Politics and Religion

Proof that HillaScum voters are dillusional . They'll tell you a state with 38 million
86H13LTP 244 reads

Lefties , illegals and a hodgepodge of every other fucked thing in America didn't have hundreds of thousands of illegals stuffing the ballot boxes .  

Liberals in California want to secede ! Haha Don't let the door hit you in the ass . You feed those freeloaders . I'm tired of paying the price for the West Coast's bleeding heart ignorance.

--40% of Trump voters insist that he won the national popular vote.

--29% of Trump voters don't think California's popular votes should be allowed to count, and another 18% are unsure.

--14% of Trump voters think Hillary Clinton is connected to a child sex ring run out of a Washington DC pizzeria. Another 32% aren't sure.

--39% of Trump voters say the stock market went DOWN during Obama's eight years, and another 19% say they're not sure.

--67% of Trump voters say that unemployment increased during the Obama administration.

--73% of Trump voters think that George Soros is paying protesters against Trump.  Another 21% aren't sure.  That means only 6% of Trump voters definitely do NOT believe that Soros is paying Trump protesters.


86H13LTP245 reads

Lefties , illegals and a hodgepodge of every other fucked thing in America didn't have hundreds of thousands of illegals stuffing the ballot boxes .  

Liberals in California want to secede ! Haha Don't let the door hit you in the ass . You feed those freeloaders . I'm tired of paying the price for the West Coast's bleeding heart ignorance.

Donald.J.Trump166 reads

It's too late for you, but others will benefit and not end up like you.

86H13LTP128 reads

I may have seek counseling now and get another generalized rubber stamp from an Afrimative Action Doctor who dumber than my dog .

your a fucking idiot brah. DO you realize that California is the worlds 6th largest economy (far larger than most countries ) and the number one contributor to the federal budget. if your dumb enough to think that loosing California wouldn't devastate the remaining states in the union, you not only have a complete inability to comprehend basic fucking math, but apparently an inability to grasp reality in general. Additionally, take a look at ACTUAL FUCKING FACTS. California within the lowest 5 of all 50 states "freeloading" on anything-(google is a bitch huh)

Further, if you're going to make bold fucking claims about election fraud, provide a shred of evidence cuck. Unless you have anything (such as those things called evidence and facts) other than ignorant as fuck shit and a bunch of pearl-clutching and hyperbole, SIT THE FUCK DOWN, AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Posted By: 86H13LTP
Lefties , illegals and a hodgepodge of every other fucked thing in America didn't have hundreds of thousands of illegals stuffing the ballot boxes .  
 Liberals in California want to secede ! Haha Don't let the door hit you in the ass . You feed those freeloaders . I'm tired of paying the price for the West Coast's bleeding heart ignorance.

Do some research for once.


must be hard walking being so Butt Hurt!!!

hotplants221 reads

Soros is paying every single protester in the country $1500 a week. Can you believe that?! The only way to stop this is to make protesting a felony. They need to lose their citizenship too.  

And just in the interest of truth: HRC is part of a *Satanic cult*, that’s running a pedophile ring, out of a pizza joint, in DC.  

No….it’s true! I think I heard it from my cousin, who got it from my grandmother, who said that it came from General Flynn,---- he’s gonna  be the new National Security advisor and kick some serious satan ass.  

Hey, it was on the internet. And, a man that important wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.  

Posted By: BigPapasan
--40% of Trump voters insist that he won the national popular vote.  
 --29% of Trump voters don't think California's popular votes should be allowed to count, and another 18% are unsure.  
 --14% of Trump voters think Hillary Clinton is connected to a child sex ring run out of a Washington DC pizzeria. Another 32% aren't sure.  
 --39% of Trump voters say the stock market went DOWN during Obama's eight years, and another 19% say they're not sure.  
 --67% of Trump voters say that unemployment increased during the Obama administration.  
 --73% of Trump voters think that George Soros is paying protesters against Trump.  Another 21% aren't sure.  That means only 6% of Trump voters definitely do NOT believe that Soros is paying Trump protesters.  

Where you mute or too frightened to speak about Hillary dodging sniper fire, the DNC screwing over Bernie, Hillary lying to the Benghazi families and Hillary taking a server off premises to deceive the American people?

You concern yourself with all the "fake news" and the rest of us will worry about the "real" news.

hotplants161 reads

I'm not worried about fake news.  

If it's ok for a PE to make-up lies out of whole cloth and tweet them out to the masses, and his chief strategy advisor can make weird public statements about satan and darth vader ---and there is so much other so much weirder shit happening, that it seems fairly 'normal', and the guy running the EPA can promote the idea that carbon emissions are nothing to worry about when polar ice the size of India has melted, and the guy who would be the national security advisor of the US can traffic in conspiracy theories right out of totally off the grid batshitcrazyland----like--- HRC is part of a Satanic cult? Running a Pedophile ring? out of Pizza parlor?.....and ANYONE actually believes this?  

I'm pretty sure we're way past the point of needing to worry about fake news.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Where you mute or too frightened to speak about Hillary dodging sniper fire, the DNC screwing over Bernie, Hillary lying to the Benghazi families and Hillary taking a server off premises to deceive the American people?  
 You concern yourself with all the "fake news" and the rest of us will worry about the "real" news.

Tell me. Did you back off your witch hunt about Bannon being an anti-Semite or racist or are you still all in with the "fake news" about him? The ADL had the sense to back off but sadly you can't join the fact based community.

Nothing "weird" at all about Bannon's comments on Darth Vader or satan, if you heard the Hollywood Reporter's interview who spoke to Bannon and got those quotes. But I am sure Rachel MadNow doesn't have any need/desire to be fair to him. She is kinda like...YOU. LOL

Finally, I am THRILLED about the EPA being reined in! LONG overdue. Their ridiculous overreach has hurt many businesses so Trump gets an A+ from me with that one.  

And ice melted so that proves GW? LOL. Ice melts all the time plants. This just in...temps go up, temps come down. That has been happening for, oh, billions of years. Relax. You will be fine. LOL

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