Politics and Religion

Maybe it has something to do with this....
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 433 reads

Our piece-of-shit, worthless for-profit corporate media pretends that there's two sides of EVERY story, and each should be given equal consideration.  

You saw this during the Bush administration. Cheney outs a CIA agent in order to get petty revenge against her husband for letting people know that the administration was lying about their reasons to go to war. Then they ask, "what is the Republican's position on this" obviously treasonous and unlawful behavior.  

This idiotic corporate media would give flat earthers equal time and equal consideration if we were debating if the earth was round.  

The American Petroleum Institute exists for only one reason and one reason only. To crank out propaganda for the oil industry. They're saying, "we're funded by ExxonMobil to lie about the effects of climate change in order to make our sugar daddies wallet's fatter."  

And what does our corporate for-profit media do? They blink at them dumbly, and say, "hey, how about we give you equal time the consensus of all the world's scientists!"  

This is how propaganda works. You spend a lot of money to tell lie after lie, until a certain percentage of the population has bought your bullshit. What makes this better is that you have these retarded fucking Jesus Freaks who say, "yup, I'm gonna believe what ExxonMobil has to say about climate change because the bible tells me that Magic Man in the clouds, and my invisible friend Jesus will never allow the earth to be destroyed ever again. One flood was enough."  

How do you argue with delusional Jesus Freaks? How do you tell delusional people who think they're going to live forever in the clouds with their favorite Space Daddy, that if we don't change what we're doing on this planet, all of us ARE GOING TO FUCKING DIE!"  

We're playing a game of Russian Roulette, where the media gives equal time to a group of people who say, "no, we're not actually playing Russian Roulette". Meanwhile the shit heads who are denying this KEEP PULLING THE FUCKING TRIGGER.  

This isn't about CO2, or the melting of the polar ice caps, or anything else. It's about all of us living to see the day when the earth will no longer be hospitable for life. And if you think that will be a picnic, try living on fucking Mars for 5 minutes and see how far that gets you.  

Most people on this planet are fucking alarmed about this. Americans aren't quite so worried about this, because a lot of Americans are scientifically illiterate, and we have a piece-of-shit worthless for-profit corporate media, that will spend an entire month looking for a plane in the ocean, all while not noticing that the ocean itself looks like a fucking trash heap. Well, shit, we can't report on that. We're not giving equal time to the shit heads who put that trash in the ocean in the first place.  

The other day I was watching this sack of shit clown Harold Ford talk about this issue on Press The Meet. Every single person there all agreed, "We've got to build the Keystone pipeline". Not a single person was there to say, "this is a shitty fucking idea". You see, we've got to give equal time for shit heads and the scientifically illiterate, but if you have nothing but a collection of shit heads, then equal time goes out the fucking window.  

So, I was watching this waste of sperm and egg Harold Ford say, "we should be concerned with the environment, but we need a balanced approach that doesn't harm our economy".  

In order words, we should pay lip service to the fact that oil men are going to kill all of our children, but not actually do anything about stopping them, because that would make their fat wallets less fat.  

Harold Ford might as well have dropped trow on national television, hopped up on the Press the Meet table, gotten down on his hands and knees, and inserted a giant ExxonMobil logo right up where the sun don't shine. Ford should have excused himself half way through the interview so he could openly admit that he's doing nothing more than sucking corporate cock. "we need...gag...spit...gurgle...a balanced....cough...choke....vomit....approach".  

Is it any wonder why more Americans aren't literally shitting themselves every day about this issue?  

But hey, no worries. Just remember, when we're all dying of starvation and choking on our atmosphere in 50 years, just think of how important it was for us, back in 2014, that we didn't do anything to make oil executives less rich

JackDunphy2066 reads

You would think since the "science is settled", according to the Algore and B.O. types, that Americans would be freaked out about GW but they're not.
Why are libs losing this debate so badly, especially with indy's and moderates?

The same reason why they are willing to place so much debt on our grandchildren!

they'll believe in anything as long as they get their obamaphones!

I mean, they actually believe the millionaire dummycrappers are "for the little guy" (as long as it pays)

Posted By: JackDunphy
You would think since the "science is settled", according to the Algore and B.O. types, that Americans would be freaked out about GW but they're not.  
 Why are libs losing this debate so badly, especially with indy's and moderates?
-- Modified on 4/7/2014 2:35:11 PM

into your truth machine there buttlips!

Update - Al Gore makes embarrassing mistake by severely misstating sea ice loss prediction

Gore told the audience, “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.”

Those estimates far exceed even the direst predictions of climate scientists and set the room abuzz. The most often cited figure and the one used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns of a loss of sea ice by 2030.

"It is hard to capture the astonishment that the experts in the science of ice felt when they saw this," Gore said.

Not only were the ‘experts in the science of ice’ astonished, so too was Dr. Maslowski of the US Naval Postgraduate School, the scientist whose models supposedly came up with the five to seven year figure.  

Maslowski told the UK Times, “It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at. I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.”

Other climate scientists and ice experts immediately disavowed Gore’s claims. Mark Serreze of the US National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado told the Associated Press, "It's possible but not likely. We're sticking with 2030."

Mr. Gore’s office was quick to start damage control. The Times reported his office said it was a “ballpark figure” that Dr. Maslowski used in a conversation several years ago.

Or maybe try, "If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor. PERIOD.

Snope this...

There is no pollution or polluted water in the United States of America. In worshipping the almighty $, the greedy right wing nuts will screw up the country.  

No, before that happens, Jesus Christ will come and save them so why worry

Our piece-of-shit, worthless for-profit corporate media pretends that there's two sides of EVERY story, and each should be given equal consideration.  

You saw this during the Bush administration. Cheney outs a CIA agent in order to get petty revenge against her husband for letting people know that the administration was lying about their reasons to go to war. Then they ask, "what is the Republican's position on this" obviously treasonous and unlawful behavior.  

This idiotic corporate media would give flat earthers equal time and equal consideration if we were debating if the earth was round.  

The American Petroleum Institute exists for only one reason and one reason only. To crank out propaganda for the oil industry. They're saying, "we're funded by ExxonMobil to lie about the effects of climate change in order to make our sugar daddies wallet's fatter."  

And what does our corporate for-profit media do? They blink at them dumbly, and say, "hey, how about we give you equal time the consensus of all the world's scientists!"  

This is how propaganda works. You spend a lot of money to tell lie after lie, until a certain percentage of the population has bought your bullshit. What makes this better is that you have these retarded fucking Jesus Freaks who say, "yup, I'm gonna believe what ExxonMobil has to say about climate change because the bible tells me that Magic Man in the clouds, and my invisible friend Jesus will never allow the earth to be destroyed ever again. One flood was enough."  

How do you argue with delusional Jesus Freaks? How do you tell delusional people who think they're going to live forever in the clouds with their favorite Space Daddy, that if we don't change what we're doing on this planet, all of us ARE GOING TO FUCKING DIE!"  

We're playing a game of Russian Roulette, where the media gives equal time to a group of people who say, "no, we're not actually playing Russian Roulette". Meanwhile the shit heads who are denying this KEEP PULLING THE FUCKING TRIGGER.  

This isn't about CO2, or the melting of the polar ice caps, or anything else. It's about all of us living to see the day when the earth will no longer be hospitable for life. And if you think that will be a picnic, try living on fucking Mars for 5 minutes and see how far that gets you.  

Most people on this planet are fucking alarmed about this. Americans aren't quite so worried about this, because a lot of Americans are scientifically illiterate, and we have a piece-of-shit worthless for-profit corporate media, that will spend an entire month looking for a plane in the ocean, all while not noticing that the ocean itself looks like a fucking trash heap. Well, shit, we can't report on that. We're not giving equal time to the shit heads who put that trash in the ocean in the first place.  

The other day I was watching this sack of shit clown Harold Ford talk about this issue on Press The Meet. Every single person there all agreed, "We've got to build the Keystone pipeline". Not a single person was there to say, "this is a shitty fucking idea". You see, we've got to give equal time for shit heads and the scientifically illiterate, but if you have nothing but a collection of shit heads, then equal time goes out the fucking window.  

So, I was watching this waste of sperm and egg Harold Ford say, "we should be concerned with the environment, but we need a balanced approach that doesn't harm our economy".  

In order words, we should pay lip service to the fact that oil men are going to kill all of our children, but not actually do anything about stopping them, because that would make their fat wallets less fat.  

Harold Ford might as well have dropped trow on national television, hopped up on the Press the Meet table, gotten down on his hands and knees, and inserted a giant ExxonMobil logo right up where the sun don't shine. Ford should have excused himself half way through the interview so he could openly admit that he's doing nothing more than sucking corporate cock. "we need...gag...spit...gurgle...a balanced....cough...choke....vomit....approach".  

Is it any wonder why more Americans aren't literally shitting themselves every day about this issue?  

But hey, no worries. Just remember, when we're all dying of starvation and choking on our atmosphere in 50 years, just think of how important it was for us, back in 2014, that we didn't do anything to make oil executives less rich

JackDunphy480 reads

Literally lol on that one. But I think this is the problem. GW, at least the catastrophic effects, aren't predicted for 50-100 years, give or take.

So by definition, it CAN'T be settled science for it is a predicition. Predictions can not be settled, until the time passes and we can look back on the prediction.

Personally, I just don't trust the climate models at all. They admit they can't determine cloud cover or the jet stream in the future. Well aren't those two factors really important parts of the puzzle?

The models didn't predict the current GW pause we have been in for the last 16 years or so but you feel so strongly they will be accurate in the year 2050 or 2100? Really?

And does it really help your cause by liberals running around saying massive CO2 spewing will kill us as they get into their private jets and limos? C'mon. At least that little bastard Leonardo DiCaprio walks the walk. When I am in L.A. which was often for business, the locals say he trolls around in his Prius all over town.  

But Al Gore? Um.....not so much. As long as he gets his $175k per speech, he will gladly rock that jet around the globe. But that horses ass will tell us its ok b/c he purchases "carbon credits." I went to purchase some the other day but 7-11 told me they were all out.

I think what most middle class people hear when someone says "we have to combat GW now" is the sound of their taxes and utilities going thru the roof.  

Until smeone who is trusted, and has rock solid numbers what it will cost the average Joe, and they see GW in their day to day lives, most of America will continue to yawn at all the alarmists saying the sky is falling time and time again.

suck Uncle Sam's dick for federal funding and will reach any conclusion that makes the dinner bell ring.

Scientists were the orginal flat earthers

Scientists said man couldnt fly

Scientists said the Antartic would be gone by now

Of all the things that have proven to be fallible, "SCIENCE" leads the charge.

...Democratic Leadership Council a supposedly centrist group which bent over and took it in the ass from corporations.

Also, nobody seems to give a damn about the oceans.  Beside what you mentioned, how about all the radioactive water being dumped into the ocean from Fukushima?

It's simple - if the oceans die, we die.

BP, couple of questions for you. Whatever happened with all the radioactive fallout from the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as that from the nuke testing done in the 1940s and '50s? You know, the radioactivity with the 1,000 year half life?

What happened to the oil from the 273 oil tankers that were sunk by German u-boats during WWII? Is it on the ocean floor, killing all marine life there?

Why, according to NASA research, is the atmosphere that contains less than one half of one percent, (.04%), CO2 that is man made, the main cause of global arming, when 99.06% of CO2 is from nature?

The electrical polarity of the north and south poles has shifted several times over the past billion years, and is in the process of shifting again now. Could that have an affect on the sea ice melting? The isogonic lines of the earth's magnetism are constantly shifting. In fact,in the area of Greenland, the isogonic lines are as much as 70 degrees off from the true north pole as opposed to the magnetic north.  

I have no idea, and neither do 'scientists'. Do you?

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