Politics and Religion

Re: How Is It That Churches Still Remain Tax Exempt?
harryj 1924 reads

You forgot early retirement. So called "educators" have manuevered themselves into the position of being sacred cows when they they are really only sheep fleecers. The only thing "professional" about them is in their shearing skills.

HeathenHeterodox2254 reads

If you don't give all due reverence to our loving God he'll throw you in the lake of fire and let you burn in agony for all eternity.

DrFill2579 reads

Look, if the FLDS can get tax exempt status for molesting teenagers, you have to ask, "WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?"

I mean, I could never get the molesting teenagers thing down.  My HS GF tells me the other day that she only wished I had molested her more seriously when we were 16.  Talk about a wasted life!

Start a sex education institute.  Get yourself a couple of online degrees (you should probably be able to get credit for watching YouPorn) and the KEY HERE IS get an expert - an expert is defined as somebody who talks more than anybody wants to listen.  So you get yourself an expert who says you're good, and he's your secret weapon when they come to shut you down.

The hell with the scientologists.  The FLDS are MY heros.   They take teens who are naturally hot and hide them in those burkas, so nobody gets onto them.   And they don't have any of this 4 per limit like the muslims.

SimpleCountryLawyer2378 reads

there's no sense fighting people over something they are going to be crazy about, so we should better just stay out of it.

Most people find it goddamned handy to be WILDLY irrational about one mythology or another.

NOTICE that they are usually careful to pick some bullshit that doesn't make a difference.  I mean, who the hell cares how the world started?  It's just something to argue about when you're bored.

So it's pretty much a form of mass hysteria.  "We're all going to be crazy about this or that, and then we'll fight the other crazies, because birth control is WAY too easy."

Why is it tax exempt?  Simple.  Because you don't want to mess with crazy people.

Tucker Max2041 reads

To pay settlements to the flocks they have fleeced. You know, all that priestly buggery does have a price.

Engenious_Economist4498 reads

Because if God printed money, there would be runaway inflation.

BuckFush!2167 reads

That Satan's spawn, GW "The Idiot" Bush created.

What about colleges? Loaded with cushy jobs, free tuition for family members, free use of the health club, unbelievable vacations, sabbaticals, tenure, professional status PLUS unions, makes the baseball union look like sissies. A sap like me w/4 kids and an ex-wife can go in the hole $200K for T&R&B without batting an eye. The church doesn't cost me a dime because I don't go. But, religous people tend to be on the right, and phoney baloney academics on the left, so that's why you never hear anyone bitching about the colleges tax free fuck fest.

Bushit-eater1905 reads

cause we're too fucking dumb to tell bullshit from good shit!   Accounting and Anglicans both begin with A, and science and scientology both begin with S, so how is a Republican supposed to know the difference?

harryj1925 reads

You forgot early retirement. So called "educators" have manuevered themselves into the position of being sacred cows when they they are really only sheep fleecers. The only thing "professional" about them is in their shearing skills.

Sen_Craig1324 reads

It is much better to be an ignorant & stupid butt-humping Republicon than an educated & liberal Democrat any day of the week!

Bushit-eater4873 reads

There's nothing better than eating Bushit!

Unless maybe it's sending your kid down to church to be molested!

The real question would be ...Why would anyone want to tax the Church, when they do so much more for the poor and down and out than anyone??..

GaGambler1416 reads

I don't know about doing "for" the poor and down and out, but they sure are tops about "doing" the poor and down and out.

Churches are the only organizations I know of that are permitted to take the very last penny from the poorest of the poor without the slightest criticism, much less consequences for their actions.

I don't know about doing "for" the poor and down and out, but they sure are tops about "doing" the poor and down and out.

"Churches are the only organizations I know of that are permitted to take the very last penny from the poorest of the poor without the slightest criticism, much less consequences for their actions".

 I agree with you partly because there are some churches that do squeeze as much as possible out everything  out of anyone they can, poor or not... The Church I was forced to attend comes specifically to mind ..I can only imagine the amount of riches that are in the Vatican....Maybe we could just tax the Catholic Church since they are more like a big business than the others.
 However many churches do spend much of their donations on helping the poor..I haven't seen it from the Churches view but I have met many rural people in my area who the various Churches helped out..

Brother_Al_Sharpton1801 reads

it's a STUPID question.

You're supposed to be in Costa Rica with your guilty conscience.

GaGambler1195 reads

Costa Rica was great. Instead of staying at the Del Rey as I usually do, a gambling friend of mine invited me to stay at his "boutique" type hotel. It was great, as was the talent.

If any of you are interested. Here is the link

Harard's earnings from their endowment alone makes me gag.... sanctimonious hypocrits... telling the rest of us how superior they are... with an ever increasing tuition!  

UNIVERSITIES ARE A FRICKING BUSINESS and should be taxed as such - they control the price of lots of things in a very real and tangible way...

Chuck Darwin1902 reads

I would recommend private vocational education as a business.  A semi-connection to a semi-flakey religion is a nice touch that allows a flexible means for fraud transfers, etc.  

Where else can you get Federal loan guarantees to charge some schlub $40K to teach them a minimum wage skill?

Fuckin A!  Get those Swiss bank accounts!

Sea Lawyer1791 reads

class, if you weren't so fucking cheap, I could get one for you too!

But I don't do charity work, not even for the Pope.     I might give him a little off for one of those robes you can hide a couple kids under.

Satan_Here1678 reads

we have a special level dedicated for lawyers only.

see ya real soon

Sea Lawyer1599 reads

and you better have the place squared away for the monthly inspection!

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