Politics and Religion

PALIN was less Politicaly Helpful. Bush Sr. won at least ONE election with Quayle.


If you had any insight other than your  fear of Palin , you would realize McCain didn't get any votes except from his Mom and "maybe" his wife.

Banana_Republican2042 reads

yeah, and all those "crackers" in places like Florida and North Catolina, home of Jesse Helms and James East, flocked to and voted for Senator Obama in droves.

Palin was amusing, and in some ways beaten up more than see deserved to be.  She was so far in over her head it wasn't funny, and the sad thing about it is that she never realized how far out of her depth she really was.

Didn't stop the TER rightwing circle jerkers from drooling and fawning over her, however.

It is my sincere hope that Gov Palin runs for and is elected to the Senate, serves many terms, becomes a prominent GOP personality, and contiues to make a fool of herself and her self-deluded supporters and bootlickers.  She can represent the braindead buffoons, carrying on in the fine tradition of past GOP luminaries like William Knowland, Roman Hruska, Alphonse D'Amato, James East, and Daniel Moynihan [though he was a Dem, and how did that guy ever become a Harvard professor is beyond me].

See ya in 2012?  You 'betcha!

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