Politics and Religion

No, it's FAR beyond ironic
Duty_Historian 2141 reads

what they are going is really pretty simple - telling you they should run the world, right down to your skivvies.

Maybe because of their fashion sense.

Seriously, the biggest scams in the worlds are always the non-profits - whether its a church, or a political party - "we're only here to help" is the most common lie there is.

Mark my words, that is problem we're going to have with health care.

The answer is, "alright, exactly how is this going to work?"

Almost too good to be true, TYVM Almighty and Merciful Allah.

Lemme tell ya, I saw this earlier today,and the severely disgruntled, pedophile priest dodging, lapsed RC  in me practically had a dry orgasm.  I was going to post this myself, and rant about RC incoherence, but Salema Scott posted on the General Biscussion Board first, so I'm borrowing her thread.

So, what's Benedicr XVI not going to allow us to do?  He casts the jaundiced and gimlet eye of eternity upon the following :

1. pollution

2. genetic engineering [well, considering how well man has done with nuclear energy, perhaps there's something to this one]

3. being obscenely rich [hey Ben, that palace you live in, with all the great and priceless artwork, all the land held by the RC Church worldwide, lots in incredibly impoverished countries where The Church has long been a de facto ally of the entrenched, traditional forces...]

4. drug dealing

5. abortion [only #5? this is NOT my dad's RC Church!]

6. pedophilia [one can understand why this get ranked so low on the list; so many seminarians, so many altar boys, so many penitent confessants, so little time, so little AstroGlide]

7. causing social problems [like overpopulation? social injustice leading to revolutionary violence?].

Well, you can see Ben's incoherence [as well as his good intentions] clearly here.  And i like the way he's sort of split the difference politically, at least as far as the US political audience is concerned?

He gives the left pollution and being obscenely wealthy.  {Is that in distinction to being pornographically wealthy?  and is it OK for one to be, say, erotically wealthy, or teasingly wealthy, or somewhat stimulatingly wealthy? Or just everyday, run-of-the-mill wealthy? And if one is self-made and obscenely wealthy, is that auto-erotically wealthy, and is it verboten?]

The right gets a healthy serving of abortion.

Both the left and the right get to share concerns over [for different reasons, and for different dimensions of the issues]  genetic engineering, drug dealing [how is it that arms trafficing and sexual trafficing do not make this list, or are they subsumed under #7?], and causing social problems [like contributing to inter-faith misunderstandings and hostilities?].

No words about war-mongering foreign policies?   Or arms races?  Or genocide/ethnic cleasning types of unpleasantness?  Oh, I guess that's just too secular, right?

Back when I was goofing on Ben's views of Islam, which i felt parrotted very conviently the political worldviews and foreign policy perferences of the Tel Aviv/Washington Axis of Absurdity, I wondered why Pontifus Maximus had tried to render unto Ceasar what was Caesar's and not just confined himself to rendering unto God what was God's. At least there he had some claim, however dubious, of some  expertise.  Well, here he goes again.  I fear his flock will bleat all the more pathetically and all the more confused.

The Unitarians are looking better every day.

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 6:50:04 PM

WillieTheBarTender1147 reads

y'all gotta go troll the CL kink forums or something.  Hit the "women's issues" with some Laszlo letters.  Try looking in the psych forum for some terminally earnest and truly marginal types.

DaliLama1781 reads

The Pope is setting forth 7 new Deadly Sins, some of which have to do with amassing of obscence amounts of wealth. The Catholic Church is one of the world's richest institutions in the world and has used that same wealth to shield itself from lawsuits from the victims of the preist/pedophile scandals.

Duty_Historian2142 reads

what they are going is really pretty simple - telling you they should run the world, right down to your skivvies.

Maybe because of their fashion sense.

Seriously, the biggest scams in the worlds are always the non-profits - whether its a church, or a political party - "we're only here to help" is the most common lie there is.

Mark my words, that is problem we're going to have with health care.

The answer is, "alright, exactly how is this going to work?"

i sure did - that was a major point of my raving [LOL]

Crystal_Ball_Operator2070 reads

they were way better off with the generalized originals.

So pollution is a deadly sin?  Like which is worse, peeing in the river or having the entire city pee in th river and dumping everything else along with it?  I think this is just a variation of their original sin, you're all guilty for being alive, so give us money, and BTW bend over while you're at it.

Genetic engineering is the abortion thing.  While a lot of Monty Python is over the top for any 13 year old, "every sperm is sacred" is a classic.  Send it to His Senility for Xmas.

The money thing is enough to slack any jaw.  That's the one that convinces me they're all senile.  Maybe they forgot where they put the loot.

Drug dealing - does that include Merck, et al?  Or does He hold stock?

I'm sure their problem with pedophilia is because it threatens their obscene wealth.  

"Causing social problems"  is that something like "because I said so"?

it's easy to ping on these particular assholes, but what ideology has clean hands?  Any time faith trumps facts, you're going to get BS like this.

And people love bullshit.  They buy it wholesale.

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