Politics and Religion

Re: Time to take a break again
Puck 20 Reviews 3179 reads
1 / 32

It's way too easy to get caught up in this shit. When one can't get a basic point across, when people refuse to read what's written in the Congresional Record and insist on re-wording it to suit themselves, when they find it necessary to demonize and make up lies about their political opposites well, there's really not much point.

BK, you do a great job of looking for something to irritate and injecting it so that discourse becomes pointless. jerseyflyer and quadseasonal, you're obviously far more patriotic, love this country more than I ever could, as evidenced by your unyielding judgement of things you could not possibly know and your willingnes to see countless thousands of people killed and maimed to make a point.
BSD, you have way to much fun abusing both side to ever have a debate with.

I'll be back now and then but this is way to poisonous to play in regularly. Have fun, all of you, I'm gonna take my own advice and get laid more.

Jack Daniels 1889 reads
2 / 32
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 4368 reads
3 / 32

In case you hadn't noticed, I've been less and less of a presence here myself.
Trust me JD, it aint about a desire to leave the kitchen. Not for me, anyway.

Too many cooks in here have spoiled the broth. And all too many of these cooks don't bother to shower. Their stench reeks like the dreck in which they wallow.

As I have said before, this forum has become a microcosm of everything that has gone wrong in this country. We no longer dialog over whats best, we simply trade invectives over who's worse. It's not about doing the proper thing, or following the moral compass, its about winning at any cost as long as we get what we want. It's the New American Ideal.... fuck em all as long as get what we want. Lie to get what you want, steal and deceive and corrupt as long as the bottom line shows a profit.

The real whores on this board aren't the ones on Craigslist who spread their legs for a dollar or a dime bag. The real whores are the loudmouthed cretins who infest this forum with their hatespeak, their groundless accusations and fabricated data and their arrogant pompous hubris in proclaiming they know whats best for everyone. Fuck You. you know who you are.

Ok, I feel better now. Who's coming to the Party?:)

scriptfixer 18 Reviews 1543 reads
4 / 32

They make it impossible to really discuss or debate anything.  It's not that I expect to change anyone's mind, nor do I really want to change their minds.  I think it's fun  when someone takes an opposing  position and  I have to support my view with a sound argument based on accepted facts rather than quotes from some goofball fringe "scientist" or "the word" as printed by a newspaper founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon (as opposed to one of those left wing propaganda rags like the NY Times or Washington Post). It's not only fun, but it's a good mental exercise; sort of like the good ol' days in college.  

I've also pledged to myself to stay away from this board for the same reasons you mentioned, Puck.   It's way too toxic and I just get frustrated and bitter.  Perhaps some of us should form our own discussion group, but make it open to any conservatives or right wingers who can engage in a lively debate without taking a shit right in the middle of the room.

Albert Schweitzer 1808 reads
7 / 32

of course nobody should take it seriously, and yes it's a free-for-all, but why say "nothing but"?

What's wrong with a free-for-all?  Who the fuck expects to solve any of the problems of the cosmos in the 2500 characters or whatever here?

Why can't people learn to live with what it is, ie a  running free-for-all?

I know, it's the same reason you think the next babe is going to be a big improvement over the last - right?

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1911 reads
8 / 32

Most often, I am confronted by folks who offer that they - and only they - have the "truth."   I must believe as they believe, I must interpret as they interpret, I must hold the same precepts that they hold or else I am an idiot.  

Last night I was speaking with a young lady (Not a provider but someone I know) who is an athiest... in fact she runs one of the most quoted and referenced atheist web sites on the internet..... we were discussing science and government (something which I might know a thing or two about).  And while we may agree on some things, we hold different opinions on others... Most interesting was her reaction to my comment that science is a religion to some...  and I offer that 1) there are elements of faith in science 2) there are organized rituals associated with science (hypothsis testing, the scientific method, etc.), 3) there is even a "priesthood of sorts" within science (Natl Academy of Sciences, or Nobel Prize winners etc.).  Her response was an immediate verbal attack which was so severe and emotional as to make me simply walk away.  My repsonse is that one so vested emotionally that does not permit them to see truths from at least a partial parallex view, could be potentially dangerous... as that person may well become a societal estranged lune.  And we well know that we cannot detect those (Tim McV, and others.)

but both the left and right are workin the american public over.  I really cannot imagine who they are working for.  Rather than straight forward statements - without qualifiers that would stymie a gaggle of lawyers, they make non-statements of "fact"!  "what is, is...."  and plenty from the mouth of the current POTUS.

My views are fairly consistent - with one exception, I did fall for a brief period of time for the BS that was offered as the reason to invade Iraq the 2nd time.  I think that we offer a pass to our educational system which has been given free reign to literally bite the hand that feeds it.  

other examples, far too often our press fails to fact check... and other examples...

So, I say, I can see both sides - and then I choose - but am neither committed to either side.   What I most often weigh is which side offers the most BS on any given topic.  which side shuts down debate quickest...

Hope this helps.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1673 reads
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Funny you should mention that Dr S, cuz I just had an all-timer in Arizona. Sure beats reading the latest Fox News report from the local right wing contingent.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1930 reads
10 / 32

You guys have got to be kidding!! I do feel sorry for anyone who would let these boards get in the way of getting laid..I sure hope you guys get over whatever type of complex  you seem to be going through.. The North would have never won the war with a bunch of quitters.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1565 reads
11 / 32

Puck, your right, I do love this country, very much. It has given me every opportunity to achieve my goals and raise a family. Your wrong if you think I am willing to see anyone die to prove a point, or achieve a political goal. The ones that hate war and killing the most are the ones that are sent to fight it. They fight not for a political agenda, nor the country, or even the flag. They fight to keep each other alive. I've lost some very close friends, good men all, to the ravages of wars that were created by those who never fired a shot in anger. I am disgusted with 99% of the leaders of this country within the last 60 years, (I'm older than you might think). I have very little faith in the current leadership. I cannot stomach liars, cheats, and thieves. By definition and nature, politicians fit all three. Had no use for Eisenhower, voted for Kennedy, and he came within minutes of starting a nuclear confrontation with Kruschev, voted for Johnson, and his "Great Society" started the country down the path of financial ruin. Did not vote for Carter, but got fucked anyway. Been disappointed, with one exception, ever since. I think we should follow Clinton's example and have more sex. Clears up the brain. Looks like that's the only thing we are in agreement on. BTW, ever been to Bangkok and had a 'wax job'? Whoaaa Nelli!!!!

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1367 reads
12 / 32

If you are so easily intimidated I reckon we won't ever see you in a biker bar.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1876 reads
13 / 32

I haven't heard that phrase since Dick Lane was calling the wrestling shoes on KTLA in the 50's and early 60's...
Thanks for the trip down memory lane...

and for an encore...

One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
Not much between despair and ecstasy
One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel the devil walking next to me

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2010 reads
14 / 32


Best laugh I've had in days. Thanks quad, that felt so good, I'm even going to forgive you for being such a pompous ass.

You need to pay attention, Tweezerhead!

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1884 reads
15 / 32

and i don't mean just to pop a few zits.

you fuckers crack me up

you come in here after getting all pumped up on scare america, randi roadapple, keithy blubberman et al and launch into all manner of crap slinging then wimper like pussies when someone hits back

you love yoursnarky little mocking of peoples beliefs then want to appeal for "reasoned discourse"???

F-U-C-K  Y-O-U!

You wanna slong shit? Let's sling.

YOu wannan talk? Lets talk.

Just don't think you can piss on my head and later I'll forget. I don't.

you reap what you sow , deal wit it''

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1566 reads
16 / 32

some of you guys need to take a good look in the mirror
Posted by BILLKILE, 11/28/2007 you come in here after getting all pumped up on scare america, randi roadapple, keithy blubberman et al and launch into all manner of crap slinging then wimper like pussies when someone hits back"

Did you expect them to do anymore than wimper and quit like the pussies they are??

Pepe56 32 Reviews 1845 reads
17 / 32

This was the best post I ever read , Thank you.
I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair.
I get the Scare and Keithy but who is Randi Roadapple?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1349 reads
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10West 1938 reads
19 / 32

Randi Roadapple is a lefty lunatic that broadcasts on the bankrupt Air America.

RightwingUnderground 2274 reads
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the looney far left wing blogosphere immediately accused the right wingers for physically attacking her.

-- Modified on 11/29/2007 7:28:23 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1528 reads
22 / 32

knocked out some teeth too...

looking a little hillbilly these days I hear!!

But you're right, the DailyKook bedwetosphere IMMEDIATELY went into it's frenzied kneejerk defamation mode,

displaying once again the lefties new motto borrowed from times gone by,

slander em all, we'll let God sort em out later.....

-- Modified on 11/29/2007 7:42:00 PM

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 1818 reads
23 / 32

Jeez, between your repeated rabid (as in, foaming at the mouth rabid) attacks of Hillary Clinton and now your views on RR, I am wondering if you don't have a streak of misogyny in you.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1702 reads
24 / 32

bundle comments about a couple of public figures (who happen to also be bitchhags) and weaving into a misogyny indictment, ((from a rapist heroworshipper-defender no less!!!))

I'm just holding up the mirror,


MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3786 reads
25 / 32

Once again, your intellect has failed to impress, BK.  Strike two.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1994 reads
26 / 32

Which is fortunate for me because, like you said, I'm not that bright. But then, I've never claimed to be so your comment rates a -10 on my who gives a fuck scale.

You however, fancy yourself to be quite the bright little bulb, which is hilarious in my mind because I think you're a dumbass.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1755 reads
27 / 32

Way to go!! So you are an old LA guy also. Where do you think I got that? Used to watch "Wrestling from the Olympic Auditorium" on channel 5, Wednesday nights with my grandfather. He loved it. Our favorite was, Szandor Szabo. He was one of the 'good guys'. Bolo, with the mask was definitely a bad guy. To my knowledge, he was never unmasked. Remember the "Johnny Otis Show", or the "Art Lebeau Dance Time", both on KTLA? How about the "Engineer Bill Show", now there is a memory from long ago. Red light/green light, drink your milk. Whew, gotta stop, my brain is starting to hurt. Oh yeah, can't forget Soupy Sales with White Fang and Black Tooth. OOOhhhh LLLaaaaooooo..............

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 1629 reads
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NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2016 reads
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DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1812 reads
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quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1612 reads
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"Well, in the game of life I have found intellect to be highly overrated.
Posted by BILLKILE, 11/29/2007 10:48:54 PM
Which is fortunate for me because, like you said, I'm not that bright. But then, I've never claimed to be so your comment rates a -10 on my who gives a fuck scale.
You however, fancy yourself to be quite the bright little bulb, which is hilarious in my mind because I think you're a dumbass."

 Think how dumb he must seem to a highly educated person..Even myself with only 8 years of school find his posts to be at his brightest....Darkness

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