Politics and Religion

I was wondering why you never post on my stimulus threads....red_smile
stripclubaddict 57 Reviews 1336 reads

all gov't does it (well not all) buit way to many and IT NEEDS TO STOP.  We spend more money on paying off the debt b/c we are out of control than we do on improving people's lives...Not that the gov't can improve everyone's life but at least stop spending it on bullshit

fasteddie514184 reads

A Michigan woman threated the Times Herald of Port Huron, Mich. saying she would take a gun to the newspaper and "do what they did at Fort Hood,"  Hmmm... conservative or Islamo-terrorist?  You decide.

1. She was upset about an editorial critical of U.S. Rep. Candice Miller, R-Harrison Township, for participating in Michele Bachmann's Nov. 5 Capitol rally.


(Of course, the paper was wrong... it wasn't a rally, it was an, ahh... a press conference!  Yeah, that's the ticket!  It couldn't have been a rally because Michelle Bachmann promoted it on her tax-payer funded government website, which is specifically forbidden by congressional rules).

2. Fox News, at it again:  Fox ran old footage of a Sarah Palin campaign and passed it off as a book signing crowd.


Not only are they biased, they're stupid (or else they think their viewers are).  Just last week they got spanked by Jon Stewart for doing the same thing with the above mention Bachmann "news conference").  I guess this was just another "inadvertent" mistake!  I can't believe people actually defend thses bozos!

3. New conservative bumper sticker: "Pray for Obama; Psalm 109:8.  Look it up and you'll find... "May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership."  followed by: "May his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."


Basically the entire Paslm is a prayer to God to strike down one's enemies.

And Last but not least,

4. Conservatives excoriated Obama for bowing to the Emperor of Japan... some actually had the termerity to call it "treasonous" and Dick Cheney said "No American President should bow down to ANYONE". Uh, only one problem... several American president's, two of them republican, have done it... Clinton did it, Nixon bowed to Hirohito, and Eisenhower bowed to Charles DeGaulle; again, neo-con bullshit, much ado about nothing.  They were the same ones who excoriated Michelle O. for patting the Queen of England on the back.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't...


Yeah, much to be proud of this week, my conservative friends...

-- Modified on 11/18/2009 4:50:41 PM

RightwingUnderground1251 reads

supposedly broad brushing the left.

And here you are attempting the very same thing. Have you no shame? Or maybe it’s. . . have you no memory?

We could go through all four of your “outrages” one at a time but you already know what the result will be.

fasteddie511097 reads

There's a difference between making broad based generalizations and posting four factual, verified news items.  Don't even try to compare the two.  My subject line may have been a bit cynical, but the truth is the truth.

Be my guest... "go through all four of my outrages one at a time".  I'm really curious to see what kind of lame excuses you could possibly make for them.

Look at yourself... You actually came to Phil's defense for his post, but then you admonish me for doing what you THINK is the same thing, Even if it was, can't you see the hypocricy in that?

Here's the thing RWU; of course I'm not implying that all conservatives are crazy or violent.  I'm sure there are as many whackos on the left as there are on the right, but consider this;  since the 60's, the extreme left hasn't blown up any federal buildings, advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government, or blown up any clinics or killed any doctors.  Liberals haven't dragged any homosexuals behind their pick-up trucks.  You gotta admit RWU, the extreme right is MUCH more violent that the extreme left.

RightwingUnderground2263 reads

Of course you were.

I realize you were being sarcastic but you DID state that (backing the sarcasm back out of it) conservatives should be ashamed for these four events.

Well guess what?. None of it has anything to do with conservatism.

1) No charges filed? If factually true that broke a law, she should be locked up either criminally or psychopathically (oh yea, we don’t do that anymore). Who is making excuses for her anyway? Is there some Republican Imam somewhere praising her verbal outburst?

2) So FOX News made a mistake. What did FN do when confronted with this mistake? Hannity apologized for his last week, the next day, on his show? Where does the NYT apologize (when they ever do apologize)? Page F65?

3) Where can people get these bumper stickers? Is FOX news including one with every coffee cup ordered? Are they including them with subscriptions to National Review or The Weekly Standard? I don’t think so.

4) I’ve posted at length about this in the last days. Go look it up. Obama showed more deference to the Emperor than in the past. Cheney did not bow at all. It looks like Nixon’s bow was returned in China so the greeting was mutual. We have one photograph of Ike. You may have me here, but what’s the context or complete picture?

BTW, it’s the Obama’s trying to have it “both ways” here. They HAD to follow protocol in JAPAN yet in the UK it’s OK to pat the Queen on the back? LOL

So explain to me how conservatives at large should take responsibility for all this. We don't. We expect other people, all people, to take responsibiltiy for their own actions. I don't feel shame when someones else messes up.

But maybe you should feel angry or at the least embarrassed that who you are and what you stand for is being co-opted by a group of... not evil, necessarily... but despicable people who think that THEY AND ONLY THEY speak for America?

I'm a liberal, but I'm certainly embarrased by some of the shit Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed has said or done.  And while I may not be critical of them on this forum, but I certainly wouldn't defend them, unlike many conservatives here who jump to Fox New's, or Dick Cheney's, or rush Limbaugh's defense at every perceived slight by a liberal.

Remember, just because someone's political point of view is similar to yours doesn't mean that that person isn't an asshole, and while I wouldn't expect a conservative to necessarily agree with me, I would think that he would refrain from defending them.

Snowman asked me in another thread to this post why I didn't comment on the post regarding the waste in the simulus package.  Well, one reason is that I can't really defend what's being said, other than to suggest that it's government, and I'd bet if you put any administration under a microscope you'd find similar waste.  But since I have no emperical eveidence to support that, I kept my mouth shut.

all gov't does it (well not all) buit way to many and IT NEEDS TO STOP.  We spend more money on paying off the debt b/c we are out of control than we do on improving people's lives...Not that the gov't can improve everyone's life but at least stop spending it on bullshit

Howard5767 reads

William Ayers who is Barack Obamas friend blew up police stations,federal buildings,and targeted judges at their own homes...FYI Eddie he is on the LEFT...here is some more leftist bullshit though you will deem is as deserved or just blow over it with your mightier then thou approach to people that have Conservative views.what about the SEIU members beating up people at town hall meetings over the summer???One gentleman was passing out dont tread on me flags and was beatn by 2 union members?Or ACORN them trying to help a prostitute get housing and put under age illegals in it as well that should be pretty radical also dont ya think then you have that crazy bastard with the cult back in the early 90s.....Honestly you need to quit qith your self righteous bullshit

Snowman391304 reads

what a friggin broad brush.

In the meantime this week the Attorney General granted terrorists the right to civilian courts.

Then he says if he is not found guilty they will not let him go.

Then Obama says he will be tried and then executed.


Also, DEMOCRATIC LEAD health care legislation is now going to push back mammograms to for women to 50. INteresting that the Democratic party seems to always hust teh groups it claims to represent the most.

So while you point to news outlets and odd individuals, I have shown you the Actual DEMOCRATIC MACHINE AND HOW IT IS F**KING US ALL!!

I would say the Conservatives had a pretty damn good week compared to the Looney left.

BTW, I liked you better when your posts had some thought put into them.

-- Modified on 11/18/2009 5:52:43 PM

I agree that I don't understand the reason they've decided to try him in a civilian court.  It doesn't make sense.  That being said, and maybe I'm an optimist, but I see no possibility of aquittal in a American court.

But that item has already been covered so there was no reason for me to rehash it.

As for the mammogram item, once again there is a rush to judgement and unfounded accusations like this is the beginning of health care rationing... Unforunately for the right, that's wrong;


The US Preventive Services Task Force is "an INDEPENDENT [emphasis mine] panel of experts in primary care and prevention that systematically reviews the evidence of effectiveness and develops recommendations for clinical preventive services".  Funded by the U.S. government, the panel is appointed.  Most of the experts currently on the panel were appointed by the Bush administration.

That being said, let's address my four points...

OK, maybe the first one was "painting with a broad stroke".  Let's concede that one.

2.  With ALL the debate we've had here regarding Fox News, and the constant defense by conservatives of their integrity, I think it's newsworthy to point out what is apparently a systematic attempt by Fox to bolster their points of view by misrepresenting the number of people who attend their covered and supported events.  

3. With the Secret Service Presidental Threat Assessment 400% higher than ever before, this is also a newsworthy item.  There have been other presidents who have been just as hated as Obama... Carter on the left and Nixon on the right, but read what I wrote... the threat assessment is FOUR TIMES HIGHER!  To deny that race isn't an issue and at least PART of the reason is to be blind.

4. Bush conservatives, and Fox News, used to go ballistic if the liberal press made any comments about any of Bush's questionable actions, but with Obama, they've taken it to a new level.  Any gaff, real or imagined, big or small, is made into national news and re-hashed for hours and hours.  Even the so-called liberal media like CNN jumped on the bandwagon.

As I said, my subject line may have been flippant, but that doesn't take away from the validity or newsworthiness of the articles.

If Obama said he drinks his coffee black, they'd call him a racist. If he said he drinks his coffee with cream, they'd say it's because he wants to rape white women. If he said he didn't drink coffee, they'd say he's an elitist.

Conservatives are like spoiled brats who can't handle that they got their asses handed to them in the last election.

I think they're that way because their mommies didn't hug them enough as children...

Snowman391695 reads

because lazy ass liberals keep wanting to take our stuff instead of earning it on their own...

but stuff from rich people, and they're barely doing that.

Trust me, you're not rich and you never will be.

Snowman391504 reads

is what made lynchings acceptable and the holocoust o.k.

Think I am being extreme, guess again....

To you it's ok because it is not happening to you, just "those other people"

It's either fair or it isn't. Demonizing a group because they are different than you was real popular in the south during the Klan era and Nazi Germany.

Nice company you are keeping there...

All tose points are true but do you believe even 5% of conservatives beleive them...This is out of the way bullshit that you are digging for...Please do better than this....i thought this noard was supposed to be about real political discussion but I see it is not.
i can post the same amount of bullshit from the left but that is so tired.  Come on people let's do better than this!!!!!!!!!!

Why not repond to the post below about the ridiculous stimulus bill.  That means something to everyone here...but please stop these post about bullshit.  i read a book the other day "who really cares" about why conservatives give more to charity, are less jealous of other people, contribute more to society, but why post such nonsense here....We can all do better than this but maybe posting about politics on a website where the main purpose is to get pussy is my fault....I have a few political boards that i cannot remeber the name of and I will post them soon..Maybe there can be siome real discussion....

fasteddie513592 reads

Again, I don't see how you can call these items "bullshit".  With the exception of the first item which is obviously an isolated example of a nutcase, the rest are all systemic of a political system gone wrong, and a media who's sold their souls to the devil for ratings (and I'm not just talking about Fox News).

These are NOT bullshit posts.  They are the building blocks of a far greater problem.  They're examples of a endemic flaw in our system that ultimately will be our downfall.

Obama, is not under more scrutiny...And if he can't handle it get the fuck out of office.  Every President gets scrutiny.  I live in NYC and during the last convention there were millions of people bashing Republicans in a way tht if it were on the other side would get far more press.  Is he under more scrutiny or just the media repoting it more.  A case in point the media says that hate crimes are on the rise..Are hate crimes on the rise or being reported more.  A nut would believee that there are more hate crimes today than 30 years ago but that is the way it is being proposed.

With 24/7 cable news organizations they have to fill the time with something.  So they report on the rise in hate crimes.  Where you are wrong is thinking Obama isn't under much more scrutiny that AnY president in history.

They all get it worse than the previous one and I think the next guy or gal wuill get it worse then Obama

fasteddie511197 reads

What does what percentage of conservatives that believe them have to do with anything?  As you yourself admitted, all those points are true.  And they are not minor points.  You have Fox News demonstrating a systematic philosophy of lying to make their causes seem more popular. You have Evangelical right-wingers using lightly veiled advocation of the death of the president at a time when the Secret Service Presidential Threat Assessment is 400% greater than at any time in the nations history, and you have a cynical and petty conservative party who nit-picks each and every minutiae of the president's life so that they can jump on ANYTHING he does wrong, real or imagined.  Obama is under much greater microscopic scrutiny than any president in history.

These are not petty items and all have valid points for discussion.

Agreed but my point is that is comes from both sides and they are all the overall minority of people in America.....We all know the squeaky whell gets the grease but why keep all the focus on the squeaky wheel.

fasteddie511069 reads

Yes, you're 100% right, they do come from both sides and overall they are a minority view.  But the problem is that like Jerry Falwell's "Moral Majority" of the 70's, they weren't particulary moral and they were most certainly not a majority.  But perception is a everything, and Falwell's group scared the shit out of a lot of people, including most of the major television networks and their advertisers.

That's the scary thing...

RightwingUnderground1657 reads

Get the fuck out of town. That's ridiculous. The dead free press has been giving him a near total pass. It WAS a total pass during the campaign.

Maybe the right is more vigorous because they see the press taking a dive.

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