Politics and Religion

Re: Thank you for demonstrating more of your great education, especially regarding logic and math. .
Mr.M.Johnson 333 reads

#1 - Actually, I'm a very good listener.! - at least with people who actually make a tad bit of sense - this excludes you!

#2 - I wasn't interested in addressing your points!🙂. I simply stated my opinion and don't care about yours!

#3 - I'm NOT blaming other people for my problems!  I don't have ANY problems🙂

#4 - I don't care if you believe me!

#5 - No, I don't sell shoes.  My listening skills have enabled me to earn a LOTTA $$$ - to the point that you wish you made the square root of what I make.

#6 -  you're right about NOTHING....except spell-checking

Mr.M.Johnson4633 reads

Syria, Russia, N.Korea, China etc.??   I sure-as-Hell don't.  There's a slight difference between running a family owned real estate/golf club business and negotiating w/Putin, China, N.Korea etc.  This ain't a game for fucking virgins...

TwoMints220 reads

The Junior Senator from Illinois was dealing with the exact same issues? A guy with no world experience at all. None. Zilch Zip.    

Tell me which of these countries respected the US after 8 years of Obama?  

We could have had Hillary, by now we might have WW3 going on. Glad that didn't happen..

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Syria, Russia, N.Korea, China etc.??   I sure-as-Hell don't.  There's a slight difference between running a family owned real estate/golf club business and negotiating w/Putin, China, N.Korea etc.  This ain't a game for fucking virgins...

Posted By: TwoMints
Tell me which of these countries respected the US after 8 years of Obama?
Not sure if serious. In Spring 2016, a Pew Research study found that 77% of Europeans expressed confidence in Obama's ability regarding world affairs, vs 85% having no confidence in Trump.

The world opinion of Trump is that he is a laughingstock. This is supported by data.

The worst terrorist attack on our soil happened under the watch of a Republican President, ex-Governor of Texas, a politician, not in one place but three places.  NYC, DC & PA.

The country was safe for 8 years under a Community Organizer.

Get your bearings, switch your body so your ass shows up behind you, not in front.

Mr.M.Johnson430 reads

Junior Senator didn't over-react to a Wag-the-Dog.  Junior Senator kept us outta wars. Junior Senator kept us fucking safe for 8 years.  

Trump has no fucking game-plan.  He doesn't even realize that Putin and Assad are Teammates

TwoMints226 reads

You think the ISIS founder kept us out of wars?  

You now think because we dropped a few bombs we are at war?  

You can't be that stupid.

The U.S. dropped 26,171 bombs last year,  3,027 more than 2015.

According to an analysis of Defense Department data from the Council on Foreign Relations, a non-partisan think tank, the majority of the bombs were dropped in Iraq and Syria. The U.S. leads an international coalition fighting the Islamic State group in both countries and has carried out air operations in attempt to reduce the area controlled by the terrorist organization.

Nearly the same amount of bombs were dropped in Syria (12,192) and Iraq (12,095) last year.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Junior Senator didn't over-react to a Wag-the-Dog.  Junior Senator kept us outta wars. Junior Senator kept us fucking safe for 8 years.    
 Trump has no fucking game-plan.  He doesn't even realize that Putin and Assad are Teammates

Mr.M.Johnson477 reads

#2 - No, we're NOT "at war because we dropped a few bombs."  That's exactly my point, moron!
#3 - therefore, according to you, this makes me smart!

I don't consider dropping bombs on Syria and Iraq to be a war!  Syria and Iraq ain't at war w/us - there is zero threat from Syria and Iraq on the U.S.  I call this policing, not a fucking war.

Big difference!

-- Modified on 4/12/2017 11:16:32 AM

“Junior Senator (Obama) kept us out of wars”? How do you keep a straight face saying such things? Even the LA Times disagrees.


Bush may have planted the explosives vis-à-vis Iraq but it was Obama that lit the fuse and then ran like hell. Obama’s disengaged violence and his failed diplomacy regarding the Arab Spring has got us where we are. I’ll be quiet for a moment waiting for you to respond with the expected nothing bad has happened during the last 8 years.

**whistling tune to Jeopardy**

Have you thought up your cogent response yet?
Does it include the U.S. military deaths under Obama, especially those in Afghanistan?

And to answer your question. . . .
I do not feel safe and secure right now. Given the world situation, who would? Is Trump aggravating things? Yea, at least for the short term, but I think the longer term prospects look better now than they have for many years. Did I feel safe and secure under Obama? Not very much either, but with Obama I saw no progress being made that was improving the situation. Actually quite the opposite. I saw our long term prospects for safety and security going right down the shitter. I can’t think of one geopolitical strategic decision he made that I agree with, again just the opposite. Some tactical ones OK, but none strategic. Now we are taking some short term risks and yes there’s a chance that one of Trump’s tactics might sour but the strategic upside probabilities certainly seem worth it, at least for now.

The Defense Secretary with large tea bags under his eyes looks more like he belongs in a nursing home and not at the Pentagon.   He is warning Syria about Chemical weapons.   Does he even know it is relayed to Moscow first before it reaches Syria?

Who the world sees as all bark no bite, a paper tiger. At least with Clinton there was some fear, a respect for her. The Russians hater her, because they feared her. trump,the world see him as a unstable and probably unreliable.  
Syria, Russia, N.Korea, China, Yeman, you name it, they're ready to take our lunch money.

China Threatens To Bomb North Korea's Nuclear Facilities If It Crosses Beijing's "Bottom Line". First we have the US and now China threatening North Korea. I have to wonder if both nations are planning to use this a field test and demonstration of new weapons systems ?


Well, what the Trumpettes don't understand is, how does one negotiate with someone with who you can't trust what they say? What world leader would trust what Trump says? No, I don't feel safe and secure at all.

-- Modified on 4/12/2017 9:17:57 AM

Mr.M.Johnson283 reads

A reason that he constantly lies is that he says things that he wishes were true, rather than what's actually true.  "My crowd was bigger than Obama's."  "It's a gorgeous day with no clouds" - as he stands there getting rained on.  "3 million illegal voters in California - w/o them I win the popular vote."  

When he speaks he's talking to 10th graders - simple short 1-2 syllable words.  This is because he's still campaigning!  Besides fucking loyal Repubs who would vote for Putin or Assad if they were running for POTUS, Trump's constituency is uneducated low information mainly rural people - he talks to them on their level.

He's SO FAR IN OVER HIS HEAD in "negotiating" with foreign leaders it's laughable AND embarrassing.  How did the wall negotiations w/Mexico go?  Mexico said "hell no, we ain't paying for your fucking wall."  How did his negotiations with his Republican House on RyanCare go?  He couldn't even "negotiate" a deal w/them.   Now, he says to China, "if you don't fix N.Korea, we will and, we'll hammer you (China) on trade policies."  China is laughing-out-loud, which is rare since Chinese people are stoic.  EVERY foreign leader is thinking "WTF happened to America to make them elect this guy?"  "We know a blow-hard when we hear one!

Sad......sad, but true

With so many ways and means available to disparage Trump legitimately, why do you continue to make stuff up as you did in your first 2 points. They strike a glancing blow near reality but of course they are not the truth.  

This is the second time I've seen you reference uneducated rural people. I truly am curious. How are you arranging or deriving that subset? Are rural people generally uneducated or are you referring to rural people who are also uneducated?

Mr.M.Johnson527 reads

Trump won 3 states - MI, PA and WI by ~70,000 votes  
Michigan.  2,279,543 to 2,268,543 = 10,704 (.2%)  
PA.           2,970,733 to 2,926,441 = 44,292 (.7%)  
WI.           1,405,284 to 1,382,536 = 12,748 (.7%)  
These 3 states total 46 electoral college votes.  Without Putin and without Comey Hillary wins these 3 states and the election bigly hhuuuuugely.  
Call him Mr.Illegitment President  

re: rural voters: Trump won these almost 75-25.  And, yes, most rural voters are uneducated - fucking google it if you don't fucking know this.  It's the coal minors and mfg. workers in the above states that drank Trump's kool-aide that swung the election.  These people were promised that Trump will "Make insurance great and cheaper and everyone will keep their insurance." And "your jobs are coming back"



and would of course love to change the subject, plus now your probable bigotry (or at least lack of knowledge) is showing.  

Of course you haven't shared exactly what you mean by uneducated so let me educate you. The most rudimentary definition of uneducated would be a high school drop out or less. In that regard, rural America is only slightly less educated than urban America 15% to 13% (2015 USDA stats). Looking at those with high school only degrees, rural wins over urban 36% to 26%. Some college, oops, rural slightly on top 22% to 21%. Associate degree? Sorry, rural wins again 9% to 8%. Bachelors and above is held handily by urban 33% to 19%. But that's still only a 14 percentage point advantage. Compared to urban dwellers, no rational person would classify rural folks as uneducated. Slightly LESS? Sure but "UN"? Hardly.

So your classification that rural America is uneducated is simply a claim not worth the parchment you wish you could write it on. Speaking of which, maybe it's time we question your parchment or at least where it came from. Are you sure it was from a legitimate institution? Not to get all BP or Jake on you but since you are claiming to be smarter than most everyone, it's spelled illegitimate not illigitamate as in your post above.

But back to your mistakes. If you'd ever care to understand the damage you and other "illigitamateers" are doing to America we could have quite an interesting discussion. (Yea, I just coined that word. It's a take off on birther if you missed it.) Until then you better retreat to whatever Safe Space you can find so I don't drive you crazy. That is funny though because I know you're not a Millennial yet you think you need protection from me. (see link). You don't need protection. You need an education.


-- Modified on 4/13/2017 12:43:30 AM

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 2:00:48 AM

Mr.M.Johnson385 reads

MY definition of "uneducated" is no college degree and/or no associates degree, and, more importantly, "blue collar" workers, which are typically low information people.  People that carnival-barker, conman can con with his lies etc.:

"Your jobs are coming back." (He's obviously talking coal and mfg plant jobs....aka blue collar jobs)
"Come play my game - everyone wins"
"Insurance will be better, and cheaper and EVERYONE keeps there insurance."  And now, of course, Conman is backing Ryan Care which drops 24 million from their insurance.
"Three shots for $5 - make one and you'll win $25 - you can't lose"
"Mexico will pay for the wall"

It's the rural, uneducated, low information, blue collar workers who bought conman's lies and swung the election.  Trump won rural voters ~75-25.  Rural voters are less educated, and more blue collar, and less informed and have lower incomes.  Hillary won urban areas, ConMan won rural ares



Hopefully, these people will hold carnival-barker accountable in 2018 when coman is 0 for 3 on his promises.

I can only hope!

Posted By: ed2000
and would of course love to change the subject, plus now your probable bigotry (or at least lack of knowledge) is showing.    
 Of course you haven't shared exactly what you mean by uneducated so let me educate you. The most rudimentary definition of uneducated would be a high school drop out or less. In that regard, rural America is only slightly less educated than urban America 15% to 13% (2015 USDA stats). Looking at those with high school only degrees, rural wins over urban 36% to 26%. Some college, oops, rural slightly on top 22% to 21%. Associate degree? Sorry, rural wins again 9% to 8%. Bachelors and above is held handily by urban 33% to 19%. But that's still only a 14 percentage point advantage. Compared to urban dwellers, no rational person would classify rural folks as uneducated. Slightly LESS? Sure but "UN"? Hardly.  
 So your classification that rural America is uneducated is simply a claim not worth the parchment you wish you could write it on. Speaking of which, maybe it's time we question your parchment or at least where it came from. Are you sure it was from a legitimate institution? Not to get all BP or Jake on you but since you are claiming to be smarter than most everyone, it's spelled illegitimate not illigitamate as in your post above.  
 But back to your mistakes. If you'd ever care to understand the damage you and other "illigitamateers" are doing to America we could have quite an interesting discussion. (Yea, I just coined that word. It's a take off on birther if you missed it.) Until then you better retreat to whatever Safe Space you can find so I don't drive you crazy. That is funny though because I know you're not a Millennial yet you think you need protection from me. (see link). You don't need protection. You need an education.  
 -- Modified on 4/13/2017 12:43:30 AM

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 2:00:48 AM

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 4:15:02 PM

None of your links even attempt to support your assertion that rural America is UNEDUCATED. And by your own very disingenuous definition, which by the way you would be hard pressed to get 3 people to agree, Urban educated people (associate degree or greater) are less than half of the total urban population at 41%. Rural educated people (same definition) are 32% of the total rural population. Not really a huge difference.

Or to look at your point from a different perspective, 59% of the urban population is UNEDUCATED while in the rural population it amounts to 68%. Not that much different YET YOU ONLY PICK ON THE RURAL POPULATION. WHY? Because they didn't vote the way you thought appropriate. Think about it. Then Google the word bigot or maybe watch an episode or two of Duck Dynasty.

Now you are running as fast as possible from your original flat assertion that rural people are uneducated. You won't even attempt to defend it. Maybe you need to Google flat assertion first as we all know that Google is the first source of information for the educated.

The sorry thing is that I could and would agree with much of what you said and say but it seems you simply can't resist the urge to take most of your arguments that extra step or two where you then fall right off the cliff.  

Maybe if you exercised your illigitamateer beliefs just one more time we might "get it".

Mr.M.Johnson371 reads

It's really REALLY straight-forward and simple!🙂  Rural people, per ALL statistics, are less educated, earn less money, and have more blue collar jobs proportionally than urban people - simple fact-of-life/statistics - one of my links said EXACTLY that!  (It ain't black-and-white: some educated people live in rural areas and have white collar jobs, and some uneducated people live in urban ares and have blue collar jobs, but, it's a statistical theng).

And statistically, more uneducated people are less informed than educated people.  Again, not ALL uneducated people are uninformed, and not ALL educated people are informed - again a statistical theng.

As usual, Ed, you miss the main point, and focus on my spelling errors etc.! I'm NOT biased against the rural blue collar uneducated low information people!  I'm understanding their plight and why they voted the way that they did!  Many lost their mfg/coal jobs and they are desperate, and voted for the Carnival-Barker/ConMan's con! They believed ConMan's "promise" of "your jobs are coming back and you won't lose your insurance."  I doubt that either of these will happen!  These people swung the election

Here's another statistical theng: Try and pay attention!  It only took ~40,000 of these rural uneducated low information voters to realize that Trump was fucking lying about their jobs coming back!  Just 40,000 which was ~.6%! It's statistically irrelevant that there are fewer educated than uneducated voters.  Carnival-barker was able to "sell" his con to just enuff low information uneducated desperate voters to win...It's called target marketing Ed! - focus on where you can win! - and Trump succeeded....unfortunately!

BTW, I don't FUCKING care about the Webster Dictionary of "educated."  My definition is "job/status."  People who had a poor job/status, on average, voted for ConMan because they drank his Kool-Aide of "your jobs are coming back etc.". People who had a decent/good job/status, on average, voted for Hillary.

Again, please PLEASE try and understand statistics - it's NOT black-and-white, it's "averages"

My Bottom-Line, lemme repeat myself, My BOTTOM-LINE is that a lotta people voted for ConMan's cons and they will be VERY DISAPPOINTED


You finally got around to conveying more precisely the point that I'm pretty sure you were attempting to make all along. Of course the message you now convey is NOT what you said originally.

The English language can be at times imprecise and your use of flat assertions prevents any nuance you were expecting to communicate. I wasn't confused earlier. I simply and accurately interpreted what you said. I do understand you disagree. It's probably your past history of abusing the flat assertion that set me off again.  

While it's not nearly so simple as you portray, I agree that education levels were one of the more important demographics in Trump's win over Clinton. BTW, a lot of lesser educated people voted for Clinton as well, but for different reasons I believe. Obviously, my present beef is your contention that rural populations are uneducated. Your threshold of a college degree is required in order to be educated is incredulous but it's your right to maintain that opinion. Everyone has the right to be wrong regardless the source (or lack) of their diploma.

Mr.M.Johnson327 reads

And you go in circles until it's incomptrehensible and impossible to follow!

As I said in my OP "Trump is Illigitamate due to Russia meddling AND Comey which helped him Winn the election by winning 3 states by 77K votes.  I also said that he won the rural vote ~75-25.  And rural voters are much less college educated than urban voters.  (I didn't say ALL rural voters are not college educated and I didn't say all urban voters are college educated).  We're talking "margins," not absolutes.  Carnival-barker ConMan was able to convince many - not all - many uneducated people - that only he can MAGA.  Since they're less/uneducated they are more gullible.  All it took was 40,000 rural voters out of millions to vote for Hillary instead of Trump and we'd have a different president.   Yes, IMO, less than at least acollege degree or perhaps an associates degree, is "uneducated" -  I simply don't care if you don't like my definition!  Per your fucking scientific evidence/charts, 10% of rural voters  

Russia meddling had to cost Hillary WAY MORE than 40,000 votes.
Comey's letters in the last 2 weeks cost Hillary 2-3% per 538 and others.  2-3% is 4-6 TIMES 40,000 votes
Trump's conman lies got him close to Hillary.  Gullible uneducated rural voters bought his "sales pitch" because many of them lost their coal/mfg jobs and Trump promised to bring 'em back and/or they want better jobs/healthcare, which, Trump promised AND which ain't gonna fucking happen

In horse racing this is called the Trifeta - Trump needed all 3 of the above to win.  Just two of these weren't enuff

BTW, I did NOT say that ALL people with just a high school degree are gullible!  I said that they are more likely to be gullible.  I have 3 consultants who work for me who have no more than a high school diploma and they are "rock stars" in our industry - they are as well known and expected as LeBron James, and Tom Brady.  And I'm sure that there are MIT Physics PhD's who are gullible!

Ed, do you fucking understand "on average," "on margin," and "probability?"

To sum it up for you, Trump won rural voters 75-25. - many of which are uneducated and gullible.  Had Hillary lost these voters 73-27, she wins bigly

Given that you believe you are the smart person here, your focus on my correction of your spelling is amusing. And you can’t even put your post in the correct place to address me. LOL

Have you ever wondered, or even noticed that I’ve addressed nearly all of the points you’ve made (even the ones where you attempt to change the subject) yet you’ve ignored most of mine?  I already agreed with most of your clarifications and corrections but I given the placement of your most recent post I bet you never even read mine. All you clarifications and corrections are fine, except for one thing, your present stance is not what you stated originally.

Maybe your future endeavors to communicate here with be as carefully crafted as your most recent. We can only hope.

bigguy30230 reads

So that explains everything about him and his mindset.

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 3:21:06 PM

Mr.M.Johnson212 reads

I try and ignore him, but, sometimes I can't...I just fucking can't!  He's a combination of comic-relief and irrelevant and clueless.  3 for 3!

He NEVER has anything intelligent to say - he just spell-checks and grammar-checks:   Sad

For all your supposed training in logical thinking you haven't actually engaged in a true dialogue with anyone here. All you ever do is preach. Your listening skills really suck. I'm sure that's not the first time you've heard that. You can't even recognize a bit of sarcasm and irony regarding a very minor point that illustrated your lack of proper spelling. Instead, you continue to focus on the minutia while ignoring larger points of your lack of critical thinking. It's understandable that you choose not to address almost every point I've ever made to you under your guise of you simply can't understand what is being stated.  Most likely it's because you can't justify your own reasoning when it's held up to the simplest of critiques. Blaming other people for your problems is a common thread that runs throughout most or your writing. Your thinking is so clouded and angry you can't even acknowledge (or maybe can't recognize) when I've actually agreed with you. Why is it so impossible for you to simply stand up and admit when you are wrong? Since you can't, maybe the best thing for you to do is just sit down and be quiet. Or maybe just go back to selling whatever it was. . . .shoes was it?

And you or anyone trying to convince BG to do ANYTHING? Now that is hilarious.

You wish you could ignore me but on some level you know I'm right.

Mr.M.Johnson334 reads

#1 - Actually, I'm a very good listener.! - at least with people who actually make a tad bit of sense - this excludes you!

#2 - I wasn't interested in addressing your points!🙂. I simply stated my opinion and don't care about yours!

#3 - I'm NOT blaming other people for my problems!  I don't have ANY problems🙂

#4 - I don't care if you believe me!

#5 - No, I don't sell shoes.  My listening skills have enabled me to earn a LOTTA $$$ - to the point that you wish you made the square root of what I make.

#6 -  you're right about NOTHING....except spell-checking

For someone that doesn’t care, you sure to spend a lot of time with a thread that has almost fallen off the SECOND page. Rational people that don’t care are able to “let go.”

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
#1 - Actually, I'm a very good listener.! - at least with people who actually make a tad bit of sense - this excludes you!
Listener? You haven’t accepted one piece of fact or criticism from anyone on this board since you arrived. You haven’t even acknowledged that any was offered.
Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
#2 - I wasn't interested in addressing your points!🙂. I simply stated my opinion and don't care about yours!
Which is it? Not interested or you can’t understand them? You understood then perfectly well. Complaining you couldn’t understand was an obvious deflection proven by the fact that now you’ve altered your reasoning. But then again, altering your reasoning is par for the course you play.
Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
#3 - I'm NOT blaming other people for my problems!  I don't have ANY problems🙂
Show me a man with zero problems and I’ll so you someone that is either dead or totally blind to his surroundings. Remember that bubble I earlier suggested you reside in? I’m sure you do OK when you confine yourself to the interior of the self-constraint you’ve defined for yourself. I think a major problem you have is not being able to recognize when you’ve ventured outside.
Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
#4 - I don't care if you believe me!
Misquoting again. I never said anything resembling whether I believe you or I don’t believe you. I actually said I agreed with you. Again, if you don’t care then why bother with a response?
Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
#5 - No, I don't sell shoes.  My listening skills have enabled me to earn a LOTTA $$$ - to the point that you wish you made the square root of what I make.
No room for even a little humor? Again with the square root analogy. Doesn’t that get old for you? Surely you can come up with something better. How about something with Avogadro’s number? That would be really dramatic. It’s quite presumptuous of you to think you know my present financial status or desires but I bet BP will think he can help you out with that.

Actually my attempt at humor had nothing to do you your financial status but rather it was a suggested pursuit or undertaking of the caliber that you might find interesting and challenging. I’m sure there’s a lot of money to be made selling shoes but it appears your mind went quicker to Al Bundy.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
#6 -  you're right about NOTHING....except spell-checking
So none of my conclusions were correct? Not even those where I agreed with you? You are so full of hatred, anger or fear, but I can’t figure out which or what mixture.  

All I can say is thank GOD for the DNC email leaks and that the FBI did its job (sort of). I know you are adverse to the truth so you blame the messenger. Comey and I aren’t that much different when it comes to you. Thanks for listening.

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