Politics and Religion

I will chose only one of your talking points.
JohnyComeAlready 685 reads

Feel free to disagree, as you probably will.

ISIS is a military presence, however they do not have a naval or aerial capabilities.  Given that, their capabilities are rather limited in relation to fighting them here versus fighting them there.

However, if ISIS fighters were to hop a flight into the U.S. and inflict damage upon the homeland. The administration in charge at the time. Would bear responsibility for any breach in security. Which is in reality, a nonpartisan issue.

Would you agree or disagree, that the Democratic party should be the party of war and defense?
Posted By: desigolfer
Like it or not, believe it or not.  are these not the things the voting public should be looking at when they go to the polls?  
 Unemployment at its lowest since 2008  
 Stock indexes as their highest in history  
 Jobless claims holding steady and lowest since 2008  
 Number of people without health insurance lowest in history  
 All people with pre existing medical conditions covered for the first in history  
 ISIS is not fighting us here  
 EBOLA, leave it to the doctors and nurses (so far 1 person dead, in Texas the worst place to be sick)  
 Why would anyone in his/her right mind vote the Republicans back to power and revisit 2008?

randomvr3013184 reads

Like it or not, believe it or not.  are these not the things the voting public should be looking at when they go to the polls?

Unemployment at its lowest since 2008
Stock indexes as their highest in history
Jobless claims holding steady and lowest since 2008
Number of people without health insurance lowest in history
All people with pre existing medical conditions covered for the first in history

ISIS is not fighting us here
EBOLA, leave it to the doctors and nurses (so far 1 person dead, in Texas the worst place to be sick)

Why would anyone in his/her right mind vote the Republicans back to power and revisit 2008?

JackDunphy624 reads

that the economy sucks.

You learn fast. :D

bigguy30689 reads

So here is a list of the things they block, the President from doing:

1-Jobs bill
2-highway bill
3-student loans bill
4- Minimum wage bill
5- Medicaid expansion in most red states with the Supreme court help
6- farm bill

I can go on, but we all see the games played by the repubscum!

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 11:14:13 AM

JackDunphy639 reads

If so how important? VERY important or just little or no importance?

JackDunphy627 reads

Are those bills important to you and do you think they would help people?

Medicaid expansion bill blocked here? No. You are totally wrong on that accusation. The GOP governors are simply following an option in the law that the Democrat Congress and Obama wrote into the ACA. There is an initial financial enticement for the States to expand Medicaid then it pretty much goes away, leaving the States to fend for themselves. These GOP states have simply jumped to the end, deciding to fend for themselves at the outset.  

Blocked farm bill? Try again. Your research appears to have stopped a mere one week too soon as the 2014 farm bill was indeed passed with nearly a 2/3rds majority. The result? A compromise the result of negotiation.


Blocked the Bring Jobs Home bill? THANK GOD and THE GOP it was blocked. This was nothing but an issue bill, never designed to actually pass. It was penned simply to create media hype. When analyzed it actually would ENCOURAGE U.S. companies to start an overseas operation because the tax credit to then end it would result in a net profit for the company. The GOP tried to offer amendments to fix things like this but guess what? Harry Reid BLOCKED every amendment offered.

Blocking the way to assist in paying off student loans? Who wouldn’t be for helping people with student loans? A small look at the facts reveals the GOP actually asked to have a Senate discussion to begin to control soaring tuition costs which has ballooned the student debt in the first place and to also take additional steps to get more jobs created so students could pay off their own loans instead of raising taxes to do so. But guess what? That’s right Harry Reid BLOCKED any and all GOP efforts at a compromise solution.

Veterans Benefits bill blocked? Well, on the surface it looks to many like you actually might have something here. Digging deeper though reveals even some reasonable liberal criticism that the bill goes way too far, is not properly funded and is not sustainable. I agree that veterans need better treatment from all of us.  I personally start with thanking vets and active duty when our paths cross in public. The government has been treating vets on whole like crap vis a vis the VA system. The Republicans, I believe made a big mistake when they tied their vote on Bernie Sander’s Vet bill to Iran nuclear issues. The GOP has been using their filibuster powers at a record rate, there is no doubt but why? It’s a sign of their total frustration with Harry Reid’s complete lack of desire to work with Senate GOP. Do you know how many amendments Reid has allowed the Republicans to put forward this year? Are you familiar with the Senate expression “Filling the Tree”? It’s a procedural move whereby Reid offers his own useless amendments to a bill that in effect use up all the available amendment slots. He has done this more than twice as often in the past 4 years as the past 6 majority leaders COMBINED. He does it because he knows he can get away with it, i.e. the MSM does not report it.  BTW, “Exempting nonbinding budget amendments, total amendment votes reached 218 in 2007, Mr. Reid’s first year in control, to 175 in 2009, to 123 in 2012, to 67 last year, by Reid staff calculations. Since mid-July, Republicans have gotten four amendment votes.” Jan/9/2014 ; NYT



Transportation bill blocked? No, not at all. You and your partisan sources again demonstrate you’d rather have the issue than a compromise, but of course it is clear what compromise means to Harry Reid, his way or the highway.

Immigration reform has been blocked? One needs to ask of course is, “whose version?”. The de- facto amnesty version? Yes indeed and good I say.  

If you want to continue this we can proceed to the Republican bills that are sitting on Harry Reid’s desk. He does not need to use the filibuster rule. He alone is a filibuster of one person

My goodness, you have a short memory. To say that “The GOP governors are simply following an option in the law that the Democrat Congress and Obama wrote into the ACA” is to ignore that 26 states sued HHS and persuaded SCOTUS that the Medicaid  defunding provision of the ACA was unconstitutional.

        Only then could the Republican states reject expanded Medicaid while keeping their funding for existing Medicaid. The “hammer” written into the ACA was effectively blocked.

       So, while the OP could have expressed his point with more clarity, he is essentially correct that the Republicans blocked expanded Medicaid in their states.

Posted By: ed2000
Medicaid expansion bill blocked here? No. You are totally wrong on that accusation. The GOP governors are simply following an option in the law that the Democrat Congress and Obama wrote into the ACA. There is an initial financial enticement for the States to expand Medicaid then it pretty much goes away, leaving the States to fend for themselves. These GOP states have simply jumped to the end, deciding to fend for themselves at the outset.  
 Blocked farm bill? Try again. Your research appears to have stopped a mere one week too soon as the 2014 farm bill was indeed passed with nearly a 2/3rds majority. The result? A compromise the result of negotiation.  
 Blocked the Bring Jobs Home bill? THANK GOD and THE GOP it was blocked. This was nothing but an issue bill, never designed to actually pass. It was penned simply to create media hype. When analyzed it actually would ENCOURAGE U.S. companies to start an overseas operation because the tax credit to then end it would result in a net profit for the company. The GOP tried to offer amendments to fix things like this but guess what? Harry Reid BLOCKED every amendment offered.  
 Blocking the way to assist in paying off student loans? Who wouldn’t be for helping people with student loans? A small look at the facts reveals the GOP actually asked to have a Senate discussion to begin to control soaring tuition costs which has ballooned the student debt in the first place and to also take additional steps to get more jobs created so students could pay off their own loans instead of raising taxes to do so. But guess what? That’s right Harry Reid BLOCKED any and all GOP efforts at a compromise solution.  
 Veterans Benefits bill blocked? Well, on the surface it looks to many like you actually might have something here. Digging deeper though reveals even some reasonable liberal criticism that the bill goes way too far, is not properly funded and is not sustainable. I agree that veterans need better treatment from all of us.  I personally start with thanking vets and active duty when our paths cross in public. The government has been treating vets on whole like crap vis a vis the VA system. The Republicans, I believe made a big mistake when they tied their vote on Bernie Sander’s Vet bill to Iran nuclear issues. The GOP has been using their filibuster powers at a record rate, there is no doubt but why? It’s a sign of their total frustration with Harry Reid’s complete lack of desire to work with Senate GOP. Do you know how many amendments Reid has allowed the Republicans to put forward this year? Are you familiar with the Senate expression “Filling the Tree”? It’s a procedural move whereby Reid offers his own useless amendments to a bill that in effect use up all the available amendment slots. He has done this more than twice as often in the past 4 years as the past 6 majority leaders COMBINED. He does it because he knows he can get away with it, i.e. the MSM does not report it.  BTW, “Exempting nonbinding budget amendments, total amendment votes reached 218 in 2007, Mr. Reid’s first year in control, to 175 in 2009, to 123 in 2012, to 67 last year, by Reid staff calculations. Since mid-July, Republicans have gotten four amendment votes.” Jan/9/2014 ; NYT  
 Transportation bill blocked? No, not at all. You and your partisan sources again demonstrate you’d rather have the issue than a compromise, but of course it is clear what compromise means to Harry Reid, his way or the highway.  
 Immigration reform has been blocked? One needs to ask of course is, “whose version?”. The de- facto amnesty version? Yes indeed and good I say.  
 If you want to continue this we can proceed to the Republican bills that are sitting on Harry Reid’s desk. He does not need to use the filibuster rule. He alone is a filibuster of one person.  

How is pointing out that something is unconstitutional blocking it? How can something that is unconstitutional or illegal be blocked without also breaking the law. For the states to have not "blocked" it they would have had to kept silent on something they believed or knew to be unconstitutional.  

You call it political. I call it civic minded. I will admit I slightly understated things in saying they were merely following an option in the ACA, but the Governors/States did not create the option, nor did the SCOTUS. The Democrats did that, albeit inadvertently.

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 11:02:20 PM

The DOW soars to 17.2k on strong earnings from VISA.   Who says the economy has not improved since Dubiya and Republicans are out of decision making?

it is always hilarious to me when libturds point to an asset pumped up by easy money going to money center banks to prop up their balance sheets and completely dismiss record low labor participation rates.

but what do you expect from the party of the little guy?  lol

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't those guys already rich? Aren't they the evil 1%? Isn't it bad that the Fed is digitizing money and investing it on Wall Street (Quantitative Easing) making the 1% richer? Don't those of us on Main Street matter anymore?

Please educate me. I'm so confused.

GaGambler690 reads

These are the same idiots who said it meant nothing when the DOW broke records under Bush, they actually claimed it meant less than nothing and that it was only a sign of the rich on Wall St getting rich at the expense of the "average guy" on Main St. lmao

I guess there is a new set of rules now that Obama is in office, because we all know that Obama is looking out for the common man and couldn't possibly be in the pocket of Big Business like those evil Republicans.

Just when you think the idiots like bigdumbass can't get any stupider, he goes and outdoes himself.

Those are all spending and/or government expansion bills, every one of them. They are all the very same policies that have strangled our economy at the cost of $7.5 trillion. When will you stop echoing the lies they keep shoveling to you?

Posted By: bigguy30
So here is a list of the things they block, the President from doing:  
 1-Jobs bill  
 2-highway bill  
 3-student loans bill  
 4- Minimum wage bill  
 5- Medicaid expansion in most red states with the Supreme court help  
 6- farm bill  
 I can go on, but we all see the games played by the repubscum!  

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 11:14:13 AM

bigguy30619 reads

You seem to have forgotten the Bush tax cuts and his wars?
So if you knew anything, those bills would have help to create even more jobs stupid!
I mean a farm, jobs, minmum wage increase or a highway bill?  
It would have put more people back to work!



-- Modified on 10/30/2014 1:34:44 PM

You simply repeat the same old tired arguments. The economy's great you just don't know it and/or it's Bush's fault. Then you claim that every blocked Democrat bill would have worked wonders, even though every passed Democrat bill has been disastrous.

You have no business talking here with the adults, BigBaby.

Posted By: bigguy30
You seem to have forgotten the Bush tax cuts and his wars?  
 So if you knew anything, those bills would have help to create even more jobs stupid!  
 I mean a farm, jobs, minmum wage increase or a highway bill?  
 It would have put more people back to work!  

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 1:34:44 PM

bigguy30672 reads

Your whole scam political party have nothing!
I love it when the truth is revealed, you guys have to lie and deny. Lol

-- Modified on 10/30/2014 5:18:33 PM

Feel free to disagree, as you probably will.

ISIS is a military presence, however they do not have a naval or aerial capabilities.  Given that, their capabilities are rather limited in relation to fighting them here versus fighting them there.

However, if ISIS fighters were to hop a flight into the U.S. and inflict damage upon the homeland. The administration in charge at the time. Would bear responsibility for any breach in security. Which is in reality, a nonpartisan issue.

Would you agree or disagree, that the Democratic party should be the party of war and defense?

Posted By: desigolfer
Like it or not, believe it or not.  are these not the things the voting public should be looking at when they go to the polls?  
 Unemployment at its lowest since 2008  
 Stock indexes as their highest in history  
 Jobless claims holding steady and lowest since 2008  
 Number of people without health insurance lowest in history  
 All people with pre existing medical conditions covered for the first in history  
 ISIS is not fighting us here  
 EBOLA, leave it to the doctors and nurses (so far 1 person dead, in Texas the worst place to be sick)  
 Why would anyone in his/her right mind vote the Republicans back to power and revisit 2008?

However the Bush administration was only on the job for a short period of time.

The administration didn't blame the previous administration. They responded

"The administration in charge at the time. Would bear responsibility for any breach in security."

I'll believe the economy is better when the average person on the street starts to earn more.  

     "The July 2014 real median annual income is 5.7% below our turn-of-the-century starting point"


Posted By: desigolfer
Like it or not, believe it or not.  are these not the things the voting public should be looking at when they go to the polls?  
 Unemployment at its lowest since 2008  
 Stock indexes as their highest in history  
 Jobless claims holding steady and lowest since 2008  
 Number of people without health insurance lowest in history  
 All people with pre existing medical conditions covered for the first in history  
 ISIS is not fighting us here  
 EBOLA, leave it to the doctors and nurses (so far 1 person dead, in Texas the worst place to be sick)  
 Why would anyone in his/her right mind vote the Republicans back to power and revisit 2008?

CltLuvr578 reads

Unemployment is at its lowest because many are eventually dropped off the roles and many are taking part-time jobs because they can't get full-time.

The stock market is not an indicator of anything other than trading shares.

Jobless claims are holding steady cause not many more could be laid off.

Number without health insurance is lowest in history is a lie.

Pre-existing medical conditions covered for the first time ... that doesn't help the economy.

ISIS not fighting here ... that's a true Libetarian who gives a shit about everyone else statement.

1 dead in Texas?  There was only 1 in Texas until the nurses were infected genius!

YTD average = 1.9% growth. That's a reality check. The 1st quarter was so horrendous even a stellar Q4 will only produce annual GDP of ~2.5%. But compared to the rest of the globe, I'll take it

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