Politics and Religion

Not troubled by 'corporate' taking on this task... what troubles me about your post
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1455 reads

is the lack of intelligent design present in the hiring of a management crew that fails to understand what goes on - in the fricking fast food establishment.  that is a sad commentary indeed on the state of what passes for "ejukasion" in this country.  

Sure, I know that it is a pimply faced kid... who is trudging through high school... but still.... the lack of what I refer to as "Walking around information" is apalling.  

while I have decried the lack of decent education efforts, I also recognize that parents too, need to step up to the plate to ensure that some of this much needed knowledge actually achieves entry into the teenage kid brain.  and that is all I have to say about that!

Being the owner of a Diesel powered automobile and subsequently being raped at the pump for $5.00 - $5.39/gal I did a little investigating on this “Diesel Secret” I’ve been seeing television advertisements for. Long story short it is a kit with instructions on how to turn used cooking oil into a proven, viable fuel for Diesel engines (Rudolf Diesel originally ran his “invention” on peanut oil).

 Before punching another hole in my credit card for the “kit” and the ancillary appurtenances necessary to process my own bio-diesel I did a cursory check of where I might contract with restaurants to relieve them of some (or all) of their discarded fryer oil. Being that there are 20 or more fast food eateries in a 5 mile radius of my home I started with them.
Jack in the Box was the first I solicited. It took me nearly 5 minutes just to get the assistant manager to understand what “discarded fryer oil” was and that I was offering to relieve them of disposal problems for no charge. He informed me that a “Corporate” contracted vendor took care of the entire draining and disposal, and that saving any for my needs was not possible.
KFC has their fryers drained and changed on a weekly basis of their 90 gallons of discarded vegetable/fryer oil. Again however it is done by a contracted service through “Corporate”.

 I can understand why “corporate” would rather farm out this regular maintenance to a separate vendor, especially when their assistant manager(s) are of such a caliber where the term “discarded fryer oil” must be explained on a painfully remedial level(I felt like I was the protagonist in the movie “Idocracy”). I can also understand many other pragmatics of this “corporate” way of handling things. It is just amazingly frustrating to know that thanks to mandated ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ I and others like me are systematically denied access to a wealth of an ecologically prudent, 0.50/gal fuel for our automobiles/trucks/equipment and common home heating needs.  

kerrakles1324 reads

There is nothing new here. Restaurants have been contracting these companies for eons. They actually make a lot of byproducts from the used/discarded grease/cooking oil.

Your only bet probably is to find independently owned restaurants and that my friend is not easy to find these days.

Good Luck.

is the lack of intelligent design present in the hiring of a management crew that fails to understand what goes on - in the fricking fast food establishment.  that is a sad commentary indeed on the state of what passes for "ejukasion" in this country.  

Sure, I know that it is a pimply faced kid... who is trudging through high school... but still.... the lack of what I refer to as "Walking around information" is apalling.  

while I have decried the lack of decent education efforts, I also recognize that parents too, need to step up to the plate to ensure that some of this much needed knowledge actually achieves entry into the teenage kid brain.  and that is all I have to say about that!

There is a lot of room in that market. Git you a truck and git in it.

True they are already making a lot of stuff from the grease but making biodiesel may be a better moneymaker. Many of the Greens will proudly get fucked moneywise to make an ecostatement.

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