Politics and Religion

Re: Why not rescreen new hires, who already have SC?
Makwa 18 Reviews 906 reads

Those with security clearances are under continual review.  If something comes up that would make them a security risk, access would be suspended.  But a routine full background investigation only happens every 5 years.

St. Croix2554 reads

Godspeed, good luck, and I hope everything works out for him.

Here is a guy that was a high school dropout, discharged from the Army after 5 months, was a security guard, dated a ballerina/pole dancer, and lied on his resume.

You have Democrats and Republicans calling him a traitor, and acting totally surprised to the fact that the Chinese, Russians, Cubans, Venezuelans, and Ecuadorians don't give a shit what we want. Even Pelosi, the standard bearer of the Progressive bowel movement, was booed relentlessly by Progressive activists in San Jose for supporting Obama's NSA surveillance programs.

So who is to blame? Yeah, I'll blame Snowden for being really stupid, but look at his qualifications. At best he might get a job working for the Geek Squad at Best Buy.

Why isn't Booz Allen Hamilton being raked over the coals for this. They hired the clown. What, if any background checks did they do, or didn't do? At a minimum, the Executive VP of HR should have her ass fired immediately. I would have fired her and the Exec VP responsible for the division he worked in. Even a half ass background check would have raised a number of red flags.

But I wonder if it's because the Carlye Group, a leading Private Equity firm, is a significant shareholder of Booz Allen. Carlye Group holds 4 out 10 Board seats. I wonder if it's because Obama and the Carlye Group are really really tight. Just to reiterate, the Carlye Group is a Private Equity firm just like Bain (Romney). At least Bain only does it's evil work in the private sector (hehehehe). Did I mention Obama and the Carlye Group are really tight?

Ecuador is not a bad place. In fact, Ecuador was rated extremely high for American ex-pats living abroad. You can live there like a king for $1500 a month. Decent health care and transportation that's really cheap. Did I mention you can rent an apartment, condo or small house for less than $400 a months.

Good luck Snowden, you stupid dumbass!

-- Modified on 6/23/2013 9:34:10 PM

He took  computer- related courses at Johns Hopkins and at a U of Md campus in Japan. And he was expecting to receive  his master’s degree from the University of Liverpool.

      Not entirely true, you say? Well, we know that now. Ah, but these are on –line universities. Now take a computer genius who can hack pretty much anything – you don’t think he can create an on line history for himself sufficient to get by that interview?

        Apparently Booz Allen did pick up some discrepancies in his resume but decided his resume was close enough to the truth to get hi the job.

         Of course already having a security clearance must have helped. And the firm that did the security clearance on him -USIS - itself apparently did a faulty background check. But Booz allen was presented with an applicant that received past security clearances.

Guess who once owned USIS by the way.

       But Ecuador is the least of his problems now. When I heard this morning he had gone to Moscow and had been picked up by an official car, I thought how stupid can you be.  Not sure if Russia is still considered one of our enemies but if it is, treason is now on the table if he gave them any of those laptops.  
And treason is punishable by death.

Posted By: St. Croix
Godspeed, good luck, and I hope everything works out for him.  

Here is a guy that was a high school dropout, discharged from the Army after 5 months, was a security guard, dated a ballerina/pole dancer, and lied on his resume.  

You have Democrats and Republicans calling him a traitor, and acting totally surprised to the fact that the Chinese, Russians, Cubans, Venezuelans, and Ecuadorians don't give a shit what we want. Even Pelosi, the standard bearer of the Progressive bowel movement, was booed relentlessly by Progressive activists in San Jose for supporting Obama's NSA surveillance programs.  

So who is to blame? Yeah, I'll blame Snowden for being really stupid, but look at his qualifications. At best he might get a job working for the Geek Squad at Best Buy.  

Why isn't Booz Allen Hamilton being raked over the coals for this. They hired the clown. What, if any background checks did they do, or didn't do? At a minimum, the Executive VP of HR should have her ass fired immediately. I would have fired her and the Exec VP responsible for the division he worked in. Even a half ass background check would have raised a number of red flags.  

But I wonder if it's because the Carlye Group, a leading Private Equity firm, is a significant shareholder of Booz Allen. Carlye Group holds 4 out 10 Board seats. I wonder if it's because Obama and the Carlye Group are really really tight. Just to reiterate, the Carlye Group is a Private Equity firm just like Bain (Romney). At least Bain only does it's evil work in the private sector (hehehehe). Did I mention Obama and the Carlye Group are really tight?

Ecuador is not a bad place. In fact, Ecuador was rated extremely high for American ex-pats living abroad. You can live there like a king for $1500 a month. Decent health care and transportation that's really cheap. Did I mention you can rent an apartment, condo or small house for less than $400 a months.

Good luck Snowden, you stupid dumbass!



-- Modified on 6/23/2013 8:20:27 PM

hahahahah..... you have to be kidding right?
Do I need to remind you of the relationship with the Carlyle group and bush and cheney and rove? You have got to be joking...  
Damn you are ignorant on facts. I suggest you google Carlyle group under the bush administration and get back to me.

certainly not for "we the people"   While President Obama was knocking Mitt Romney and accusing him of ruining American industry,   he was working with Washington's favorite Private Equity Co.


Oh yes and what about when our present President nominate Jerome Powell to serve on Fed Reserve.  Like I said their all in the same bed together,  and guess who their fluckin,  "we the People"  aka "the minions"  to those in Washington.  Who do you think their laughing at in the picture,  non other than "the minions"


St. Croix670 reads

You can't asked for a better Hollywood script than this?

Mari, at the end of the day, the responsibility falls with Booz Allen. Snowden is their employee. Close enough on his resume doesn't cut it.

I don't care if Snowden can write code in his sleep. I don't care if his skills are like those of Hugh Jackman in the movie "Swordfish". It was with Halle Berry....hot! Even a novice HR person wouldn't even give Snowden a 2nd interview. Besides education, skills, competencies, background, etc., one thing you look for is stability, especially when dealing with sensitive information. You want someone with a significant investment in education, family, accomplishments, etc.

It's so easy for the Administration, Democrats and Republicans to put 100% blame on Snowden. Yes he is culpable. But damn, there were a lot of screw ups by supposedly smart people working for top notch companies.

So yeah, someone at the exec level of Booz and USIS need to have their asses fired. And yes, I bet Putin met Snowden at the airport. And if Snowden was carrying anything of importance, you can bet that Putin took possession as easily as he took Robert Kraft's Super Bowl ring (lol).

P.S. Don't forget to watch UCLA tomorrow on ESPN. They are playing Mississippi State for the College World Series championship. Come on, you do watch something other than basketball?

-- Modified on 6/23/2013 9:28:50 PM

Baseball is so boring. Besides I don't follow sports that I don't play except for football.

       As for Mr. Snowden, remember hackers have been changing grades since Matthew Broderick did it at the beginning of War Games - and that was in the 80s. I bet now they even even post a fake thesis on-line.

      But what I want to know is how does a guy like this get a girl friend with a stripper pole? My life has been so wasted....

       Now, as I recall, we were debating whether you would give me 5 or 6 points for the matchup between Duke's freshman and UCLA's veteran team. Even though Tony Parker has lost some weight, in the spirit of compromise, I'll take Duke and 5.5. Deal

you are not going to find anyone worth 2¢ in today’s contractor crazy job market. You are sounding like my boss who is still looking for resume’s in parchment paper.

but ok this guy did something and gave info to these other countries and stuff.

Now he asks for political asylum and gets it in Ecuador, right?

So he was like a spy, a double agent.

So now in his new country is he safe? Can the U.S. send some other guy to kill him like in the movies and do we care?

By the way, I wish we could live with $1500/mo. here. Millions make around that amount a month.
But my question is where is he going to get those $1500 US, there? Most likely he will earn and work as an Ecuadorian. I'm just saying. What do I know?

how escorts feel about this news of the government spying?  Are they requesting you leave your cell phone in the car?

I am trying to find a nice way to demand that my single friends that drop in on me, leave those damn cell phones outside.  They already know that I hate cell phones in my sacred space, and to leave the damn drama out of that room too.  But I have 2 (one guy and one girl) that are so totally addicted to their damn plenty of fish and facebooks; that they ignore me and do that rude shit at my home in front of me.  

What has become of us, that we can be with live peoples' energy, and that damn cell phone wins?  I hate them.  I heard recently from a person that had a court case, that facebook was mentioned with every case that went before the judge!  That is a sign it's destroying marriages, relationships, etc.  It was never meant for our brains to know that damn much about anybody!  Maybe we will all value our privacy again now that this news has come out

I was taught growing up that being gracious and kind should be an intrinsic part of our behavior wherever we are and whatever we do. It seems that people have allowed technology to rule their lives and make them unpleasant and rude to be around.

There should be rules of etiquette or just plain simple courtesies for your fellow humans, to use when in public and when speaking with someone  on the phone.    Ahh,  but alas,  we live in society of "me oriented"  and to heck with our fellow humans

Should an escort feel different about the spying. My guess is, just like the general public, few will be for it and others will be against it.  

To me this grave violation of privacy and civil rights and blatant disrespect of the constitution.  

Glad Google is taking them court under free speech. Google wants to make NSA requests public. Since 9/11, the government has done too many things in secret and the people we elected are not doing their primary job, protecting our constitutional rights. Instead they are misusing their power.

I am horrified that our Bill of Rights have been shredded, and American citizens have been made the enemy.  I fear what our government is capable of doing with the information they obtain and how far back can they go, and what is their intention.  I would be freaking out if I still had the volume of emails and phone calls I use to get.  And yes, I thought about throwing my cell phone on the side of the road, while on back of a motorcycle Saturday.  And I think I will still go get a throw a way under a fake name.

I didn't know that Google had filed a suit.  That makes me happy too that the tyranny hasn't stopped the ACLU from filing either.  

If you want to see how others think.  Just go to google and type in search engine "the government is"  and take a look at what comes up

nuguy46740 reads

Didn't he say, everyone hated the US because of Bush?

Now 2 countries have thumbed their nose at Obama...HK and Russia.

What happened Obama?

we learn to keep our noses out of other people’s business and stop being world police. Look at Syria, Russia is in there thick of it and no one is doing anything are they?

Not saying we should get involved in Syria or anywhere else for that matter.

-- Modified on 6/24/2013 4:32:56 AM

Any idiot knows that Russia, China, Cuba, and never will be because we are completing for the same natural resources. And, Cuba, Venezuela and Ecuador will never be friends as long as Russia or China has influence over them.

He blew the whistle on highly questionable NSA surveillance tactics being perpetrated on U.S. citizens who supposedly are protected by the 4th Amendment from such intrusive and clandestine "unreasonable search" ; GOOD!  
There is no proof or reasons too believe however that he has sold sensitive national security secrets to enemies of the U.S.

   All Snowden has done is reveal crimes perpetrated by the Feds against U.S. citizens, and now a bunch of elected leaders who swore and oath to protect from all threats "foreign and domestic" are looking like the oppressive, lock step authoritarian, war mongering fascist hypocrites they really are

followme877 reads

While it is true that snowden blew the whistle on some shit the NSA was doing that was beyond their authority. OK way beyond their authority

You are also correct that he did not sell sensitive national security secrets he GAVE them away

Where is this information available other than talking heads speculating. The shit heads have been talking up storm while they don’t have fucking clue. They all act like, they were sitting next to Snowden or he calls them by the hour or something.

The Feds are concerned how many allies are going to be pissed at them. I am not talking about governments, sure they were all cohorts in the scheme but when people find out, there will be hell to pay for many of them especially Cameron.

followme837 reads


We all know he is a shit hear but that is another matter

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and House

China is one of the main ones they spied. Spied on many western european countries and most of them are our allies.

There is lots of blame to go around.  He got his job with BAH because he already had a security clearance.  It's easier to hire people that already have the needed clearance than to put a new person through the process to get them cleared for access to classified information.  

US Government Security Clearances are granted by the DIA.

For starters you would only have to look as far back as when your NH gained their initial SC.

Also if I a person was to infiltrate an NSA facility, via legitimate employment, wouldn't you use a person with a clean background?

Those with security clearances are under continual review.  If something comes up that would make them a security risk, access would be suspended.  But a routine full background investigation only happens every 5 years.

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