Politics and Religion

My only advice was to do the opposite of what Mari does
GaGambler 159 reads

I am not even in the market right now. I am simply an interested spectator. Of course oil is going to drop a good five percent as well, but that is really okay with me as I am hoping oil prices stay right in it's trading range for a while.  

but doing the opposite as Mari is ALWAYS good advice.

GaGambler832 reads

Tomorrow is going to be one of those trading days to remember because of the Brexit vote.  

Some people are going to get rich tomorrow betting against the pound, going long gold or shorting the US markets. Others are going to lose their fucking asses by being on the wrong side of these trades.  

My advice is to ask Mari what he is going to do, and do the exact opposite.

GaGambler160 reads

I am not even in the market right now. I am simply an interested spectator. Of course oil is going to drop a good five percent as well, but that is really okay with me as I am hoping oil prices stay right in it's trading range for a while.  

but doing the opposite as Mari is ALWAYS good advice.

The Leaves winning Brexit was something I didn't really expect. The pound will no doubt fall, but against the dollar, which makes me think that as the dollar gets even stronger that gold will go down some. Other than that, everything you're predicting is probably spot on.

GaGambler133 reads

and gold has always been THE safe haven in times like this. Trust me, gold will smash through the $1,300.00 dollar mark by the opening trade tomorrow.

I noticed the Pound dropped to it's lowest point in a long long time. Can we expect the Pound to make a fairly quick recovery? Could I make money on this? There's a place at the mall where they exchange currency. Could I just take some US dollars over there and buy some British Pounds tomorrow, wait for the Pound to make a recovery and go back to the mall and get US dollars and end up making a healthy profit?

I don't think we can EXPECT the Pound to recover much too soon. This isn't so much about financials, it's more about the actual economy. Or, at this point, the expectations as to what will happen to the British economy--jobs, inflation, trade. I know that's sort of a complicated way to look at it, but it means we'll probably have to wait awhile to see how things actually shake out before there'll be more than a dead-cat bounce. Maybe the current outlook is somewhat alarmist, but that's about it. I'm planning to take a trip to London and sort of hoping to get a good exchange rate now. But I'm also hoping I won't get off the plane and step into a disaster zone.

Posted By: willywonka4u
I noticed the Pound dropped to it's lowest point in a long long time. Can we expect the Pound to make a fairly quick recovery? Could I make money on this? There's a place at the mall where they exchange currency. Could I just take some US dollars over there and buy some British Pounds tomorrow, wait for the Pound to make a recovery and go back to the mall and get US dollars and end up making a healthy profit?

GaGambler165 reads

Those mall currency exchange places are notorious for giving you a horrible exchange rate, even if your strategy is correct, the amount of the bounce most likely won't make up for the "vig" the exchange joint will charge you.

Now if you had a FOREX account you could buy some British Pounds at what might be the bottom, hope for a 2-3% bounce and make a nice little hit by using leverage, but making a couple of percent is really the most you can hope for and if you are paying more than that to the exchange place, there goes your profit.

...to go to England and have a hottie totty wrap her stiff upper lip around my cock.  Then I'll pound her until I'm as deflated as the pound.  Sterling!

GaGambler169 reads

I don't recall anyone shedding any tears for me, nor did I expect any. Oil is probably going to take about a 5% hit tomorrow as well, I don't expect any tears to be shed for me tomorrow either.

And BPS is right, this would be a great time to go visit Merry Old England, not to mention by doing so he would be helping the British economy, win win as far as I am concerned

BTW, I was following the odds on the vote with a couple of London bookmakers, the consensus was a tight vote, but a tight vote to stay not to leave.

But if you stay in the oil market will recover. Even with all the renewables coming on line, a major part of the petrol market is transportation, and that's only going to grow, and we aren't going to have solar 18-wheelers in your lifetime. If you can't afford to drill right now, you know that the safest place for your oil is in the ground. I am sorry you took that hit, but you will recover. And you know better than I do that it's still a boom-or-bust business to a large extent.

Personally, I'm not taking any particular hit at all from what's just happening. No more than you or BPS or anyone else who has to deal with rough times and an increase in the price of eggs at the supermarket. But to me this loos like a generally bad thing for the entire world, and "bad times" are always dangerous times.

That's all I'm saying. No offense meant.

And, yes, I was aware of the odds against this happening, and that probably makes the outcome of the vote seem worse.

GaGambler150 reads

My point is, this shakeup is not the end of the world. Nobody died, a few people will get ruined tomorrow and a few others will make bank. It's the way of the markets, it always has been and it always will be.

As for the oil business, many companies, both large and small, did not survive. I will confess it was nip and tuck for me too, but I believe the worst is behind us and I for one plan on emerging stronger than ever. No one put a gun to my head and forced me to be in this business, it's just that everyone begrudges my success when I make a couple of dollars, but no one seems to give a fuck when I am facing the very real prospect of going belly up. I am a big boy and I knew the risks going in, I don't want sympathy when times are tough, I just can do without the jealousy when I make a few bucks. If it were so fucking easy everyone would do it. So if I can laugh at my own predicament, I can damn sure laugh at a joke about "pounding" British hookers, I wonder if I can find a hooker named "Sterling" to pound? lol

...inspite of Trump's missteps so far, he still has a fighters chance of becoming POTUS.

bigguy30113 reads

Posted By: HONDA
...inspite of Trump's missteps so far, he still has a fighters chance of becoming POTUS.

......Trump has had a miserable 2 weeks and yet Hillary Clinton is only up by SIX points in most of the National polls. Barring, a sighting of Trump mating with a pink Orangutan, if Hillary is only up by six points up through the end of October, Trump will be the next POTUS, IMHO. The Democrats are taking Trump lightly at their own peril!

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: HONDA
...inspite of Trump's missteps so far, he still has a fighters chance of becoming POTUS.

bigguy30126 reads

Posted By: HONDA
......Trump has had a miserable 2 weeks and yet Hillary Clinton is only up by SIX points in most of the National polls. Barring, a sighting of Trump mating with a pink Orangutan, if Hillary is only up by six points up through the end of October, Trump will be the next POTUS, IMHO. The Democrats are taking Trump lightly at their own peril!  
Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: HONDA
...inspite of Trump's missteps so far, he still has a fighters chance of becoming POTUS.

If you are asking advice about trading currency on a hooker board you shouldn't even be thinking about trading currency. Are any of these expert currency mongers going to cover your losses if you take their advice and you loose your ass? Take your money and buy a session with your ATF, at least you'll have a good memory.

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