Politics and Religion

Re: Cuba the 53rd state.
ilarasantos See my TER Reviews 280 reads

Miami is Cuba.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
When does the first shipment of GM Tahoe/Yukon/Escalade set sail?  
Posted By: quadseasonal
    It's about time.    
  "A senior Capitol Hill source said Obama also plans to take several executive actions, including expanding travel opportunities to the island, expanding agricultural products that can be sold, and raising the limit on remittances from $500 to $2,000.    
  Together, the announcements would mark the most significant shift in U.S. policy toward the communist island in decades. Obama was to announce the policy changes from the White House at noon Wednesday"    

It's about time.  

"A senior Capitol Hill source said Obama also plans to take several executive actions, including expanding travel opportunities to the island, expanding agricultural products that can be sold, and raising the limit on remittances from $500 to $2,000.  

Together, the announcements would mark the most significant shift in U.S. policy toward the communist island in decades. Obama was to announce the policy changes from the White House at noon Wednesday"  


DA_Flex417 reads

I've never understood the fascination with our political attitudes toward this Cuba.  We've actively engaged the Russians and the Chinese and for the most part, improved relations and economic opportunities between our nations.  Why can't the same apply to the Cubans.  BTW, I'm tired of having to be outside our borders in order to smoke a good cigar.

Posted By: quadseasonal
   It's about time.  
 "A senior Capitol Hill source said Obama also plans to take several executive actions, including expanding travel opportunities to the island, expanding agricultural products that can be sold, and raising the limit on remittances from $500 to $2,000.  
 Together, the announcements would mark the most significant shift in U.S. policy toward the communist island in decades. Obama was to announce the policy changes from the White House at noon Wednesday"  

Republicans are complaining about this decision by President citing Cuba's wide "human rights abuses".   LOL.

Really Republicans?   We just saw the Senate report of torture by the CIA.  Abu Ghraib?   We saw the pictures.    If WH agrees to release all the pictures, it will shame this country.

On Monday evening, I walked in to Dillard's in Wesley Chapel, FL wearing a sweater, winter head cover and hands in my pocket (it was 43 degrees).   The security guard (unarmed) told me " Hey be careful pal.  You are brown and the way you are dressed (hands in my pockets)   you may get shot in the parking lot thinking you are reaching for a gun!  

Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness!   For who?

the CIA did everything that needed to be done to protect our country after being attacked.  

You wanna know what torture is?  Look at the photos of people that had to jump to their deaths from the World Trade towers.  Oh that's right, you were probably playing golf in FLA.  

Fuk all those terrorist assholes.  They deserve no mercy.  Live by the sword - Die by the sword!

Oh, and that security guard is a racist for making that comment to you.

86H13LTP549 reads

The only thing you want to smoke is Raul's stick while wearing your Che T shirt .  

You not understanding Cuba shouldnt surprise anyone because neither does that inept moron you  and B ig P hat  
S tooge voted into the WH

bigguy30517 reads

So when people make arguments against this agreement.

They are not looking at the big picture.

Why single out Cuba and not the other communist countries?

Also why keep doing a policy that has not work for over fifty years?

I guess some people think having double standards and being hypocrites still works.


Posted By: 86H13LTP
The only thing you want to smoke is Raul's stick while wearing your Che T shirt .  
 You not understanding Cuba shouldnt surprise anyone because neither does that inept moron you  and B ig P hat  
 S tooge voted into the WH
-- Modified on 12/18/2014 5:33:17 AM

86H13LTP391 reads

aren't you .  

My barn cat caught another one of your relatives last night . why rats Homer ?

but my favorite fictional Cuban character.

and more hated that guy from I hate Lucy  
and her to

When does the first shipment of GM Tahoe/Yukon/Escalade set sail?

Posted By: quadseasonal
   It's about time.  
 "A senior Capitol Hill source said Obama also plans to take several executive actions, including expanding travel opportunities to the island, expanding agricultural products that can be sold, and raising the limit on remittances from $500 to $2,000.  
 Together, the announcements would mark the most significant shift in U.S. policy toward the communist island in decades. Obama was to announce the policy changes from the White House at noon Wednesday"  

Miami is Cuba.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
When does the first shipment of GM Tahoe/Yukon/Escalade set sail?  
Posted By: quadseasonal
    It's about time.    
  "A senior Capitol Hill source said Obama also plans to take several executive actions, including expanding travel opportunities to the island, expanding agricultural products that can be sold, and raising the limit on remittances from $500 to $2,000.    
  Together, the announcements would mark the most significant shift in U.S. policy toward the communist island in decades. Obama was to announce the policy changes from the White House at noon Wednesday"    

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