Politics and Religion

Re: Hey charlie 445
charlie445 3 Reviews 1721 reads

Those countries are deformed workers states. Communism fails because it is always run by tyrants.

Plus its pretty old in comparison With Palins' 2008 address to the AIP. Ill take a DEM with a far left lean over a liar with a sepratist agenda any day. Add in Palin's church showing children a video of propigating nuclear holocaust and speaking in tongues. Its a no brainer IMO.

harryj2632 reads

Well ok then,leafie, ride your camel into the the utopia called communism. Hell yes, why work, just whine, lie, wail, steal, and generally be a lowlife in the finest "left lean" tradition. "Libbies, the lowest form of humanity."

harryj1250 reads

is a collaboration of tyrants and parasites.

harryj1218 reads

you ignorant sonofabitch.

love of the capitalist who rapes you and your family every day of your lives? You prove that by cursing the messenger. You have taken a step in the right direction. Cheers to you

HuckFarry1439 reads

That only sends him back to his well-worn barstool at Willie's, where he cashes in his monthly Socialistic Insecurity check for a couple of day's worth of heavy drinking.  

Then he comes here and posts irrational, incoherent & idiotic rants which make absolutely no sense at all.

Sober up, harry.

kerrakles1750 reads

There are three countries you should try and live, N. Korea,Vietnam and China. All three follow communist philosophy. Vietnam is slowly trying to get out from under it.

In case you just woke up from hibernation, Communism and Socialism failed miserably.

Those countries are deformed workers states. Communism fails because it is always run by tyrants.

Im usually with you on most stuff but...

Communism fails becuse there is no carrot.

No reason to excell at anything. You make the same amount regardless.

You take a test when your young. Your job skill is then wieghed against the needs of the party. Guess who wins. You are sent to school for as long as it takes for you to learn that job. Then you do it till you die.

Thats why there are more Polish people in Chicago than Warsaw, the capitol of Poland.

IMO leadership only matters in how it is applied.

Your a funny guy. I prefer Buddy. Leaves lack the THC content and taste like shit.

In any event Im no communist or even a Dem for that matter. I am one of the sought after "undecidedes" even though I was a registered Republican until Senator McCain chose his running mate. I think if you work hard and your smart you should be able to get rich. Thats the "dream" right. I would be in favor of everyone paying the same taxes percentagewise.

That said: Corporation have to be reigned in. Offshore tax breaks and sending jobs overseas is way out of hand. And the stock market shell game stealing billions from peoples retirement really PISSES ME OFF. They obviously need to be regulated somehow.

I could go on but Ive said enough to make my point.

Have a nice day :)

BTW You and McCain both have to learn when you lose your temper you lose your credibiblty as well.  

Why is it that so many of the conservatives seem to have nigh-bottomless reserves of hate and vitriol for those who disagree with their every opinion... and most of the liberals I meet, while they disagree with those on the other side, are still loving and accepting?  You're not going to win ANYone over with your attitude, Harry.

"and most of the liberals I meet, while they disagree with those on the other side, are still loving and accepting"

Now thats a mighty fine group of liberals you hang out with.. Try wearing  a McCain shirt and walk near a Obama College Campus and see how nice they rest of them are ..

GaGambler1944 reads

The liberals here are the antithesis of "loving and accecpting"

b/c I've SEEN people with McCain shirts and buttons walking through my predominantly African-American, lower-class, poor-as-hell, all-voting-for-Obama neighborhood, and nobody's ever said a word to them.


What is socialism? What is Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality

What is socialism? Socialism refers to an economic theory of social organization advocating social

Well let's first talk about Obama being an evil socialist. What is socialism? Socialism refers to an economic theory of social organization advocating social or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Asking a society whose top 1% controls more wealth than its lower 90% to carry more weight in taxes is not an example of Socialism. Nor is a nation’s government accepting responsibility that the health of its constituents is an inalienable right to be extended to all.

Capitalism is the economic system in which the means of production are owned by private persons, and operated for profit and where investments, distribution, income, production and pricing of goods and services are predominantly determined through the operation of a free market, rather than by central economic planning. Capitalism is not bad in concept. It affords any person through the means of "entrepreneurship" (more on this later) the freedom to build a mountain from a mole. However, under the term in which we live, capitalism can be better described by using the term "pimps and ho's" with the elite (or top 1%) being the pimps and the rest of us ho's. Some of us ho's will prosper "because ho's gotta eat too", but by design there will always be a vast disparity between that the top and the bottom. This is why things in this country don't make sense. How does it make sense that the wealthiest nation in the world has the highest rate of poverty as compared against its wealth? How is it that the wealthiest nation in the world ranks 38th in life expectancy as it relates to death of natural cause?

I don't know how many of you watched Bill Maher yesterday but there was an interesting quote cited (I don't remember who made the quote) but it said something like: Capitalism can be viewed as a game of poker where a couple of the players control 90% of the chips. At a certain point the only way that the other players can remain in the game is to borrow. Once the controlling players are either no longer willing or able to lend the game ends.

What "trickle down" is about is giving those few players that control 90% of the chips even more chips so they can continue to lend chips out to the struggling players. These players will continue to struggle under this system but the game in theory can be extended a little longer.

There's another quote from Marx that reads: "Capitalism tends to improve manufacturing or technological development efficiencies. As technological innovation becomes more and more streamlined/mechanized, the need for entrepreneurship declines". "Capitalism eventually becomes a bureaucratic process of large corporations and organizations, no longer requiring entrepreneurship. As this happens, capitalism loses its primary driver (the entrepreneur) and dies out".

Capitalism (under the form in which we practice):
A. forsakes the concerns of the MAJORITY (lower 90%) in favor of the MINORITY (upper 1%)
B. validates the top 15% and deceives the lower 85% into worshiping an ideal that is good in its definition but evil in its application

What Senator Obama is proposing is not an end of capitalism or "the free market". What's he's proposing is adopting some ideals that one can argue could be related to socialism in nature. What he's talking about is empowering the middle class with more chips SO THE GAME CAN KEEP GOING. But the difference is that by empowering the middle class innovation and "entrepreneurship" can again be sparked in this country and new industries like (Energy Technology) can spring up. What's wrong with that if the system is broken? I won't tell you what's wrong with it but I will tell you why you think it's wrong. It's mainly this: http://www.redroom.com/video/tim-wise-creation-whiteness-clip. It's the reason that the McCain campaign has been harping on the phrase "spreading the wealth" because it taps into this mindset. It's what Tim Wise (noted above) calls the "overseer complex".

The Republican Party has been a perpetrator of this complex that teaches us to protect our ideal of enslaving ourselves to the elite without even knowing that we're doing it. What he talks about is that WE ARE ALL SLAVES under this system but the entire racist movement was designed to divert attention away from the enslavers and give the whites an enemy (blacks) to place blame on as an explanation as to why in spite of their hard work, they didn't seem to be getting ahead.

The Republican Party has demonized anything that goes against this system. The term socialist is now basically a slur not far behind terrorist and is used in a way to describe why America is so much better than every other nation (most of whom practice forms of socialism). We're not talking about a "redistribution of wealth" what we’re talking about is greed. The greed that is destroying our great nation that was founded on the principal that no man had any right over another in his pursuit of the American dream. We're not talking about socialism, what were talking about is the fact that are not living up to the principles that this country was founded upon. What we're talking about is that under these principals everyone's life should hold the same value, regardless to whether you are in the highest tax bracket and can afford the best health insurance that money can buy or if you were born into poverty and thus can't afford to protect your health. Your life.

Republicans (or should I say "My Friends"), you've been fed the wrong dose of medicine. As a result you're suffering from delusions and hearing voices in your head of Fox News correspondents that are telling you that your mission is to protect these ideals. The same ideals that hurt YOU unless you become one of those that are holding most of the chips. But we all know that will never happen. None the less, like a good soldier you march into battle without even knowing who or what you're fighting for

This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.


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-- Modified on 10/24/2008 9:32:31 AM

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