandal when people did???????????????????

thisbud4u129 reads

President Obama did not defraud Medicare for $6 billion.    The subject here is Florida politicians and their love affair with defrauding Medicare.

Open another thread for your VA!

thisbud4u138 reads

If you are not outraged about politicians defrauding government programs, you are not paying taxes.

As for VA, no one is forcing these veterans to go to a VA hospital.   They are free to get their own private health insurance and go to private hospitals.    This is a free country.     Millions of Americans do it day in and day out.

followme175 reads

Give a fuck about the brave men and women who fought for this country and gave you the right to say what you just said.

And you think they should NOT be taken care of for FREE after all the sacrifice, suffering and blood they spilled for you me and everyone in this country.  

The sooner you and your ilk leave the better this country will be.

You're Welcome
For God and Country

thisbud4u104 reads

Since the WWII and Pearl Harbor, this country has not been attacked by a military force of another country.    All the wars have been politically motivated, ideological and instigated by MIC, Defense Industry and the Lobbyists.

I do my job and pay taxes.    These people have a job too, to do what their commanders tell them to do.

Do you think invasion and occupation of Iraq and the bloodshed was to protect this country's freedom?   Get real.

There is no God, as we saw in that SC Church.   It is all humans.

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 11:55:01 AM

GaGambler139 reads

So you hold the poor guy who was drafted and faced a choice between going to prison or fighting an unjust war more responsible than the people who started the war in the first place?

and you wonder why I consider you a loathsome human being?

thisbud4u132 reads

Yeah that is right.   Hold Dubiya responsible for all soldiers who he sent to Iraq to invade and occupy.

GaGambler123 reads

Or I suppose you have forgotten about the surge in Afghanistan?

So how do you justify leaving the poor guys/gals to fend for themselves fighting George Bush's war? Or LBJ's war as it was he, a Democrat that lied to get us into Vietnam and back then the poor guys sent to fight and die in the jungle were mainly draftee's and had no choice whether or not to fight. Those are the people that you want to "fend for themselves"  

How the fuck can you argue that its the right who want to turn their back on the downtrodden when you are claiming that our vets should just go get their own health care when their health care issues are a direct result of fighting a war they had no choice in fighting? You are beyond stupid

followme172 reads

Hadji. All this time I thought him to be a scum bag, But I was wrong he is not a scum bag he is the scum in the bag

Thank yo

followme197 reads

Piss and moan, bitch, cry and whine about moochers and free health care how about the worthless unemployed scum on Medicaid... Those are the LEECHES you should be bitching about getting FREE health care.

You're Welcome
For God and Country

thisbud4u105 reads

They all in the red states and vote Republican.

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