Politics and Religion

Jon reports what MSM does not want to ....
thisbud4u 208 reads

... mainly because the country's infection "politically correct" has infected the MSM also along with disgraced members of US Congress.

“Reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake.”
- John Stewart

Whether you are a John Stewart fan or not, one can not deny his program grew to be far more influential than anyone ever could have foreseen.

Now with the impending departure of Stewart, CC has been replaying all of the episodes in a steady stream... and as most of you are aware, he's had some REALLY interesting guests over the years. It is amazing how some political guests from 15 years ago have grown, how Bill O'Reilley really has always been a bloviating egomaniac with delusions of self-importance and how others, like Donald Trump and John McCain, didn't used to be such grotesque buffoons.

Watched the first episode after 911... and was moved again to tears by Stewarts amazing opening words.  

I just rewatched his 2007 interview with former Ambassador John Bolton, (having seen it the first time around). It reminded me of what its always been about Stewart that I enjoy... his willingness to go beyond puff-piece journalism for comedy sake, and get to the real meat of currents issues of importance, not afraid to ask the tough questions and confront opposing viewpoints with total in your face civility.

It really is a telling story on the sad state of journalism in this country that the most honest political interviews of the last 15 years, have come out of what began as a Comedy Program inspired by SNL's Weekend Update.

They were up to April 2007 and Obamania was just starting.... its a great history review in 20 minute bursts. Turn down the volume for the commercials. You'll be glad you did.

“I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance.” - John Stewart
(a personal favorite)

PS - It's just been announced, Stewart will interview the POTUS next week. Just FYI

GaGambler191 reads

I do find him hilarious, unlike let's say Bill Maher who I find very unfunny since his days on Politically Incorrect.

Another thing I find ironic is the number of people who get their news from the Daily Show, not to mention the fact that the Daily Show is actually less biased than most of what passes for news on MSNBC, or Fox news for that matter.

thisbud4u209 reads

... mainly because the country's infection "politically correct" has infected the MSM also along with disgraced members of US Congress.

What do you think Viacom is, some underground broadcasting company?

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