Politics and Religion

I was calling Consternate Consumer a commie. eom
GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 1388 reads


I will repeat what I said for ALL the FREEDOM HATING COMMIES on this board.."The fairness doctrine has nothing to do with me not blindly following the liberal view..It reeks of communism to take away our right to tune into whomever we want..Should we force MTV to air a equal amount of JAZZ???? You people are preposterous in some of your views.. For your information I listen to NPR every morning from 6 to 9 and then I switch to Rock ..I usually listen to NPR for a hour in the afternoon. I can't stand Jeff Beck as he is boring in my opinion and only occasionally do I listen to Rush..I do listen to Hannity a couple nights a week..So how does the fairness doctrine work??? They going to make me listen to boring Alan ??? He is as boring as Beck!!!!. What the Hell is Freedom if I can't turn to the damn station I want????!!!!  We don't want Alan or Katie or Frankin on the same station as Hannity..It is our choice not yours... You seem more suited for the Venezuelan form of Freedom of the Air Waves" ..

And surely, you are in favor of Fair & Balanced dissemination of information, aren't you?

So what exactly do you mean??? In my opinion Fair and Balanced is only available when we go to ALL news outlets.. I don't understand why the liberals want to take away OUR choice of what we want to listen to!!! So what do you want ?? If we listen to 10 minutes of Rush is the station then forced to play ten minutes of Jane Fonda??  Give it a rest there are soldiers DYING for our Freedoms .. Sure hope you lefty guys aren't able to hijack our freedoms!!!! Control Control Control ..Thats what the left is  all about!!!

-- Modified on 7/9/2007 8:11:57 PM

We're to close as it is to having KGB or Stasi checking up on us.

Mark my words.  When Hillary get in, she's gonna send out her Brown Shirts to thump the heads of whoever she wants thumped.  

Hillary's GESTAPO are gonna get us all.  


Consternate Consumer1715 reads

We ALL as well as the American dream are dying

for the continuation of the corporate status quo.

“Stay the course” may well be the prophetic death knell of our country as we know it.
Everywhere you turn the entrenched corporate BIG MONEY is dictating how we’re taxed, who gets taxed the most, who gets health care and who is denied, what bills are passed, which are denied(or not enforced), why a viable all electric car already being produced and leased by GM is scrapped in favor of a 6000lb 8 cylinder gas hog SUV that comes complete with a sizable income tax incentive. A medicare bill that allows the pharmaceutical industries to charge what ever astronomical amount they wish for their medicines giving both reason and excuse for the medical insurance industry to raise their premiums exponentially or again deny even more subscribers. Meanwhile the vast majority of the thousand plus commercial AM/FM radio stations are owned by 3 major media conglomerates who share the same cigar smoke filled rooms of the other corporations/industries reaping the obscene rewards of the aforementioned manipulations.

 Capitalism? Free Market, and its forces?  BULLSHIT!!!  Whether long contrived or merely serendipitous these simplistically parroted ideologies have become the antithesis of the sentiment behind “We the People”  

RightwingUnderground1762 reads

it's not about fairness per se. It's about the granularity of the fairness and who gets to decide what's fair.

To most from the old Fairness Doctrine days, it means telling Rush Limbaugh that he must give equal time to some "opposing" view, DURING HIS showtime. Time that HE is paying for. OK, it comes out of the money HIS advertisers are ponying up. Nonetheless, HE should be able to control HIS time.

On a different note. He actually does provide both sides of most issues. Before he rips into something, he pretty well describes the "opposing" point by reading from a written article or he plays a recorded interview, etc. Of course it's not totally balanced, but it is never totally lopsided either.

If the granularity of fairness is at a higher level than a specific show, then why focus on JUST AM radio? Of course the pat answer is because spectrum is limited. But in practice, people’s bandwidth of information today is VASTLY GREATER than when the original Fairness Doctrine went into affect. Back then, everyone got their electronic news from one of ONLY THREE channels (ABC, CBS or NBC). The news had far far less editorial content. There was maybe, just maybe 5 minutes of an editorial each day. So who could object to a law requiring the station to put on an opposing view point (if they could find one)?

Today, an analysis of people’s electronic information bandwidth must include cable, satellite and even the internet.

In some government run fairness system, who becomes the arbiter fairness? Some bureaucratic committee?  Are you going to be OK when they require NPR to carry Rush?

Can you point to a market where liberal viewpoints are totally shutout by conservative ones? Not in any monopolistic framework, you can’t. Liberals radio has gotten its shot and it still is getting it. They aren’t locked out by  “big conservative” business. They DO get shutdown by advertisers, because NOT ENOUGH people listen. They need to get better at producing content not mandating that people listen or stations carry them.

If a talking fish was passionate and people would listen, he’d be given his own show by somebody.

-- Modified on 7/9/2007 8:39:48 PM

I bet you're a commie socialist!?!!!

Please tell us in a new thread how the US should be and how we should achieve it.

RightwingUnderground1542 reads

That would be, HUH???

Please re-read my words, only this time inject the notion first, that I OPPOSE the Fairness Doctrine.

Or possibly you misplaced your comment above.

-- Modified on 7/11/2007 7:02:19 PM

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