Politics and Religion

Re: Young people will always be idealistic...
oliviatwisted See my TER Reviews 415 reads

I think its reality television and the fact that people can be famous for doing nothing.   It is the belief that taking the easy way is the right way...

Say what you want about General Petraeus but  "war criminal"  is extreme.  To compare him to the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden...is outrageous.   If I were their parents I would wonder where all my money was going - not to education.  None of those that were heckling him, could stand 60 seconds in the military.  

On Septmber 11, we don't forget about Beghazi either but let's be clear that whatever did happen, it wasn't just Petraeus alone..I don't see anyone calling Hillary Clinton a "war criminal."  

In general, younger generations are so idealist and and in many ways clueless because they have no idea what iti means to really work hard.  The work ethic is definitely much different as well as the sense of entitlement.

These punks have no respect for anyone...  

You can disagree but you need to have respect for what the man has done for the country...

They have yet to be conditioned to the expectations of society.

Some one is teching the younger generations how to behave, I wonder if it's the generation that came before them?

Posted By: oliviatwisted
Say what you want about General Petraeus but  "war criminal"  is extreme.  To compare him to the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden...is outrageous.   If I were their parents I would wonder where all my money was going - not to education.  None of those that were heckling him, could stand 60 seconds in the military.  
 On Septmber 11, we don't forget about Beghazi either but let's be clear that whatever did happen, it wasn't just Petraeus alone..I don't see anyone calling Hillary Clinton a "war criminal."  
 In general, younger generations are so idealist and and in many ways clueless because they have no idea what iti means to really work hard.  The work ethic is definitely much different as well as the sense of entitlement.

I think its reality television and the fact that people can be famous for doing nothing.   It is the belief that taking the easy way is the right way...

Yet I find many people want to be for ever young.

...and many people want to ignore there elders.

I wonder if the time will come, where the left will be fighting for the right for minors to vote?

...they were trying to get 14 year olds the vote ("14 or fight!") and everyone over 60 was rounded up, put in camps and given LSD.

St. Croix408 reads

but don't paint a broad brush based on so-called activist students.

We had the same shit when I went to college years ago, but understand 95% of the kids today are focused on "trying" to get done in 4 years because of the expense of college. They know most professors are liberal, and they adjust accordingly to ensure they get the grades they need. Trust me, they tune them out. Now add some beer pong, vodka and redbull, sex, college football, and voila that is your typical younger college generation. Sound familar?

This "Millennial" group is pretty self absorbed, very independent, socially liberal (who isn't socially liberal when they are 20 years old), and they work their asses off. It's an extremely competitive environment, more competitive than when we were that age. They have to compete with kids from around the world. For the most part they do have a strong work ethic.

-- Modified on 9/11/2013 10:28:26 PM

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