Politics and Religion

No it's all about you isn't it Jack?
avenger1001 4497 reads
1 / 23

Ever wonder why there are so many Republicans on this forum like Billkile, GaGambler, zisk, and RightWingUnderground?  They can rant all they want here, but it's so obvious they are not raising families and replenishing the troubled and declining Republican population.

If they were married, the scenario below is the only way their marriage would ever survive.

Roles: RWA (Right Wing Addict), wifey (your supposed wife)

wifey: Hi honey, I noticed you are consistently reading and posting on this internet forum from theeroticreview.com .  You spend most of the day, pretty much every day, more like 24/7, on this website.  What's so great about it that you never spend time with me or have sex with me?

RWA: This is the greatest website.  It's all about rating and reviewing your favorite hooker and escape from your ugly wife and hopeless family and life.  The best part of it is that I can meet a bunch of bitter, depressed men like me also seeking sex from prostitutes.

wifey: Oh, I see.  You spend endless hours on this anonymous forum, pretending to be someone bigger than what you are in reality.  And you must love it so much because it is one of the very few places where people with a Nazi-like, right-wing fascist ideology can congregate.  It must mean so much to you because the last time you presented your hateful, extremist iedology to our relativesor any normal persons, they were totally dismayed with your insanity.

RWA: That's right.  And because it's all anonymous, I can make whatever bullshit stories I want, and the people there are so desperate for attention, they will actually believe me.  If I tell them I am a successful businessman making millions and a fellow right-winger, they will believe me because it's what they want to hear, although it's a complete lie.

Wifey: I see, I see.  Even a hopeless internet addict like you needs fresh air.  So when you secretly go somewhere in the evening, now I know.  It's to see your favorite hooker you found from the website so you can get away from me.

RWA: Yeah, but we're still married, so I made a vow to you.

wifey: I also figured out why over $2000 consistently disappears from our bank account every month, in the form of cash withdrawls usually amounting $500 at a time.

RWA: But I still love you and believe in Republican family values and fiscal responsibility.

wifey: Yes, I see the fiscal responsibility part.  You're taking thousands of precious dollars every month that can fund lifelong plans like retirements or paying off mortgages or debt for financial security.  Instead, you want to spend our future on a physically exhilirating but emotionally empty one-night stand on a hooker you will never see again.

RWA: Yep, it's all about us and the family.  It's the Republican way.

Wifey: I love you so much.  You always think of what is best for us.  *kiss, kiss, hug*

BizarreBipolarBoy 1413 reads
3 / 23

and of course if you say it, it must be true!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!

Hey, keep it up, you might get somewhere close to Zisk credibility!  Someday maybe.

Harry5390 89 Reviews 1739 reads
4 / 23

Just dumb enough to think he's smarter than he is.

GaGambler 1729 reads
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First off, my illinformed child. I don't mind being compared with BK, Zisk, or RWU, but let's at least get you facts straight. I am not  Republican, I hate the fucking Jesus crowd and I resent your and JackO's constant references to me as a "Republican". To you rabid libs anyone right of Castro is a Republican.

Secondly, TER is not as anonymous as you might think. Those of us of majority age, who don't hide behind aliases actually meet other TER members. I personally know and have met dozens of other TER members. If I were actually some unemployed failure like some on this board everyone in Atlanta would know about it and call me out on it.

FWIW I don't rate people by their financial success or lack thereof. I have many friends whose financial standings are more on a par with Zinaval than myself. The difference is my friends don't blame anyone else for their lack of financial success and aren't looking for government to support them.

Maybe when you grow up your perspective will change. I do hope that I have you pegged correctly and that you are indeed an adolescent. I truly hope that you are not just an extremely stupid adult. If you are actually a young person your attitudes will change dramatically as you enter the "real" world.

I myself was born and raised as left wing as you can get. I was born is San Francisco in the late fifties and was raised in the hippie era. My views on life and taking responsibilty have changed a lot since then. Your's may too. Then again, some people's stupidity is terminal. Only time will tell.

CynicsRUs™ 1607 reads
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You'd NEVER be that honest with your wife.

You just like to posture as if you have integrity while stealing from your family to satisfy your own base instincts in direct contravention to your marriage vows.

True Republicans all.

Inmate_number_69 1647 reads
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You'll never have girlfriend that isn't inflatable.  No marriage vows for you to worry about.

harryj 1639 reads
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"inflatable"?. The damn'd needledick would puncture it. I think he is relegated to using pumpkins and mellons. That makes him environmentally friendly too, he can eat what is left over after he absuses it. What a pure pseudo.

Inmate_number_69 2073 reads
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CynicsRUs™ 1801 reads
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Some of us live honestly and manage to enjoy this hobby without lies and deceit. Make up whatever fantasy you must about me, it is your own situation you avoid facing up to.

All of you married Republican scum sneer at politicians who lie while you are the greatest liars of all, lying to those who love and trust you.

Typical Republicans.

GaGambler 1951 reads
11 / 23

First off even though I thoroughly despise the left I have almost equal loathing for the right. Just because I think Obama would be the worst thing to happen to this country since Jimmy Carter doesn't make me a Republican.

I am also not married, I am quite happily divorced TYVM, and I don't lie about my hobbying to anyone. Most of my clients and virtually all of my friends know that I am a perverted pig that loves having sex with women 30 years younger than myself, and that I don't mind paying for it. I doubt that many of you pious libbies can say the same.

CynicsRUs™ 1886 reads
12 / 23

What part of what I wrote could possibly be construed to be about a single (or divorced) person who is honest about seeing escorts?

Congratulations on not being a married Republican liar cheating on his wife. Now quit being such an attention whore and quit responding to posts that aren't about you. ;)

Jacques_Barzun 1340 reads
13 / 23

amusing little satirical romp.i'm not one for fads like cretive writing,but if I was, and if I was to grade this, your at leest a solid B+.

keep up the good work.check out the Iowa's Writers' Workshop while it lasts.

Inmate_number_69 1596 reads
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And you're right.  Only Republicans cheat on their wifes.  Just ask Hillary.

GaGambler 1809 reads
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and incorrectly identified as a Republican again, so forgive me if I expect libbies to continue to make false accusations.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1754 reads
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Kill the kids before you have to worry about em...

zisk 86 Reviews 1869 reads
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that's the only reason I can figure we both made the same list. And since neither of us are married, it just proves avenger knows as much about that as he does about politics in general.

Is there anyone here he hasn't yet asked if they are married? He's got quite an obsession with it. Especially considering he's not even of legal age yet.

RightwingUnderground 1816 reads
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than making up "facts" about your opponent and then drawing conclusions. But then again, it's a very common tactic used by the intellectually dishonest on the left. Neither you nor AvengingBaby know the first thing about my personal life, yet your type feels absolutely comfortable attributing your distorted ideas to others. I think it’s nothing more that psychotic projection. It could be a simple as AvengingBaby recently took a psychology class or maybe he read a book. I wonder if he got past just looking at the pictures.

CynicsRUs™ 1794 reads
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Now tell your wife.


Enfant_Terrible 1840 reads
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no,he'd use this name if that wuz the case.

CynicsRUs™ 1834 reads
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You've told her all about where the money goes, right? You wouldn't lie to her, would you? You certainly wouldn't betray your marriage vows? That would make you a liar and a hypocrite, and we all know you have way to much integrity for that.

Oh, never mind - just come back with some crack about me being an alias - that way everyone will be fooled and not think you're too CHICKENSHIT to admit you are actively cheating on your wife. Bet you even go to church with her. Must be hilarious, sitting next to her and laughing to yourself about how you cheat on her and what a fool she is. But you look real pious sitting there!

A true Republican!

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1481 reads
23 / 23

see ya at the next M&G, you'll be behind the potted plant again.....

-- Modified on 6/26/2008 7:49:59 PM

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