Politics and Religion

Re: the Dem klown car
thisbud4u 257 reads

.... and one of them will be in the Oval Office in January 2017!    Diversity ?     We gave you an African American and now we are giving a woman ?     Not yet time for LGBT, but pretty soon.

I love how the press bash a man that built an empire because he has funny hair
while they kiss the ass of an old lady thats here because she married the right guy.

there are so many smart capable people that stay the f away from this  
contest to be ringmaster of the circus.  

are we really putting tranny's in the marines?
I would use them to put the fear of god into the enemy
I would use them for the interrogations.  

They will soon be a tranny commandante of the marine corps
thats when it will be over.

Keep crying and you can keep on whipping like baby when she wins.

Did you really need to double down four minutes later with that brilliant second post?

You Republican idiots repeat same thing over and over and over……..

GaGambler294 reads

In Senor Grumpy's defense, he has so much competition for SPOTY this year, he probably thinks he has to double down with his posts to stand a chance of being our first three time winner of the award.

and I have to say he has cause to worry, between Hadji, fatgirl, fatvern and a few others here, his chances of repeating for a third year in a row are looking rather bleak indeed, despite his apparent outright campaigning for the title this year.

GaGambler271 reads

SPOTY has never been a partisan award, there are posters that have earned their right to be on the leader board from both sides of the aisle.

GaGambler430 reads

JCA and Nuguy are definitely morons on the other side, JCA when at his best, is "enigmatic" unfortunately he is rarely at his best, and usually wanders into and stay in "moron land"

That said, I will see your two morons from the right and raise you the likes of Senor Grumpy, fatgirl, and Hadji. Do you call, re raise, or fold? lol

thisbud4u301 reads

If you hate the former Secretary of State and former First lady so much, instead of fuming fire on this Escort Board, why not you run yourself for the office. ?

Save your time, and will relieve your high heart rate and high BP.

...but then you veer off on a tangent about TS's in the Marines.  Is it possible you subconsciously think Clinton is a TS?  Maybe it's the pantsuits.  Have you been studying them closely, looking for a bulge?

level and one will be elected. The guy with the funny hair is likable. If he is into money maybe he doesn't have time for religion. He doesn't seem to care to pretend about believing in God. I haven't heard him mention religion at all.
I want to know more about what he thinks about religion. If he were to turn out to be an atheist... oh what a happy day.
But of course that would be the day his supporters and most people would turn their backs on him. So he gots to pretend like all Presidential hypocrites. and God don't bless America because god doesn't exists... and the crowd goes wild (cheers ans applauses)
Then old lady is OK and would be the first woman President.

Trannys in the marines? Maybe there are there already.
They're everywhere. Probably there too

President Clinton..has a familiar ring to it..

YairMarx372 reads

Was a supporter of Hillary. bring on the clown car of the GOP. Can't wait for the first GOP debate.

nuguy46324 reads

an all lily white group...where's the diversity?

a Socialist...are you really ready for this?
a confirmed liar, cheat, etc....we all know what you get with her.
a former mayor/gov whose city burned recently and state in financial peril.
a former senator with little to say about anything...

thisbud4u258 reads

.... and one of them will be in the Oval Office in January 2017!    Diversity ?     We gave you an African American and now we are giving a woman ?     Not yet time for LGBT, but pretty soon.

I wish I was so easy to please.  
but when I look at the chaos in the world.  

I pray we get someone competent
regardless of race or gender

does anyone see the hypocrisy?
the party claims to be racially blind is racially obsessed
the idea of the content of a mans character not the color of his skin
turned on its head
its all about the race or the gender  
and you are rallying around and empty pants suit
its amazing to watch so called liberal people champion such a corrupt member of the establishment

I could care less if the president was a homo
I will take Michael Bloomberg in a heartbeat!

white black gay jew
I just want someone competent
one loser after another is elected president by an uneducated illiterate electorate  
while the retards cheer because they found a black thats electable.
you people are pathetic

During all of Bill Clintons presidency and came up with, he got a BJ in the Oval. Investigated Hillary on Benghazi found nothing after some number of times and one still on-going. Then came the Email, State Department is releasing them in blocks. Thus far, no smoking gun from the already released emails.    

 She is the most trust worthy after all the investigations by Republicans.  

She is the most competent at the moment and she is going to make mince meat of any Republican candidate anytime, anywhere in the debates.  

Stay tuned.  

Posted By: inmyeye
I wish I was so easy to please.  
 but when I look at the chaos in the world.  
 I pray we get someone competent  
 regardless of race or gender  
 does anyone see the hypocrisy?  
 the party claims to be racially blind is racially obsessed  
 the idea of the content of a mans character not the color of his skin  
 turned on its head  
 its all about the race or the gender  
 and you are rallying around and empty pants suit  
 its amazing to watch so called liberal people champion such a corrupt member of the establishment  
 I could care less if the president was a homo  
 I will take Michael Bloomberg in a heartbeat!  
 white black gay jew  
 I just want someone competent  
 one loser after another is elected president by an uneducated illiterate electorate  
 while the retards cheer because they found a black thats electable.  
 you people are pathetic!  

thisbud4u228 reads

"They found a black that's electable".    He got elected in a landslide not once but twice!    55% of White Caucasians voted for him, not once but twice.

You seriously need help, I mean psychiatric help.    Don't worry, Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions.

She has the education, experience, and is the most qualified candidate running!  

None of the GOP Clowns even come close.

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