Politics and Religion

Re: That is rather....
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2618 reads
1 / 49

...by a POS cop.  The POS cop was too lazy to run after the victim so he shot him in the back five times.  The POS cop then lied to dispatch by claiming he was "in fear for his life" because the victim had taken his Taser.  What the POS cop actually did was to go back and pick up the Taser, then move it thirty feet next to the body of the victim.

The incident happened Sunday.  Today, the POS cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Righties will blame the victim.  They will say he was a "thug" who was driving a Mercedes with a broken taillight, justifying the stop.  Righties will say he was a deadbeat dad who had warrants out for his arrest for back child support.  They will say he shouldn't have run from the cop.  It was his own fault that the POS cop shot him.


A similar incident happened in Los Angeles County in 2012.  A 36 year old man who worked two jobs to support his wife and 3 & 6 year old daughters obeyed L.A. Sheriff Deputies' instructions.  He exited his vehicle and raised his arms.  The POS Sheriff Deputies then shot him five times in the back, same as in South Carolina.

Today it was announced that L.A. County will pay $5.3 million to the family of the victim.  The only difference between the L.A. & S.C. cases is that the S.C. case was caught on tape.  There were no cameras to catch the L.A. killer cops in action. O/W you'd have more cops charged with murder.  

The only bigger POS than the L.A. Sheriff Deputies is the L.A. County D.A.'s office who sucked cop dick and said it was a good shooting.  The L.A. County District Attorney’s office concluded the two deputies “acted in lawful self-defense and defense of another when they used deadly force.”  I'm sure dncphil will defend the D.A as soon as he wipes the cop cum off his chin.


Thank goodness cell phone cameras are ubiquitous these days.  They're going to have to build more prisons to hold all the criminal cops.  Better yet - put them in Gen Pop; they'll get what they deserve.

followme 629 reads
2 / 49

There is certainly video evidence that the cop murdered the victim. Shot him in the back (which is almost as bad as stabbing a person in the back). The cop fired 8 shots and hit him 5 times.

You in your anger, hatred, and distain for all cops do not show or express any sympathy for the victim, his friends and family. Clearly your only intent is to smear all cops/law enforcement, because of this one scumbag cop.

It is you (NOT any righties) who points out that the victim is a thug.
I is you (NOT any righties) who points out that the victim was a deadbeat dad who had warrants out for his arrest for child support.
It is you (NOT righties) who point out he ran from the cop.
And it is you who said, and I quote “It was his own fault that the POS cop shot him.”
The, rightie,  FOX news link your provided did NOT point out any of that.
You in your own post Stab Him In The Back when YOU point out and bring to the forefront all this about the victim. Stabbing a dead man in the back it does not get any lower than that.

Interesting that you link a FOX News Report to your post. Is FOX the only one to FACTUALLY and TRUTHFULLY report this murder.

So yes the cop did commit murder and should go to prison for that crime.

And everyone, except you, feels bad for the victim, his family and friends.

You’re Welcome
For God and Country




-- Modified on 4/8/2015 8:54:21 AM

RRO2610 51 Reviews 731 reads
3 / 49

Neither you nor any bourgeoisie, authoritarian, elitist, racist white hypocrite give a flying fuck about AA cop shooting victims or their families/friends. If you DID these unjustified shootings would stop in a heartbeat because the very rules, precepts, justifications as well as subliminal training and influences would change.  

  What you guys REALLY hate is when a guy like Chris Rock is pulled over for "Driving while Black" and lives to tell about it. One of these days one your trained, racist, homicidal goons is going to bust a cap into a certified, unarmed, AA millionaire/celebrity and the subsequent shit-storm is going to be epic.

Neither being a "thug", a "deadbeat dad" nor "running" from a cop is anywhere NEAR justification for cold blooded murder no matter how many times it is brought up to impugn the victim. And incessantly bringing it up as YOU and the authoritarian "Right" does in their echo chamber is growing quite thin to the rest of us.            
Posted By: followme
There is certainly video evidence that the cop murdered the victim. Shot him in the back (which is almost as bad as stabbing a person in the back). The cop fired 8 shots and hit him 5 times.  
 You in your anger, hatred, and distain for all cops do not show or express any sympathy for the victim, his friends and family. Clearly your only intent is to smear all cops/law enforcement, because of this one scumbag cop.  
 It is you (NOT any righties) who points out that the victim is a thug.  
 I is you (NOT any righties) who points out that the victim was a deadbeat dad who had warrants out for his arrest for child support.  
 It is you (NOT righties) who point out he ran from the cop.  
 And it is you who said, and I quote “It was his own fault that the POS cop shot him.”  
 The, rightie,  FOX news link your provided did NOT point out any of that.  
 You in your own post Stab Him In The Back when YOU point out and bring to the forefront all this about the victim. Stabbing a dead man in the back it does not get any lower than that.  
 Interesting that you link a FOX News Report to your post. Is FOX the only one to FACTUALLY and TRUTHFULLY report this murder.  
 So yes the cop did commit murder and should go to prison for that crime.  
 And everyone, except you, feels bad for the victim, his family and friends.  
 You’re Welcome  
 For God and Country  

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 8:54:21 AM

DUANE 33 Reviews 545 reads
4 / 49

You say "Righties will blame the victim.  They will say he was a "thug" who was driving a Mercedes with a broken taillight, justifying the stop.  Righties will say he was a deadbeat dad who had warrants out for his arrest for back child support.  They will say he shouldn't have run from the cop.  It was his own fault that the POS cop shot him."

If and when that happens please post the link.  If I see it first I will post it.  Then we can all condemn it.
As noted, the FOX link you provided, or the FOX report on it I watched, in no way faulted the victim.

But, at this point all you have done is use this murder into as an excuse to demonstrate your hatred of "righties".

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 569 reads
5 / 49

The cop had  a valid reason to pull the car if his tail light was out.

 The cop had no  reason to shoot a non threatening man in the back for running from police .
  Doesn't mean it won't happen again.
  If the victim had not  run he would most likely  be alive.
  Everyone should know by now, police have killed  defenseless non aggressive  victims of all races  in the past, when the victim was  resisting arrest  by running.
   There are NO crowds of ANY group of people who  are absent of evil, that includes police.
  A vast majority of police are good guys, if not for the police, crime would become unbearable for the majority of all people  
    Perhaps the  victim  shot in the back  was mentally ill,  like victim White Kelly Thomas, beat to death by a gang of police, captured  on nearby security video.
  A person with Mental illness is not guaranteed a bad cop won't shoot  or beat you to death without reason.
      Video of an organized killing by  police is no guarantee of a guilty verdict .  
     Hopefully this cop won't be found not guilty like Kelly Thomas's killers.
 We won't know what the jury will decide until after the fast talking, lying, conniving, defense attorney rests his case, and the  jury decides who they believe.
 Jury might  call it temporary insanity if the killer's attorney finds  Drs. to back that claim.

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 1:45:53 PM

Protein2013 76 Reviews 485 reads
6 / 49

I'm surprised he didn't link George Bush to this incident.

Robertini 4 Reviews 534 reads
7 / 49

and by everything I mean everything on this earth is.  

Is it that it is a police state or that the citizenshrip has gone mad?

Whatever it is LET's RIDE, RIDE, RIDE


Do they have to fight and defend themselves and defend the rest of us?
Do we have have to defend ourselves and fight the likes of them?

But What if I just stay away from all of the madness and don't get involved...
until a stray bullet hits us. But we won't know where it came from as we would be dead.



-- Modified on 4/8/2015 11:56:32 AM

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 12:04:48 PM

Robertini 4 Reviews 439 reads
8 / 49
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 651 reads
9 / 49

...headline pointing out that the cop was white and the victim was black.  My OP didn't mention race at all, other than the word "thug" which is righties new code word for the N word.  Why did your beloved Fox News turn it into a racial issue?

As for saying righties will blame the victim, you're just pissed that I co-opted your argument before you had a chance to use it, lol.

DUANE 33 Reviews 532 reads
10 / 49

But you know, if they ignored the races of the the victim and the officer you'd say they were ignoring the racial undertones.....

as to righties blaming the victim, um no...at least not this one, and as far as I know noone in the media

JohnyComeAlready 510 reads
11 / 49

Isn't that what should happen?... If there wasn't any regulation on automobiles, police officers wouldn't be allowed to lawfully stop a vehicle for an equipment failure.  

If I was you, I wouldn't watch FOX news.

Robertini 4 Reviews 604 reads
12 / 49

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Isn't that what should happen?... If there wasn't any regulation on automobiles, police officers wouldn't be allowed to lawfully stop a vehicle for an equipment failure.  
 If I was you, I wouldn't watch FOX news.

JohnyComeAlready 616 reads
13 / 49

Bourgeoisie, authoritarian, elitist,  - AA millionaire/celebrity  

Can't they be considered birds of a feather?

JohnyComeAlready 480 reads
14 / 49

I've heard of TBS. Are you referring to one of Ted Turner's networks?

Robertini 4 Reviews 580 reads
15 / 49
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 588 reads
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I first read the story days ago, describing a White cop killing an unarmed Black man in Charleston.  
 The  article I read made it look like a justified shooting, fortunately a passer by shot a video  
with  a different cause and ending.  
    I can't say with certainty which channel was  the first to break the story, though I am sure  News reporters often copy other channels stories and catch your attention slogans.
  Unfortunately, racial  discord sells well to the most ignorant, on both sides of the aisle.  

 It will make no difference the bad cop has been charged with murder, there will be protests, riots, with demands the Mayor to be fired.  

FYI ...The term thugs was first used hundreds of years ago in foreign lands.  
  White gangsters in America  were referred to as thugs, long before the ignorant  anti cop mentality, was considered a way of life and  cool,  by fools like you.  


Posted: Apr 04, 2015 11:16 AM EDT  Updated: Apr 06, 2015 6:12 PM EDT  

A traffic stop for a defective brake light led to a fatal officer-involved shooting in North Charleston on Saturday, according to officials with the North Charleston Police Department.

In newly released police reports, NCPD officials say the shooting which took the life of 50-year-old Walter Scott started when a North Charleston police officer, who has been identified as 33-year-old Patrolman First Class Michael Slager, conducted a traffic stop on Scott's car for a brake light that was out and not working.

NCPD spokesman Spencer Pryor said on Monday that Slager, who has been employed with the department since December 2009, has been placed on administrative leave following the incident.

Pryor said Scott was fatally shot following a struggle for the officer's Taser weapon.

"This is part of the job that no one likes and wishes would never happen," North Charleston Police Chief Eddie Driggers said on Saturday. "This type of situation is unfortunate and difficult for everyone. We are confident that SLED will conduct a complete and thorough investigation in to the incident and provide their findings to all concerned."

An NCPD sergeant who was conducting a traffic stop in the area of Dorchester Road and Scarsdale Avenue reported hearing Slager's transmission that he was out on a traffic stop, and a few minutes later heard Slager say he was in a foot pursuit with the driver who was reportedly running down Craig Street toward the Singing Pines subdivision.

The sergeant said he then heard Slager advise dispatch officials the direction of travel and a description of the suspect as a "black male wearing a blue hat and blue jeans."

The sergeant reported that he then discontinued his traffic stop and proceeded to Slager's location. At this point, another officer reported that Slager had requested another unit to "step up his response" to his location.

Slager deployed his Taser weapon to detain the driver but was unsuccessful, Pryor said.

Police say an altercation then began between Slager and Scott resulting in a fight for the officer's Taser.

During the fight, Scott gained control of the Taser to use it against the officer who then fired his service weapon at the suspect, Pryor said.

While en route, the sergeant reported that he heard Slager say that he deployed his Taser and was requesting for back up units, and seconds later reported "shots fired and the subject is down, he took my taser."

The sergeant said he and another officer performed CPR on Scott until EMS units arrived; the other officer also reported that he was also directing EMS and fire officials the best route to take to get to the victim faster.

A police report states when EMS and first responders arrived, EMS took over providing care to Scott who was pronounced dead a short time later.

An NCPD officer reported that he made contact with Slager and secured his duty weapon. The officer said he put Slager in his patrol car and asked him for the approximate area of the incident.

The officer said he then located and marked the shell casings from the incident. The officer reported that he made contact with Scott's brother and secured his cell phone at the request of SLED.

According to police, departmental notifications were made as well as notifications to the Charleston County Coroner's Office.

Workers at Auto Zone across the street say they heard the gunshots.

"The cop pulled someone over, all of sudden the doors swung open," Joseph Sanchez said.

"With in a few minutes EMS was already here," Jonah Perez said.

Perez and Sanchez were just hundreds of feet from the shooting.

"Hopefully it was done for the right reasons, you know?" Sanchez said.

Johnson said the tragedy should not be made any worse.

"I don't want this to become another Ferguson," said Elder Johnson. "I don't want anymore lives to be taken or anyone else to be in jail."

Documents state two complaints were filed against Slager including an incident for using a taser on a suspect in 2013. Slager was cleared in that incident.  

Slager was also given a warning for not filling out a police report earlier this year for a woman who claimed she was harassed by a neighbor.  


Posted By: BigPapasan
...headline pointing out that the cop was white and the victim was black.  My OP didn't mention race at all, other than the word "thug" which is righties new code word for the N word.  Why did your beloved Fox News turn it into a racial issue?

As for saying righties will blame the victim, you're just pissed that I co-opted your argument before you had a chance to use it, lol.

mattradd 40 Reviews 449 reads
19 / 49

That's a very important part of research design, and can invalidate the researcher's findings.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 603 reads
20 / 49

Someone  in North Charleston police department should be fired for incompetence.  
  If  Internal affairs/investigators  had done their  job and performed an adequate investigation on Slager, instead of allowing a cover up, when Slager roughed up,  unnecessarily tazed a  5'5" man, mistaking him for his 6'+ brother, Slager  wouldn't have been on the force, able and willing to kill an unarmed man.  


Timbow 519 reads
21 / 49

Posted By: quadseasonal
 The cop had  a valid reason to pull the car if his tail light was out.  
  The cop had no  reason to shoot a non threatening man in the back for running from police .  
   Doesn't mean it won't happen again.  
   If the victim had not  run he would most likely  be alive.  
   Everyone should know by now, police have killed  defenseless non aggressive  victims of all races  in the past, when the victim was  resisting arrest  by running.  
    There are NO crowds of ANY group of people who  are absent of evil, that includes police.  
   A vast majority of police are good guys, if not for the police, crime would become unbearable for the majority of all people  
     Perhaps the  victim  shot in the back  was mentally ill,  like victim White Kelly Thomas, beat to death by a gang of police, captured  on nearby security video.  
   A person with Mental illness is not guaranteed a bad cop won't shoot  or beat you to death without reason.  
       Video of an organized killing by  police is no guarantee of a guilty verdict .  
      Hopefully this cop won't be found not guilty like Kelly Thomas's killers.  
  We won't know what the jury will decide until after the fast talking, lying, conniving, defense attorney rests his case, and the  jury decides who they believe.  
  Jury might  call it temporary insanity if the killer's attorney finds  Drs. to back that claim.  

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 1:45:53 PM
-- Modified on 4/9/2015 7:22:04 AM

JohnyComeAlready 626 reads
22 / 49
JohnyComeAlready 524 reads
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BP,  why do you only blame the police officers, and not the judges, prosecutors, and attorneys? They play a role in the overall criminal justice system. I understand the police, are the ones who pull the trigger. Blaming the police ONLY, is like blaming the lowest entity on the totem pole, the others that I mentioned give the police the authority to commit their crime's.

JohnyComeAlready 463 reads
26 / 49

I didn't read that part of your post, as I thought it was irrelevant to the SC incident. Along with being disrespectful to the man killed in SC

mattradd 40 Reviews 597 reads
27 / 49

a simple question. A question I ask myself every time I read a research study. Why? Because the n in the research design stands for the sample size of research subjects. And, the size of the n, from what portion of the population they were chosen from, and by what means, can determine the degree of generalization that can be made, of the researchers findings, to the great population.

"Along with civilians and military personnel who were tested independently, 36 patrol officers and deputies from the Spokane area, all of them white and most of them male, were selected as volunteer subjects for her research. They ranged in age from 31 to 43 and had at least five years on the job."

So, given that the remainder of the research design is solid, which we cannot, without reading the full research study, we have our n. However, can the results be generalized to all then law enforcement community as a whole?

"James considers her research to be a pilot study and as such she plans to expand it numerically and geographically before feeling confident that the findings can be extrapolated to sworn law enforcement generally. In work that is already underway, she hopes among other things to investigate whether this finding is replicated across larger and more diverse law enforcement samples, and if so, to 'determine whether bias favoring Black suspects is a consequence of administrative measures (e.g., education, training, policies, and laws), and identify the cognitive processes that underlie this phenomenon.'”  

In her own words, no!  ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 461 reads
28 / 49
JohnyComeAlready 395 reads
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Your biggest joy in life consists of following murder cases/death investigations which may or may not be racially motivated. That is what you enjoy, that is some sad shit.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 450 reads
30 / 49

...lawyers don't shy away from cases when the odds are stacked against them.  Lawyers like Dick DeGuerin and Stephen Jones relish taking on cases like killer cop Michael Slager's. Andy Savage may not be quite as good as DeGuerin and Jones but he's a helluva lot better than Slager's chickenshit first lawyer.

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 12:07:13 AM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 535 reads
31 / 49

...he's gonna be found guilty of murder, and he's gonna spend the rest of his days trying to avoid getting his ass pounded by a big black guy named Leroy.

wrps07 471 reads
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bigguy30 593 reads
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The more cops that are charge and arrested for doing things like this clown ex cop.

Then they will think twice about using their guns so fast.

This video makes me sick!
Posted By: wrps07
Glad it was filmed for the world to see.

mattradd 40 Reviews 539 reads
34 / 49
followme 507 reads
35 / 49

Racist of the two of you.

I'm not surprised.

You're Welcom

mattradd 40 Reviews 463 reads
36 / 49
JohnyComeAlready 444 reads
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That would be actual justice, provided he is found guilty.

followme 632 reads
38 / 49

Of every race wanting to get a piece of him.

You, Bigmatt and  willy showed your racist side by using those two names and associated them with black men.

You're welcome
2016 = GOP all the way

inicky46 61 Reviews 594 reads
39 / 49

Did you think while you were gone they'd come back under control?  Do you think the cops care if you're on vacation?  More to the point, do you think we care if you were on vacation?  Why did you feel the need to tell us this?

Timbow 656 reads
40 / 49

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
That would be actual justice, provided he is found guilty.

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 10:12:28 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 389 reads
41 / 49

And, a very good chance that some of them will be named Leroy. Some black and some white. And, some with the nickname Bubba!   ;)

JohnyComeAlready 435 reads
42 / 49

With you guys and the sexist rape jokes.  

Do you think rape is an acceptable form of punishment?

I'm fairly certain that Willy was talking about an ass whipping, I also heard a leftist say a sexist rape joke on television.

ed2000 31 Reviews 465 reads
43 / 49

In the face of zero supporting evidence you think you know exactly how an entire group or class of people will react, what they will say and what they will do.

The term for your for your affliction is called bigotry

JohnyComeAlready 487 reads
44 / 49

There is no way that officer can be convicted of premeditated murder.

I'm not even sure what charges he is facing. The liberal media never says, they almost want to say he was justified in his actions. I think the liberal does not like the fact he has been charged at all.

bigguy30 519 reads
45 / 49

We have been talking about these bad cops for a while now and even while I was on vacation.

I can't get away from these bad cops breaking the law and killing people with no weapons.

So hopefully more of these killer cops get lock up and they start paying the price for breaking the law themselves.
Posted By: inicky46
Did you think while you were gone they'd come back under control?  Do you think the cops care if you're on vacation?  More to the point, do you think we care if you were on vacation?  Why did you feel the need to tell us this?

inicky46 61 Reviews 512 reads
46 / 49
followme 534 reads
47 / 49

We are all looking forward to your next vacation.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All the Way

BTW nicky did not like his post.... as you do yours

bigguy30 445 reads
48 / 49

I really don't care with you think anyway.
We all know why you are still bitter! Lol

Posted By: inicky46
And then "liking" your own posts.

bigguy30 614 reads
49 / 49

So I could care less if you like my comments or not.
You can't get the points anyway. Lol

Posted By: followme
We are all looking forward to your next vacation.  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP All the Way  
 BTW nicky did not like his post.... as you do yours

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