Politics and Religion

Re: I'd say
followme 392 reads

Less stupid is the more appropriate term in this case.

Thank you  

BTW I’ve not seen BLS post in the past week or so (not that, that is a bad thing and I’m not complaining) did he get shit canned for being stupid….well more stupid than usual

followme2150 reads

hat obama may have gotten himself a pair of balls.    

I just wonder who he borrowed them from and when does he have to give them back?

2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

Biden 2012: Romney Wants to Go to War with Syria
Joe (Been to a Dunkin' Donut lately?) Biden mocked Mitt Romney’s foreign policy during the 2012 presidential campaign — but Obama-approved air strikes in Syria, which commenced Monday evening, suggest that the administration is coming around to the position of the former GOP nominee.

“He [Romney] said it was a mistake to end the war in Iraq and bring all of our warriors home,” Biden told an audience in York, Penn., on September 2, 2012. “He said it was a mistake to set an end date for our warriors in Afghanistan and bring them home. He implies by the speech that he’s ready to go to war in Syria and Iran.”

Biden also scoffed at Romney for his tough talk about Russia: “He wants to move from cooperation to confrontation with Putin’s Russia. And these guys say the president’s out of touch?”

Honey? Where's my reset button?


Uses disparaging language about Jews and Asians, but he's a Democrat so it's no biggie. But I'm still pulling for the buffoon to get the 2016 nomination. Go ahead democrats, don't let me down. LOL!

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Biden 2012: Romney Wants to Go to War with Syria  
 Joe (Been to a Dunkin' Donut lately?) Biden mocked Mitt Romney’s foreign policy during the 2012 presidential campaign — but Obama-approved air strikes in Syria, which commenced Monday evening, suggest that the administration is coming around to the position of the former GOP nominee.  
 “He [Romney] said it was a mistake to end the war in Iraq and bring all of our warriors home,” Biden told an audience in York, Penn., on September 2, 2012. “He said it was a mistake to set an end date for our warriors in Afghanistan and bring them home. He implies by the speech that he’s ready to go to war in Syria and Iran.”  
 Biden also scoffed at Romney for his tough talk about Russia: “He wants to move from cooperation to confrontation with Putin’s Russia. And these guys say the president’s out of touch?”  
 Honey? Where's my reset button?  

laughing like some fucking drunk weirdo during a debate on live TV?  You have to wonder, did people just temporarily lose their minds when they got in the voting booth?

You're dealing with the smartest man in the room...lol. Like you morons know shit...hahaha. Bitch, bitch bitch, it's what you do here.......now this is some funny shit here. And yes, I'm laughing at you not with you.

Now that is funny!!

Posted By: hpygolky
You're dealing with the smartest man in the room...lol. Like you morons know shit...hahaha. Bitch, bitch bitch, it's what you do here.......now this is some funny shit here. And yes, I'm laughing at you not with you.

GaGambler437 reads

As long as there is only him and Biden in that room.

followme393 reads

Less stupid is the more appropriate term in this case.

Thank you  

BTW I’ve not seen BLS post in the past week or so (not that, that is a bad thing and I’m not complaining) did he get shit canned for being stupid….well more stupid than usual

86H13LTP416 reads

and irrigation ditches.  

You guys should replace the bear on your flag with a smelt

It looks more like the Military Industrial Complex has taken control of him as it had done the half dozen previous Presidents.  

 No matter climate change, unemployment, economy, wealth disparity, civil rights, national debt, or how pressing ANY other problems are there ALWAYS seems to be resources and impetus to "BOMB" the shit out of somebody.  

  Congress is temporarily coming back from vacation to discuss and vote on "White House" security in light of the recent 'fence jumper'. but to vote on whether ISIS is a valid reason to wage "War" seems to be of far less concern.

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