Politics and Religion

I think Unseenrain & SGG have told you here
jack0116533 14 Reviews 1940 reads

if you missed it, LOL!

RightwingUnderground2128 reads

let him serve his sentence in an Iraq prison.

I remember reading this story when the news media broke the story.  It was a very debased and gruesome act. On top of that what was more bothersome was the soldiers that knew about it, but did nothing to stop  or prevent it.

In my opinion, we should have never been there to begin with.  Maybe we liberated the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussien, but we plunged them into what seems a hopeless abyss of violence and further poverty. We cannot be the world's liberator and should stop trying.

SmellTest1958 reads

would be stoned to death by the radical crazies in the middle east. We are over there to, among other things, give women the opportunity to work outside the home-- in a society where they, LIKE YOU, can suck cock for money and not have to wear a burkka while doing it. It's about FREEDOM baby.

Where is the support for women's rights in the Middle East? You women talk a good game over here, but while your sisters are shrouded in the patriarchal nightmares of muslim societies, all you want to do is turn your back and run away...shame on you. Women the world over should be able to sell pussy and cocksucking services without fear of being stoned to death! Power to the women!

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 4:34:28 PM

Silent Majority2662 reads

As long as it is George Bush helping them they would rather have them stoned.  They also don't seem to mind when Clinton rapes them.

A little Harsh on the lady ?? Maybe ? However VERY TRUE!!!

FatTony2411 reads

For women in Middle East? How do you know if they are not happy with their life? It's their culture and religion which defines their rights not us! "Raping a 14 years old girl and setting her on fire" is what you call women's right? American style freedom?

I hate to break this to you, but women in Muslim countries are not waiting for us to get naked! That's not about Hijab. It's about their morals. I am sorry but I do not see anything wrong with fidelity. What is accepted here is a sin over there. The American dream is the BS we made up. The proof is the Arab lady in her veil shopping at Macy's.

You don't even have the balls to post with your username,   who gives a rat's ass about a coward's opinion on women's right, when he is being disrespectful and rude to ladies.

Silent Majority2529 reads

Your comparing an isolated incident to a cultural, religious rooted oppression that has gone on for thousands of years?  You're either intellectually dishonest or just a moron.

There is a movie made in Afghanistan called "Osama" that shows first hand the way women are treated in these muslim nations.  You should rent it before you make more ridiculous statements.

FatTony2783 reads

I guess there is a misunderstanding. What I said was in general and not specificly related to the main subject. In my humble opinion before changing rules and forcing our life style on countries which a typical american citizen have never heard of them ( The lady at the post office did not know where UAE is!) it would be a good idea to ask them if they actually like to give up their morals and become americanized!

Well, first of all, I was born a Muslim, I was raised here the U.S.  and you sir don't know very much about Islam! it is not the religion that oppresses women in the M.E. but men like you that have such an attitude. Might I suggest you pick up a copy of the Quran and read it!  The relationship between man and woman is a symbiotic one...the man is her protector, her provider, and she in turn honors him by caring for the home and his name.

I am Turkish, and if you know anything about the history of the M.E. you should also know that Islam can and does thrive in a secular society, sure it has some problems, but people have learned to adjust and adapt.  Do not compare every Muslim to that of the Taliban. And honestly there are parts of my religion that I don't subscribe to and others that I honor.

The bottom line is who are we as a nation to decide for others what's best for them? Let them figure it out, they will, they always have.

FatTony7336 reads

FYI: I am a Muslim too, and Have more than a few copies of Quran in my book shelf, I was also brought up in a Muslim country, and have been to Makkah ( Mecca in English).  Now we can talk....

Glad to hear nice to meet you....

I would bet my head that a majority of the women without freedom in the Mid East would be much more happy with equal rights..
 One soldier doing the unspeakable does not represent the army anymore than Ted Kozynski represents the far left.. Are you so blind and insolent you mock U.S. Freedom..I hope you don't ever see the alternative.

RightwingUnderground2203 reads

Really? What phone book is that in?

I likewise am intrigued by this handle.

I'm betting it's a play on words or some obscure literary allusion, but that's as far as I can take it.

I do hope he will enlighten us.  Interesting and unusual handles on TER fascinate me to no end.

RightwingUnderground2251 reads

One's "standard" cartoon character name is just as anonymous as an aliased cartoon character name.

SmellTest1487 reads

SirGravesGhastly, you're making my point, my not so bright friend.  Women over there in FUNDAMENTALIST muslim cultures should be able to decide for themselves-- unfortunately, over there, men decide for them.

Sounds as though you like keeping women in their place. Is that from your "holy book" too? Hey if a woman wants to wear a burkka and submit herself to a man who is free to fuck around, more power to her- But what happens to her if she fucks around? Call me what you wish, but the fact is women are treated as second class citizens in a large part of the fundamental muslim world. You write as though women under the Taliban had true choices.. This was a GOVERNMENT whose official policy was to forbid women to work- forced them to cover their body when in the presence of men outside the home. Amazing how many of these supposedly happy and content muslim women now work and dress as they please. Why? Because now they have a choice. Are they BAD muslims now?

When a government is hijacked by a religion, particularly a fundamentalist one like the Taliban was, WOMEN are the biggest losers.

Freedom baby...it's a HUMAN RIGHT!

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 8:08:24 PM

Do you seriously believe women can't work outside the home? Unfortunately for you, I'm sorry to say are just plain"IGNORANT"....ok  I'm done..I feel better now..lol


SmellTest2645 reads

Shame on you for turning a blind eye to what is happening to your sisters in fundamentalist muslim cultures. How can you let your sisters suffer in bondage while you sit here in a FREE society charging for your pussy and advertising your services on the worldwide web! It's ok for you but not for the women of Afghanistan during the Taliban reign? Why? What a hypocrite you are! How can you not know what goes on by governments that use your religion to subjugate women!

NO, women were not allowed to work nor attend school beyond the age of 8. Men decreed this in the name of their religion and imposed so many laws restricting women, laws that imposed harsh penalties up to and including death, for even the most benign offenses. It is mind-boggling how silent all you muslim women enjoying freedom were and still are.

Read the link-- YOU are the one that needs to get your head out of your clients lap for a while and learn something about fundamentalist muslim men that live to CONTROL not just women but entire nations.

One thing about ignorance is that it can be cured-- read the link and heal thyself.

Freedom baby! It's a HUMAN RIGHT!

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 8:40:43 PM

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 9:18:40 PM

why are we not invading every fucking muslim country where clitorodectomy is routinely practiced, which Americans acknowledge as persecution?

You know, half of Africa?

Any guesses?  Trying to protect their freedom from orgasm or something?

Another point - it's not real diplomatic to take personal shots at the hobby and its practitioners, in this forum.  Might be regarded as hypocrisy on your own part.

you sure as hell aren't.

You need to talk to GW about the rationalization.  I thought it had something to do with terrorists, or WMDs, or something like that.   I didn't know it was about saving women - or even figuring out WTF they wanted, anyway.  

But while we're at it, we may as well invade Mexico, and Cuba, and Africa, and China, and EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE-ELSE-there's-any-kind-of-problem.

Or at least you should.   You're such a tough guy, I know you can handle it all by yourself.  A few of those FUCKING YELLOW RIBBONS is all it takes!!!

Fucking blowhards.  I think I'll invade Monte fucken Carlo.

where we have reports that sasquatchians are descendants of abandoned wookies left behind in the transport.  We are analyzing initial reports closely http://www.messinwithsasquatch.com/

SmellTest2427 reads

Hey there jacko--ff-- I served my country proudly for 8 years-- and I'd do it again but my body is missing a limb-- and yes, you're welcome. So if your criteria for being a supporter of what we're doing is that one has to have served his country then I plead guilty. Do you have the same standard for those that criticize it? I happen to believe that whether you served like I did or not, every person has the right to say there piece. That's what I fought for and some of my buddies died for.  

Secondly, all of my posts in this thread speak to Afghanistan and the fundamentalist Taliban we overthrew when we invaded. And YES, by installing a more secular and democracy light government there- women have derived a large measure of freedom that was non-existent prior to our invasion...So, YES that is one of many things(as I said before) that we are doing over there. I never said that was the rationalization for going but it has become a reality as a result.

Work on your comprehension and reading skill sets. Clearly, they are lacking.

FREEDOM baby-- it's a HUMAN RIGHT!

active duty for 14 years, mostly thru the height of Vietnam.

And I know people can find all sorts of rationalizations for a fight.  You don't have to be a white knight for women you don't know.

You know that we went into Afghanistan to get Osama, and the Taliban only as his supporters.  You know we wouldn't have gone there except for that, just as we don't go taking freedom to Darfur, or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea.  If your wife knew you were freedomizing Afghan women, she'd have told you to get your ass back home, and you know it.  Hell, we created the Taliban to fight the Russians, and that was cool.  But don't be pretending we didn't know we were turning a bunch of fucken maniacs loose with PGMs - just as we supported Saddam.

You know that the chances of catching Osama would have been a hell of a lot better if Bush hadn't sent most of the Army off to Iraq, or Rumsfeld hadn't micro-fucked Tora Bora.

So the chances of stability there - or anywhere in south Asia - isn't all that good.

My beef with those draft-dodging, other-priorities assholes is precisely that they waste lives for no purpose, just as in Vietnam.  Up the hill, down the hill, then do it again, lose a couple people every time.

Vietnam was OK.  We didn't know any better.  But now we do, and Cheney acknowledges we do, but he sends you and Tillman and thousands more to get your ass blown off, FOR WHAT?

So, did anybody actually ask those women what THEY wanted?   Anybody ask YOUR women what THEY wanted?  I've got my doubts, you know.

I trained and worked with enough of the people who are now senior in both theaters.  My own training was, don't let your people down.  I hate to tell you this, friend, but we have leadership who have let the troops down from the beginning, in the biggest way, and I'll tell you I'm right behind Jim Webb in his telling the President, do the job right or get the fuck out.  DO NOT send people to mill around in a fucken kill zone until you can make up your mind what you want to do, and have a half-assed plan to do it.

If GWB had been a plt cmdr in any outfit I saw, he'd have lasted about 2 weeks.   And of course that was the reason he wasn't there - the entire mob is a bunch of self-serving irresponsible assholes, which pretty much sums up the Republican leadership these days.

My beef with the Republican voter is the idea that his fucken yellow ribbon is somehow payment for the lives and limbs lost in this lashup.

FatTony2315 reads

All I meant to say is exactly what 'SmellTest" said:
"Women over there in FUNDAMENTALIST muslim cultures should be able to decide for themselves-- unfortunately, over there, men decide for them"

Re: American style freedom, my point was that while we consider "the rape case" just an individual act by an individual soldier and does not represent USA, people over there do not think like us and look for any thing to make a big deal out of it and hold it against AMERICA.

RE; My Handle, I am no stranger I used to go by "Dr. Who" and have been a member since 1999, USer number 803 to register on TER.  

Peace to ALL.

-- Modified on 8/6/2007 4:49:01 AM

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