Politics and Religion

I'm waiting for "Rogue One"!
Makwa 18 Reviews 94 reads

JJ Abrams does a better fantacy movie!

This movie explains perfectly what Jihad Hillary and the Jihad Hillary Party are all about.

Ironic-----  :)

Posted By: atfsearcher
This movie explains perfectly what Jihad Hillary and the Jihad Hillary Party are all about.  

Is anybody who tells an untruth in any situation guilty of the felony of perjury? That doesn't sound quite right, does it.

So under what conditions had Hillary Clinton and in what instances has she committed perjury?

...federal government official such as an FBI agent, whether under oath or not.

IOW lying to the cops about a minor misdemeanor will get you in more trouble legally than the offense itself.

The solution as you so aptly put it is to STFU. Politely of course, you don't want to get shot or beaten by some of Jack's buddies for your efforts.

JJ Abrams does a better fantacy movie!

saltyballs56 reads

........because it sure looks like Trump is mailing it in. The Trump campaign has so far spent 0 dollars on ads, I guess why waste money campaigning when the $85 million cash haul he received in July can be transferred to the Trump foundation, Ivanka his daughter and close confidant is vacationing in Europe.  

Posted By: atfsearcher
This movie explains perfectly what Jihad Hillary and the Jihad Hillary Party are all about.  

losing more and more of it's sovereignty every year. If all you Jihadillary lovers want the U.S. to look exactly like Europe does right now then you certainly have chosen the right nominee.  

"We have met the enemy and he/she is us" (Jihadillary)

All the costs of ATTEMPTING to assimilating the hundreds of thousands of middle eastern refugees Jihadillary wants to bring into the U.S. will be paid for with your social security and your taxes. Europe has already shown us that they have no desire to assimilate, all they want to do is establish their own Muslim Jihadist communities in your country.  

Goodby USA, hello Franc

Same goes for the GOP, which is nearing extinction.

Someone should buy you a 1 one way ticket to a White supremacist compound in Idaho.

Posted By: atfsearcher
losing more and more of it's sovereignty every year. If all you Jihadillary lovers want the U.S. to look exactly like Europe does right now then you certainly have chosen the right nominee.    
 "We have met the enemy and he/she is us" (Jihadillary)  
 All the costs of ATTEMPTING to assimilating the hundreds of thousands of middle eastern refugees Jihadillary wants to bring into the U.S. will be paid for with your social security and your taxes. Europe has already shown us that they have no desire to assimilate, all they want to do is establish their own Muslim Jihadist communities in your country.  
 Goodby USA, hello France  

to review her plans to destroy the US, confiscate all guns, and keep minorities as slaves.  

I can't wait for Wikileaks to show us the minutes of those meetings.

Posted By: atfsearcher
This movie explains perfectly what Jihad Hillary and the Jihad Hillary Party are all about.  

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