Politics and Religion

Re: Why don't you answer MY questions
twukdriver 32 Reviews 1489 reads

I'm sorry Jack that I didn't jump right on the board and respond to you. Some of us actually work for a living.
Now to your idea that because FDR won the war in 4 yrs. If you'll remember correctly the war was actually won under Truman and the only reason the Japanese surrendered was because of the A-Bombs we dropped.
As to your comment about the number of civilians vs Iraqi army we have killed being some sort of barometer, I'm not sure I understand what your point is. The fact of the matter is one of the things we are tying to do is not destroy the entire country and kill any more civilians than we have to. These are both things we could very easily do if that was our goal. I realize that the only thing you can do is rant about Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney so I don't actually expect anything more from you but I suppose once your medication kicks in there might be hope.
One thing I have noticed is that you haven't offered any realistic solutions to the problem. Why don't you enlighten us with what you would do if you were made President for a day.


"By carefully manipulating the statistics, the Bush-Petraeus report will try to persuade us that violence in Iraq is decreasing and thus the surge is working," said Illinois Sen. Richard J. Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, in a speech Friday in Washington.

"Even if the figures were right, the conclusion is wrong."

The new attacks are not without political risk for Democrats, who are sensitive to accusations of abandoning the troops and have sought to avoid criticizing the military as they declared the war in Iraq was a lost cause.

By implication, their new criticisms cast doubt on the credibility of a military commander who nine months ago won Senate confirmation without a single dissenting Democratic vote.

Durbin said he did not want "to question the integrity of General Petraeus."

"I respect him very much," the senator said. "And I believe he is an extremely competent military leader who has been given an almost impossible military assignment."

What a doubletalking piece of shit.

Were it me,

he'd be eatin knuckles....

schumer's a dick hole too.

-- Modified on 9/8/2007 12:53:40 PM

RightwingUnderground1807 reads

I am ashamed to live in Illinois. Maybe following Zin's lead and threatening to move will placate me. I am positive that in his mind, we can't afford to WIN the war.

He's long been a poster boy for al Jazeera. . .

"US senator stands by Nazi remark"

"A US senator has refused to apologise for comparing the actions of US soldiers at Guantanamo Bay to those of Nazis, while others have decried or defended the mandate and method used to hold prisoners there."

"US Senator Dick Durbin on Wednesday refused to apologise for comments he made on the Senate floor referring to Nazis, Soviet gulags and a "mad regime" like Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in Cambodia."

-- Modified on 9/8/2007 2:53:31 PM

Joseph McCarthy was a Republican.
So was Richard Nixon.

We all have our skeletons in the closet.

RightwingUnderground1696 reads

Not so fast...

McCarthy was reckless, overzealous and perceived by most to be an asshole in his tactics, but he WAS correct in his allegations of Soviet espionage.

Nixon was hyper-paranoid and allowed his staff to run out of control seemingly to calm his paranoia. He left the entire political landscape in ruins. We are still reeling from his affects. . .  but he served a great and essential purpose, especially in foreign affairs. To me his greatest executive evil was wage and price controls. They were, IMO, responsible for the subsequent years of hyper-inflation. Of course the 1973 oil embargo compounded things. In the second oil shortage of 79 Carter finally grew some balls, deregulating oil prices. Not to worrying though, Carter got the blame for it all, so that was at least one descent outcome. Come to think or it, Carter was a worse President than Nixon, but we can’t say that today, because he ended up being such a nice guy.

But I digress. . .
Turbin? What is his greater purpose or redeeming qualities? To me he is only a consumer of oxygen better left to those that deserve it.

could tie his fucken shoelaces.

But he cain't.   Lucky you have somethin else like Durbin to talk about.   She-it.

RightwingUnderground1473 reads

you believe everything you read that sounds good to you.

these insurgents are disorganized untrained towel-heads.  GWB has been fighting them 4 years, more than it took the Democrats to beat the Germans and japs combined.

GWB is incompetent.  QED.

And I'm gonna add that anybody should be able to figure that out by listening him wrestle his native language for 10 minutes.  

How can you take that idiot seriously?  oh, you're brain-dead, I mean Republican.

-- Modified on 9/8/2007 8:40:39 PM

caught osama & the ragheads.

Prolly cuz he was sneekin up on 'em, until that ungodlike John Kerry leaped right into his mind, and quick as a wink, Osama & The Ragheads just slipped right away, and he couldn't find 'em not even with all the hollerin "Death to America!!" & all.

So it's the Democrats' fault because they don't like him.   He's a real tough guy but he cries a lot.  I guess I'd cry too, if i was that FUCKING STUPID!!

never-ending fuckups and lies are the Republican plan for population control and global interactive entertainment.

Jeremy Bender2023 reads

The White House said it was writing the report.

from Vietnam.

man, it just kills me to think of the opportunity we missed in Vietnam!!   We could still be there shooting up the countryside, and maybe our obsession would have allowed the Soviets to hang on, and by now, we would have >243,000 KIAs, and pretty much plowed Indochina under.  Pretty good, hunh???  That is, if you got defense contractor stocks.

Al. Gore2390 reads

Many Dems have figured out how to be critical of the  Bush Adm. Iraq policies w/o sounding like they're not supporting the poor men & women being sent there to support those policies.  Durbin is a mealy-mouthed motherfucker who should just keep his piehole shut.
I'm a Vietnam Vet who is proud to say so. That doesn't mean that I supported that war.  I didn't give it a lot of thought when I went over there.  But my experiences there - seeing an unjustifiable loss of American lives - radicalized me pretty quickly.  
The parallels between Vietnam & Iraq are hard to miss.  American involvement in a 'holy' war against Communism/Islamic terrorism.  Fighting with limited means in the middle of a power void/civil war.  A domestic political structure unfit and unable to govern.  Another recipe for disaster.

Someone mentioned how well the Dems did in WWII. The one problem with that comparison is in the current conflict we are trying to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. Therefore we aren't bombing and shelling each city into ruins like was done in WWII. If we'd used the same policy in 1944 we would probably still be fighting or more than likely we would have lost and we'd all be speaking german or japenese today. My personal opinion is we should be fighting more like we did then and in the long run less people on both sides would probably be killed. If some city wants to harbor terrorists than it should cease to exist. It wouldn't take long before others would be going out of their way to turn them in.
Of course I know this tactic flys in the face of those on the left that think if we just talk nice to them and change our entire way of life and convert to islam then all would be well in the world and everyone would be so happy in their little hovel beating the wife and kids and growing rediculous looking beards and cooking with camel shit.
Have a nice day. :)

it's the civilians' fault.


Fucking losers elect the King of the Losers.   Don't let him hold those chainsaws all by hisself unless you want Cheney to be President.  

without fucking up one.

Are you writing speeches for the White House when you're not dwiving twuks?

Do they let you dwive weal twuks yet?

How about challenging my statements instead of just throwing insults? O wait those on the left aren't capable of intelligent debate they just argue emotions.
Why is it when someone on the right makes a statement those on the left who are supposed to be compassionate and open to free speach and ideas always want to knock anyone that says something they disagree with?

RightwingUnderground3424 reads

was quickly reminded why.

Jacks posts could be a 5 star advertisement for home health care services that remind or help people to take their medication. Maybe the VA offers a home nursing service that will come over to remind him once or twice a day.

My advice to you Twuk is to at least wait until his Thorazine kicks in again.

because you don't have any answers for obvious questions.

very simple,  painfully obvious, always absolutely correct and painfully embarrassing to you.

Of course you don't read them, because you know there's no way to deal with them.  jack doesn't mess with issues that there's any question about, because God knows there's more than enough work just slapping fools.

because I point out the FUCKING OBVIOUS, that GWB has taken longer to knock over a bunch of ragheads than FDR took to knock over both the Germans AND the Japs.

And your sole argument is that the reason for this is that we're "trying not to kill civilians".

Given that we've killed more civilians than we did Iraqi Army, it looks like just more proof that GWB is FUCKING INCOMPETENT!!!!!!!!!

To say nothing of proof of the fact that you're a moron who thinks people don't hear your brain gears grinding a mile away to come up with such laughable dreck.

You & everybody else know why you get this response from me:  it doesn't pass the laugh test.  You could at least do a (BIGSEGRIN) for us.

It's not that I disagree with you.  It's that you'd make a normal person bust up laughing, until they realize that you probably believe that, and then it just turns their stomach.

What scares me is the thought that (1) you really seem as stupid as your idea, and (2) you probably don't have a conservator.  You're probably driving and voting with that brain.

Why do you expect people to be serious about your shit?  Oh, because you're mentally ill, ie Bushite.

I'm sorry Jack that I didn't jump right on the board and respond to you. Some of us actually work for a living.
Now to your idea that because FDR won the war in 4 yrs. If you'll remember correctly the war was actually won under Truman and the only reason the Japanese surrendered was because of the A-Bombs we dropped.
As to your comment about the number of civilians vs Iraqi army we have killed being some sort of barometer, I'm not sure I understand what your point is. The fact of the matter is one of the things we are tying to do is not destroy the entire country and kill any more civilians than we have to. These are both things we could very easily do if that was our goal. I realize that the only thing you can do is rant about Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney so I don't actually expect anything more from you but I suppose once your medication kicks in there might be hope.
One thing I have noticed is that you haven't offered any realistic solutions to the problem. Why don't you enlighten us with what you would do if you were made President for a day.

was the A-bomb?   Do you doubt we would have disassembled them even more thoroughly if we didn't have the A-bomb?

What the fuck difference does it make?  The A-bomb was the result of years of work.  That's like saying, the only reason they surrendered was becasue we FUCKING OVERWHELMED them.  No shit, and we would have done it any way they wanted.

But I forget that you're a Republican, living in a fucking irrelevant fantasy world.

So what was the only reason the Germans surrendered?  Because they knew the Republicans were coming?

How do you come up with this shit?  It's so fucking amazing, I am perennially amazed.

Jack you really are amazing...All that ranting and you never once gave us any of your wisdom on how you would handle the current situation in Iraq if you were suddenly made President.

that is, you idiot son of the universe.  My son would have to be decapitated to approach your wisdom.

I shall not trouble your overstressed mind with multisyllabic words, or abstract ideas.

Ommmmmmmmmmm, etc etal.

"I am perennially amazed".  roflamo first thing that came to mind was jacko has a brain of tumbleweed..

of why I have excused you.

Now be at peace, quarter-wit bastard son of the sins of right-wingery.

half as bad as your statements.

Because you're obviously so ignorant that you already don't know what to do with a half-assed intelligent statement.

You can leave it at, 'you don't understand'.  That's obvious.

if you could do your job any other day.


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