Politics and Religion

I'm glad you and Quad found each other!teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 292 reads

Perhaps your parents can set up a play-date for both of you to get together. Hopefully, you both can get past parallel play to interactive play!  ;)

bigguy301229 reads

I wonder how many of the conservative media sheep even know the truth?

The way they talk and act you would think the blue states are the only ones getting help from the federal government.

So the next time you hear a GOP official or supporter blast the Federal government.

They should be ask this question.

If they dislike the Feds so much why take the hand outs or help from  Federal government? LOL  

They are a bunch of frauds.

I've said this before, I'll repeat for you...........................

 I don't believe in the Red State,Blue State divide, other than it's a simplistic way to show results on election night, the Bluest  Fairy  or Reddest Red Neck  state is actually a variation of purple.  
 Red state Blue state comparisons are one more way the Media strives to divide  us by color.
    Statistics are often used to manipulate reality.  
IMO Disadvantaged  people of every color and political flavor deserve a helping hand to survive.  
   Take a red crayon and a blue crayon, cut them appropriately to fit the percentage election results of any State below.  Approximation is OK, no matter how you slice your crayon you will end up with a predominate purple State .  
  A few of the States below don't add up to 100% though  they are close enough for crayon lessons.  
  When you finish reading the election results below, keep in mind most of us here on P&R are members of the United States of America,  
   United we stand divided we fall.  
 R Winner M. Romney 60.7 %  
 D B. Obama (i) 38.4%  
 I G. Johnson 0.6%  
 I J. Stein 0.2%  
 I V. Goode 0.1%  
 R Winner M. Romney 55.3%  
 D B. Obama (i) 41.3%  
 L G. Johnson 2.5%  
 G J. Stein 1.0%  
 R Winner M. Romney 54.2%  
 D B. Obama (i) 44.1%  
 L G. Johnson 1.4%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 R Winner M. Romney 60.5%  
 D B. Obama (i) 36.9%  
 L G. Johnson 1.5%  
 G J. Stein 0.9%  
 O P. Lindsay 0.2%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 59.3%  
 R M. Romney 38.3%  
 L G. Johnson 1.1%  
 G J. Stein 0.6%  
 O R. Barr 0.4%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 51.2%  
 R M. Romney 46.5%  
 L G. Johnson 1.3%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 O V. Goode 0.2%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 58.4%  
 R M. Romney 40.4%  
 L G. Johnson 0.8%  
 O R. Anderson 0.4%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 58.6%  
 R M. Romney 40.0%  
 L G. Johnson 0.9%  
 G J. Stein 0.5%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 50.0%  
 R M. Romney 49.1%  
 L G. Johnson 0.5%  
 G J. Stein 0.1%  
 O R. Barr 0.1%  
 R Winner M. Romney 53.4%  
 D B. Obama (i) 45.4%  
 L G. Johnson 1.2%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 70.6%  
 R M. Romney 27.8%  
 L G. Johnson 0.9%  
 G J. Stein 0.7  
 R Winner M. Romney 64.5%  
 D B. Obama (i) 32.6%  
 L G. Johnson 1.4%  
 I J. Stein 0.7%  
 I R. Anderson 0.4%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 57.3%  
 R M. Romney 41.1%  
 L G. Johnson 1.1%  
 G J. Stein 0.6%  
 R Winner M. Romney 54.3%  
 D B. Obama (i) 43.8%  
 L G. Johnson 1.9%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 52.1%  
 R M. Romney 46.5%  
 L G. Johnson 0.8%  
 G J. Stein 0.2%  
 O V. Goode 0.2%  
 R Winner M. Romney 60.0%  
 D B. Obama (i) 37.8%  
 L G. Johnson 1.8%  
 O C. Baldwin 0.4%  
 R Winner M. Romney 60.5%  
 D B. Obama (i) 37.8%  
 L G. Johnson 0.9%  
 I R. Terry 0.4%  
 G J. Stein 0.4%  
 R Winner M. Romney 57.8%  
 D B. Obama (i) 40.6%  
 L G. Johnson 0.9%  
 G J. Stein 0.4%  
 O V. Goode 0.1%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 56.0%  
 R M. Romney 40.9%  
 L G. Johnson 1.9%  
 G J. Stein 1.3%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 61.7%  
 R M. Romney 36.6%  
 L G. Johnson 1.1%  
 G J. Stein 0.6%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 60.8%  
 R M. Romney 37.6%  
 L G. Johnson 1.0%  
 G J. Stein 0.6%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 54.3%  
 R M. Romney 44.8%  
 G J. Stein 0.4%  
 O V. Goode 0.4%  
 O R. Anderson 0.1%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 52.8%  
 R M. Romney 45.1%  
 L G. Johnson 1.2%  
 G J. Stein 0.4%  
 O V. Goode 0.1%  
 R Winner M. Romney 55.5%  
 D B. Obama (i) 43.5%  
 L G. Johnson 0.5%  
 O V. Goode 0.2%  
 G J. Stein 0.1%  
 R Winner M. Romney 53.9%  
 D B. Obama (i) 44.3%  
 L G. Johnson 1.6% 43,029  
 O V. Goode 0.3% 7,914  
 R Winner M. Romney 55.3%  
 D B. Obama (i) 41.8%  
 L G. Johnson 2.9%  
 R Winner M. Romney 60.5%  
 D B. Obama (i) 37.8%  
 L G. Johnson 1.4%  
 O R. Terry 0.3%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 52.3%  
 R M. Romney 45.7%  
 L G. Johnson 1.1%  
 O None of these 0.6%  
 O V. Goode 0.3%  
 New Hampshire  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 52.2%  
 R M. Romney 46.4%  
 L G. Johnson 1.2%  
 O V. Goode 0.2%  
 New Jersey  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 58.0%  
 R M. Romney 40.9%  
 L G. Johnson 0.6%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 O V. Goode 0.1%  
 New Mexico  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 52.9%  
 R M. Romney 43.0%  
 L G. Johnson 3.5%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 O R. Anderson 0.1%  
 New York  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 62.6%  
 R M. Romney 36.0%  
 L G. Johnson 0.7%  
 G J. Stein 0.6%  
 O V. Goode 0.1%  
 North Carolina  
 R Winner M. Romney 50.6%  
 D B. Obama (i) 48.4%  
 L G. Johnson 1.0%  
 North Dakota  
 R Winner M. Romney 58.7%  
 D B. Obama (i) 38.9%  
 L G. Johnson 1.6%  
 G J. Stein 0.4%  
 O V. Goode 0.4%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 50.1%  
 R M. Romney 48.2%  
 L G. Johnson 0.9%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 O R. Duncan 0.2%  
 R Winner M. Romney 66.8%  
 D B. Obama (i) 33.2%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 54.5%  
 R M. Romney 42.7%  
 L G. Johnson 1.3%  
 O J. Stein 1.1%  
 O W. Christensen 0.2%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 52.0%  
 R M. Romney 46.8%  
 L G. Johnson 0.9%  
 G J. Stein 0.4%  
 Rhode Island  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 62.7%  
 R M. Romney 35.5%  
 L G. Johnson 1.0%  
 G J. Stein 0.5%  
 O      V. Goode 0.1%  
 South Carolina  
 R Winner M. Romney 54.6%  
 D B. Obama (i) 44.0%  
 L G. Johnson 0.8%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 O V. Goode 0.2%  
 South Dakota  
 R Winner M. Romney 57.9%  
 D B. Obama (i) 39.9%  
 L G. Johnson 1.6%  
 O V. Goode 0.7%  
 R Winner M. Romney 59.5%  
 D B. Obama (i) 39.0%  
 I G. Johnson 0.8%  
 O V. Goode 0.3%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 R Winner M. Romney 57.2%  
 D B. Obama (i) 41.4%  
 L G. Johnson 1.1%  
 G J. Stein 0.3%  
 R Winner M. Romney 72.8%  
 D B. Obama (i) 24.9%  
 L G. Johnson 1.2%  
 O R. Anderson 0.5%  
 G J. Stein 0.4%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 67.0%  
 R M. Romney 31.2%  
 L G. Johnson 1.2%  
 O R. Anderson 0.4%  
 O P. Lindsay 0.2%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 50.8%  
 R M. Romney 47.8%  
 L G. Johnson 0.8%  
 O V. Goode 0.4%  
 G J. Stein 0.2%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 55.8%  
 R M. Romney 41.7%  
 L G. Johnson 1.3%  
 G J. Stein 0.6%  
 O V. Goode 0.3%  
 West Virginia  
 R Winner M. Romney 62.3%  
 D B. Obama (i) 35.5%  
 L G. Johnson 0.9%  
 O J. Stein 0.7%  
 O R. Terry 0.6%  
 D Winner B. Obama (i) 52.8%  
 R M. Romney 46.1%  
 L G. Johnson 0.7%  
 G J. Stein 0.2%  
 O V. Goode 0.2%  
 R Winner M. Romney 69.3%  
 D B. Obama (i) 28.0%  
 L G. Johnson 2.2%  
 O V. Goode 0.6% "  


Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder how many of the conservative media sheep even know the truth?  
 The way they talk and act you would think the blue states are the only ones getting help from the federal government.  
 So the next time you hear a GOP official or supporter blast the Federal government.  
 They should be ask this question.  
 If they dislike the Feds so much why take the hand outs or help from  Federal government? LOL    
 They are a bunch of frauds.
-- Modified on 5/7/2015 3:49:44 PM

I know plenty of conservatives and Republicans that take great pride in being from a Red state, and have great contempt for those in Blue states!  ;)

I'm moving hundreds of  miles per hour where I am, standing still, if I take off and land in  Canada I'll slow down .  If I go to Texas I'll be moving faster standing still.  
  Does that mean all Canadians are slow and all Texans are fast ? Not necessarily so.  

 Circular logic works because logic that is circular never ends, depending on your frame of reference, therefore there is a  fallacy often found in circular logic.  
    Tell me something new.
   I already knew the Earth is spinning to the right,or left, depending  where you're standing when  you're looking up or down .  

 The point I was making to the OP, IMO we are a Purple Nation unless you're a partisan with blinders on and colored straws.  

  I'll be back tomorrow to give you another lesson, time to  tune in my Britain news to see if they  are turning more red or blue like you.  

  I'm betting they continue with their  Purple trend.  :-D

Posted By: mattradd
I know plenty of conservatives and Republicans that take great pride in being from a Red state, and have great contempt for those in Blue states!  ;)

Even the extremes aren't close to blue or red

-- Modified on 5/8/2015 12:32:46 AM

Perhaps your parents can set up a play-date for both of you to get together. Hopefully, you both can get past parallel play to interactive play!  ;)

Since I have never been trained in the art of teaching those who don't listen or have difficulties understanding  reason, I often have a problem with slow students.
   Perhaps the OP can relate to  colors in front of his face ?  
I suspect if your  collated and colorized data is copied into their coloring books, with their own crayons, the OP  and other dyed in  blue partisans, like matt, or red, like nuguy, will continue to draw a bright red and vivid blue divide.  

Posted By: ed2000
Even the extremes aren't close to blue or red

purchase a big box of crayons. You both have to promise to share, and not fight over them.

This color issue you both bring up it is just a way to deflect from the point regarding the hypocrisy many conservatives demonstrate when it comes to government handouts vs. pulling your own weight!   ;)

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