Politics and Religion

I'm making an assumption.
Pimpathy 376 reads

Liberals are afraid of religious whites?

Posted By: mattradd
You'll find a lot more blacks in liberal churches (Episcopal, Methodist, etc.) than conservative churches (Nazarene, Christian Brethren, Four Square, Church of God, Disciples of Christ, etc.)

Check out his esteemed colleague to his right...none other than Race-baiting Sellout Rackateer Snitch himself, Big Al no so sharpton.

The Obama regime has sunk to an all time low. The Obama Crime Family will start a race war to cover-up it's crimes.


blow their dogwhistles, the dogs respond with a big Fuck You!

Now this, is refreshing....


“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” ~Booker T. Washington

-- Modified on 4/11/2014 8:22:39 AM

Pimpathy476 reads

Than a religious black person. They don't hate religion, they hate blacks.

You'll find a lot more blacks in liberal churches (Episcopal, Methodist, etc.) than conservative churches (Nazarene, Christian Brethren, Four Square, Church of God, Disciples of Christ, etc.)

Pimpathy377 reads

Liberals are afraid of religious whites?

Posted By: mattradd
You'll find a lot more blacks in liberal churches (Episcopal, Methodist, etc.) than conservative churches (Nazarene, Christian Brethren, Four Square, Church of God, Disciples of Christ, etc.)

Blacks have been angry with white liberals for centuries. It's simple really. It's called: "Picking your poison."

P.S. How many white conservatives are in those town hall meetings he's talking about?  ;)

Pimpathy335 reads

Posted By: mattradd
Blacks have been angry with white liberals for centuries. It's simple really. It's called: "Picking your poison."  
 P.S. How many white conservatives are in those town hall meetings he's talking about?  ;)
"Picking your poison" ... is it your position, as long people take their poison regardless of which poison they chose, all is good?

I have absolutely no sway over why the majority of black voters choose to vote democrat vs. republican. And yes,over the last four presidential election cycles, I didn't get to make the choice I wanted to make on either the Republican nor the Democrat side. So, I had to 'Pick my poison,' figuratively speaking!

Pimpathy360 reads

1. The worst poison?

2. Worse poison?

3. No poison at all

....that he keeps casting aspersions on Louie Gohmert's asparagus.

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