Politics and Religion

So that puts him on about an even par with Hillary for "biggest liar"
GaGambler 115 reads

That's about all the relevance this has to me.

If Hillary says the sun is shining today, and Trump claims it's going to rain all day, do you:

Wear shorts and flip flops that day?

Grab a raincoat?

Stay at home and start cooking dinner as you know if they both claim it's daytime it must be well past time for dinner

Trump did this regularly to plug himself or his projects and contacted many NY journalists pretending to be someone else.  He always denied it was him but it was completely obvious it was because he didn't even try to disguise his voice.
The fact that he did this years ago is mostly just funny.  The fact that he's lying about it now shows what a sociopath he is.

You masquerading as being intellectually superior, other than he is wealthy, famous and successful and you are a failure.?

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

He has never in any manner acted intellectually competent, much less superior.  
  As a matter of fact,  every time I hear a Cicada  losing it's mind, screaming under the pincers of a  Praying Mantis,  I am reminded of our most famous P&R troll, not only for his anti Jew and Christian views, but his evident joy in bugging  the board.  :-D



Posted By: followme
You masquerading as being intellectually superior, other than he is wealthy, famous and successful and you are a failure.?  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP All The Way

I did not say he acted intelligent, in fact, I agree with you, he is the exact opposite.

He however thinks he is.

By now it's totally clear he's John Miller/John Barron but he continues to deny it. He could easily have blown it off.  Now it's too late. He's clearly a pathological liar.

I suppose the Anti Hillary folks should trot out the tape of her "under fire" in Bosnia, it's about as relevant to the process. Only with Hillary it's "proof positive" she is a liar, in Trumps case it's only "proof, pretty sure" that he's lying.

I agree he should have just blown it off with even a "who cares if it was me? We have more important things to talk about" but he blew it by giving the story legs. I still don't give two fucks about this "story"

Trump makes a mis-statement/lie.  Trump refuses to back down.  Time passes.  Trump modifies his statement. The man has no familiarity with the truth.

GaGambler116 reads

That's about all the relevance this has to me.

If Hillary says the sun is shining today, and Trump claims it's going to rain all day, do you:

Wear shorts and flip flops that day?

Grab a raincoat?

Stay at home and start cooking dinner as you know if they both claim it's daytime it must be well past time for dinner

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