Politics and Religion

I have no problem with your ideology pri
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2546 reads

"Now, if you wanna be tolerant of my ideology & call a truce, fine. If not..."

I have very good friends farther left than you, and much smarter too.Of course thats not hard to do. Your hypocrisy is what shines the most, and your expressions of  mental superiority are the biggest jokes on this board. You can't see it because you are so far caught up in self-aggrandizement that the evident truths of your   mental deficiency, and clarity, is completely oblivious to you..
If you hear me complaining let me know, otherwise you are free to keep whining.
 I don't want a truce.
Now go study your Thesaurus and come back when you want to man up.

NCJimbo7598 reads

With all the problems the country have, a person would think the President would be taking less time off and work a little harder at this job.

Obama hits golf course with Biden on another hot, humid weekend

President Barack Obama hit the golf course Saturday with Vice President Joe Biden.

The White House pool report noted that Obama left at about 1 p.m. for the course at Andrews Air Force base, and his golfing parters included White House Trip Director Marvin Nicholson and David Katz, the energy efficiency campaign manager at the Department of Energy.

Obama left the course shortly before 6 p.m.

Nicholson and Katz, along with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, joined Obama for four hours of golf last weekend. The Republican National Committee released an ad soon afterward taking aim at Obama's golfing during the ongoing BP oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.

The temperatures in the Washington, D.C., area Saturday were similar to last weekend, in the low 90s and humid.

Obama attended the Washington Nationals game Friday night wearing a cap for his hometown Chicago White Sox. Sources told the pool reporter that Obama sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" and left in the ninth inning, before the White Sox edged out the Nationals 2-1 in the 11th.

GaGambler1555 reads

In all seriousness, this same charge has been  leveled at every POTUS in memory. Bush took too many vacations, Clinton got a blow job. etc etc.

I have many issues with our current POTUS, but this isn't one of them.

Priapus531161 reads

since the same charge could be levelled against you; btw,your "outcry" against ad hominem attacks can best be classified as "disingenuous"-----;)

When I posted the link about Obama playing golf I made zero comment. I didn't criticize him over it. Hell I didn't even lament the fact that he wouldn't suffer beheading over his recent lack of action.

Outcry? I called you for it last in MARCH and once before that in FEBRUARY, and not even here did I call you for it. Before that you have to go back FIVE years to notice my complaints about it. Hmmm, what new thing happened since 2005 to cause my renewal in interest towards ad hominem attacks? Oh yea. You arrived.

At least this time you didn't edit your posts in order to remove the evidence after people called you on them. Kudos.

-- Modified on 6/21/2010 6:13:14 PM

"it was only to highlight the OP's hypocritical stance."

Is there anyone here that doesn't realize Pri is the queen of hippo crits

Priapus531542 reads

& clean a toilet while you're at it-----:)

GaGambler1525 reads

I guess when you have been proven wrong, the only response is to insult the person (people) that have busted you out as a hypocrite.

It must really suck to have a guy that cleans toilets for a living and has only a ninth grade education beat you on the facts. lmao

Maybe you can find some spelling mistakes in his post to make yourself feel better? ROFLMFAO

Priapus53985 reads

you guys got stock in the company ?----LMAO!

& Who sez he beat me on the facts ? You ?! Ahhh, the right-wing echo chamber is out in force today--------LMAO ! Btw, GaG, I don't think you helped Quad's self-esteem by exposing his 9th grade education to the board--------:(

GaG, still extend my invite to Vegas to ya---we'll settle this like men-----& I'll drink ya under the table-----:)

-- Modified on 6/20/2010 11:32:36 AM

GaGambler926 reads

You seem to have remained shit faced for the last week or so. lmao

and just where do you see a single post by me in support of BP. Supporting due process, and being against this administration's propensity to illegally interfere with valid contracts between private parties, does not equate with "supporting BP". If you can find a single post where I defend BP, I will publically apologize.

Here's your chance to make me eat crow, but good luck finding a single post by me supporting BP.

Priapus531153 reads

I gotta talk to MP67------ Btw, GaG, wouldn't you rather eat pussy than crow?!------I sure as hell would.----:)

Btw, GaG are you posting aliases on this board ?
Doesn't that go against your personal philosophy?
I'll retract that if I'm wrong------

Now where's that Stoli 100 ?--------;)

GaGambler1223 reads

The only time I post under an alias is when posting as a mod would either detract from what I am saying or would make it appear that I am speaking for TER.

Feel free to make your retraction. lol

Priapus531562 reads

Now if only someone else would feel the same way about chickenshit aliases--------;)------LMFAO !

Priapus53925 reads

as for your ethics, counsellor---------

-- Modified on 6/20/2010 12:50:27 PM

you said

"Btw, GaG are you posting aliases on this board ?"

you actually meant this board.

Priapus531046 reads

Now, Mari, google "Marquis of Queensbury rules" &

Tequila up my friend. Drink like a man. Not an MP.LMAO

the most disrespectful post I have ever read on this board. And there have been a shitload of bad posts on this board.

You mock Quad for his job?  Hell, at least he works for a living, unlike many of the people who have joined you to vote for the libs who are spending all of our money.

Throwing out posts like this this dropping in the TS slam only shows how little respect you deserve.

You are not only approaching "Willy" status, you may have actually fallen below him.

And your little smiley face at the end of the post doesn't make it any less disrespectful. In fact, it only makes it worse.


I get so fucking tired of demeaning behavior from that man. Be gentle though; he's been drinking he says.LOL

Priapus53906 reads

& a reminder to PW---check Quad's archives for a history of the "remarks" he hurled at me----:)

I didn't take pripus up on his invitation to join him at the TS board..I have no desire whatsoever to see what he looks like dressed like a woman.

Priapus531029 reads

remove the numbers from the days in the "search messages" field. You'll see he has a history of initiating insults toward me. This is a 2 way street, my friend. Look before you leap. Or, is this more than that ? Could it be that a group of  board conservatives don't like my liberal ideology ? -------I call that intimidation & censorship, my friend. But, Hey, I'll stick around for luaghs------:)

-- Modified on 6/20/2010 2:20:26 PM

Priapus53 "remove the numbers from the days in the "search messages" field. You'll see he has a history of initiating insults toward me"

 I don't..You are much too easy ..  Want some cheese to go with that whine?

Go on back to your TS board if you are feeling defensive today, and play nice with your GFs..
Come back when you are ready to man up, or at least ready to "act" like a man.

Priapus53701 reads

& who started today with the "queen of the hypocrites line" ? Quad, I merely responded in kind. & "there you go again' ( to quote Ronald Reagan ),"starting up" in your latest post. This is a truce offering ?!----LOL ! Again, I say, check the archives.I speak the truth about your past "remarks". I'm sorry that you & your conservative cronies don't like my ideology, but this sorta" echo chamber bullshit" ain't gonna work.

Now, if you wanna be tolerant of my ideology & call a truce,I'm all for that-----if not---

-- Modified on 6/20/2010 2:51:21 PM

"Now, if you wanna be tolerant of my ideology & call a truce, fine. If not..."

I have very good friends farther left than you, and much smarter too.Of course thats not hard to do. Your hypocrisy is what shines the most, and your expressions of  mental superiority are the biggest jokes on this board. You can't see it because you are so far caught up in self-aggrandizement that the evident truths of your   mental deficiency, and clarity, is completely oblivious to you..
If you hear me complaining let me know, otherwise you are free to keep whining.
 I don't want a truce.
Now go study your Thesaurus and come back when you want to man up.

Priapus531557 reads

There was an alias ( tho I generally disapprove of that sort of thing ) recently, that had you nailed "dead on" about your insecurities. But, of  course, he was shouted down, by your "fellow travellers" ( It wasn't me, btw---)

Another thing--- I have mental deficiencies AND
clarity ?!----defintely an oxymoron If I ever heard one. & I need a Thesaurus?!

Actually, there are some board conservatives who are quite civil & who I enjoy jousting with----GaG, DNC Phil, JohnGalt ,even Pitching Wedge sometimes ( the exceptions being when he gets ujustifiedly worked up, like today )I disagree with the previous folks 90% of the time, but, they are civil & intelligent exchanges. YOU could "man up", study their behavior, quit your own "whining" & we could get along.

If not,best we ignore each other-------

-- Modified on 6/20/2010 3:40:48 PM

roflmao.. I didn't call for a truce ..if you had any deductive reasoning powers whatsoever you would have realized when I asked on the headline you want a truce ..and my next two words were I DON'T  ..I don't want a truce with you.. and furthermore .. you yourself are a oxymoron in many ways, though you are quite blind to that fact..
I admit my wording was messed up.. I wager most on this board other than you realized I meant you have mental deficiencies AND a lack of mental clarity..
In other words a pompous wind bag who doesn't understand the obvious if one word is misspelled..
 I don't want a truce! I don't want a truce!
I don't want a truce! I don't want a truce!
I enjoy the fact that a 9th grade drop out and a qualified employed janitor can easily outwit a unemployed blow hard like you.
You are a pompous arrogant unenlightened wind bag and I love messing with you, and putting you in the place you "try" to put others
If you think I'm whining think again and read your own sniveling posts.

Priapus531323 reads

& Ive been working steadily for over 30 years.

Game over------IGNORE !

Pridpus"Game over------IGNORE !"

 I don't wear panties so I never have to worry about getting them all tied up in a knot..
Don't dish it out to "anyone" if you don't have the guts to take it.
I will call a truce and won't mess with you unless I think you deserve it..LMAO

Priapus532124 reads

& If you don't find this funny, you have YOURS tied in a knot-----

For once you are correct.. I LMAO..Don't forget there is No End with me.Its only the beginning.

For a while I thought you had drawn that diagram of my work station on your own..I was very impressed you had enough mental clarity to finally come up with  something creative and humorous . I did LMAO...Then I thought again and said to myself it can't be so.I better check this out. Stealing others words and ideas without acknowledgement is called Plagiarism.Its still funny but I think its fair the source should get credit.



Now I know where you find your inventions.. Do you ever wonder why the patent office continuously  turns you down?

to believe in whatever you want.

I simply didn't like the way you attacked Quad.

And I don't have the time to waste searching the archives and counting how many insults the two of you may have thrown at one another.

I don't put people down unless I sense they have the air of above us all,and then I  thoroughly enjoy dropping them to where they belong with the rest of us or lower when they get out of hand. When I read Pri's sniveling post about who started first, I became quite curious what got me started on keeping him down in the place of the slug he often portrays.
I didn't tell anyone here my Boss hired someone else to take my job..I got promoted last month to clean the ladies rooms. There are some pri clones at my building, trust me, the ladies room are a lot less work, and I have some extra time.
 I spent a few minutes searching and found  two of his obnoxiously  ignorant posts around the time I first noticed him on the board,and although they were not directed at me, I am sure I took subconscious notes.

"Willy, if tornadoes wiped out all the trailer parks in the south
Posted by Priapus53  , 12/29/2009 5:48:05 AM  
you'd have no more GOP"

"Faith , or lack of faith & literacy are seperate issues
Posted by Priapus53  , 12/29/2009 2:27:44 PM  
I was kidding about those issues in the previous post.  
Modified on 12/29/2009 2:33:11 PM"

Anyone that believes that someone living in a trailer park in the south is related to what political affiliation they have,and not a product of  misfortune,or simply a lack of adequate income is as ignorant of the realities of life as Pripus. Who knows,maybe some rich people live in trailer parks to avoid the Pripusses of the World?

Anyone who constantly  corrects other peoples spelling and doesn't correct their own  incorrect spelling of separate, after modifying their post, must be a Pripus or only uses a urban dictionary.

PW You have taken defense for me a few times and though I appreciate your help for a little guy like me with a menial disgusting job in many peoples eyes, I don't need or want help in proving Pripus is not what he makes himself to be. He does not make me feel inferior when he mocks my janitor job, or when he parrots I quit school in ninth grade. I work hard and I am proud I do my job to the best of my ability, and most people realize a janitor performs a valuable service to the betterment and health safety of anyone that enjoys the clean seat.
Everytime Pri mocks my job I visualize him sitting on pee or worse..
If I was a shrink and did a psychological analysis on why Pripus likes to "try" and stand on top of those he "thinks"are below him, I would wager he has severe insecurity issues that he refuses to deal with, and instead in anger lashes out at others he "believes" are below him, unless they have the same ideology .I also see the anger he "tries" to hide in his smily faces.
The truth be told if Pripus spent less time with the Thesaurus he would have time to clean his own bathroom.Guaranteed under his seat is some nasty shit..
I rest my case.


grade education and being a janitor was part of your posting persona rather than your actual situation. Priapus may have thought that as well and concluded it was open game for purposes of posting banter.

       To the extent that anyone actually discloses their education level and job, I think it is beyond the bounds of good spirited banter to demean (except maybe for the lawyers LOL). I for one have no less respect for the janitors than I do for the lawyers, the oil men, the government workers, the IT employees, or the many other jobs the P & R posters may have. If a person does the job well, I respect them no matter what the job.

      Nonetheless, it occurs to me I have offended you when I made the post about your reading the comic book of Moby Dick rather than the novel. In fact, this comment was not intended to reflect on your education but I genuinely thought that might be what you were remembering. If the comment did offend you, I sincerely apologize.

"Nonetheless, it occurs to me I have offended you when I made the post about your reading the comic book of Moby Dick rather than the novel'

Actually I was not offended at all since I knew for fact I did read Moby Dick and enjoyed ..I thought you had merely misunderstood my post. I was more flabbergasted  that you doubted it and some of you guys were still reading comic books when I was re reading Moby Dick and looking up words in the dictionary...I quit comic books in second grade .. I didn't even know there was a Moby Dick comic book..Just because I don't care to use the words we sometimes see for impressions sake , doesn't mean I don't understand their meaning ...no offense was taken .. and I don't read the comics in the paper either..
I was a College Level reader in 5th grade according to some of my teachers..According to me some of my college friends are 5th grade readers..LOL maybe they shouldn't have told me that. I have no doubts I am a excellent reader so idle comments to the contrary don't affect me except maybe make me laugh..There is not a book available that I can't read in a year.
As far as playing a janitor, why would someone do something that so many {not you} look down upon. If I was going to act like someone wouldn't it be more fun to  "act" like a failed  inventor similar to  Pripus..lol

the main point of my post was to show Priapus exactly how big of a dick he was being with his arrogant remarks.

I think we have all wasted enough time talking about his smug attitude. Time to move on . . . . . .

Priapus531785 reads

You'll find it on the link below .This is what started the entire mess. & I'm just supposed to sit back & take it ? Totally unjustified. Last time I had spoken to him was weeks ago & we both were engaged in good natured kidding. Go Figure.

I suppose if Quad were a liberal, you would have condemned him for that remark, no ?

PW------dick, arrogant, smug ?------People in glass houses,you know----

-- Modified on 6/21/2010 1:00:44 PM

-- Modified on 6/21/2010 2:09:14 PM

-- Modified on 6/21/2010 2:11:36 PM

GaGambler912 reads

I don't know about being the queen, but your post was definitely hypocritical, and Quad rightfully busted you our for it.

You have turned "anti PC" into a platform of partisan, anti conservative ranting, and quite frankly you have lost all rights to claim objectivity. You are turning into as big a partisan hack as those you claim to loathe.

There is nothing even close to even handedness to your posts of the last few weeks. To claim otherwise is an effort in futility, your posts are here for all to see. You've gone from "I hate both parties equally" to "I hate all things conservative". Deny it all you like, the posts say otherwise.

Priapus53657 reads

which I thought was incredibly lame & shitty. & a knock against Tony Hayward means I support Obama ?! What a crock of shit ! I think BHO has done a lame job in the BP disaster.I said so because I slam Hayward & BP that's a knock against conservatives ? Hell-----a mjority of conservatives HATE Hayward & BP !

& Btw, you don't think board some conservatives don't engage in partisan hack, anti liberal ranting ?!

Brother, you should take up residence in Quad's & PW's "glass house". BTW, GaG, talk a look at quad's latest posts------"totally objective"----LMAO !

-- Modified on 6/21/2010 1:16:40 PM

GaGambler1341 reads

Does WillyWonka's ridiculous posts from the left side of the aisle give license for conservatives to make equally ridiculous statements? Of course not. Neither do conservatives engaging in "partisan hack, anti liberal ranting" give you license to engage in "partisan hack, anti conservative ranting" unless you choose be a partisan hack yourself.

As of late, your posts have been decidedly one sided. Denying it doesn't change anything, nor does the "other side did it first" defense.

Priapus531315 reads

I've gone after several on the far left here:
"Father Coughlin", WW ( when he make outrageous statements ) & "others"

GaG, & "when others hit you first" , unjustifiedly,( I.E."WW") you don't angrily strike back ? No?! Tell that to your Sicilian side---I've seen your posts---LMAO ! I'm an ethnic also, & get angry when someone hurls (literally, in this case ) shit at me.

& YOUR posts havent been one sided from time to time ?

GaG, as a fellow ex Calif., for the most part, you come across as a pretty cool guy. If you eever come to Vegas, I extend invite to get loaded & gamble with me.

That being said, It looks like the room has taken
a "rightward turn". Hey---conservatives have a right to be here----I extend invite for my fellow
libs to come in. However, with this change in ideology,looks like the room has lost whatever little objectivity & fair play it ever had----which is too bad.

"Is there anyone here that doesn't realize Pri is the queen of hippo crits"

That post was not directed at you..I directed it at ed for not realizing you are the queen of hypocrisy on this board..Willy is the King..
Perhaps you would like to take a poll and see what the rest of the board thinks??
Your hypocrisy is only second to one and like I said he is king and you are queen.

Priapus53, 6/21/2010 12:42:34 PM
-- Modified on 6/21/2010 1:00:44 PM

-- Modified on 6/21/2010 2:09:14 PM

-- Modified on 6/21/2010 2:11:36 PM
Related Link: http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?BoardID=39&SortBy=DateCreated%20desc&SearchType=1&Author=quadseasonal&DayFrom=30&DayTo=0&MessageID=123405&frmSearch=1  

For someone who enjoys to show his superior intellect why didn't you follow my advice??
I will repeat
When you modify you can erase the record of your previous modify.. That way no one notices how much you struggle when the Thesaurus and Dictionary is not involved.

Priapus53739 reads

& wasn't struggling at all, Dictionary, or no dictionary.

Now,stop obsessing about me so much;if you're  a man of your word, let this be your last contact with me until next month. We can rehash this then ( I should be so
lucky-----:)). In the meantime, in your prep for reading "Moby Dick",go harpoon Rush Limbaugh-----

"think we have all wasted enough time talking about his smug attitude. Time to move on . .'

I second the motion..

I never supported the man's policies, but so what?

It is not good for people to work 24/7.  He should do things that one does on a "mental health" day.  The beauty of Sabbath for either religion is it gets you away from work and you come back refreshed. And that is coming from someone who works at least a little every day, which is a stupid thing for me to do.

Lord knows, I disagree with the Pres on a lot of issues.  But this is silly.  (I did resent "date night" a little, but that was just on the economic side of spending a million dollars to take your wife out to dinner in NYC.  I did not resent the fact that he did something fun.)

(Needless to say, I objected to this critical bitching when the last one was pres and people got upset that he went biking or what ever.)

I know, every night I go to lay my head on my pillow, I did very little of the things I wanted to do that day, and I still have a lot of things that I should do, and I focused and tried hard to get everything done that I absolutely had to, for that day. I can imagine it's the same for everyone on this board, and just because someone is President of the United States doesn't mean it's not true from him, also.

Hey, regardless of what I think of the day, in a job like that, he needs a drink and a cigarette at the end of the day. Or I would.

But boy, would they go bongos then.

In the final word, whatever I think of him, I prefer a person to a computer in the job.

I am sure you already figured that out.

Every night I go to lay my head on my pillow I hope I wake up tomorrow so I can continue to not get everything done I wanted to do yesterday.Its a  "I've  got to keep living to not get it "all" done wish" .
That reminds me ..I should grab my stick and head to the beach.

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