Politics and Religion

I am thinking
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 149 reads

and not sure if I can do it, but thinking that I may 1099 my employee's and use as independent contractors.  Let them be responsible for their own taxes and insurance, if my accountant says I can do it.  If not, I will cut hrs and add more part-time so that I can afford the changes.

nuguy461496 reads

just the beginning of employees seeing their wages plummet??

who has been lying about ACA??

looks like a MAJOR reason to vote RR!


and not sure if I can do it, but thinking that I may 1099 my employee's and use as independent contractors.  Let them be responsible for their own taxes and insurance, if my accountant says I can do it.  If not, I will cut hrs and add more part-time so that I can afford the changes.

Maddy, this is a realistic option, but you have to be careful about how you implement it because there are some quirky IRS rules that you have to be sure you don't violate.  Let your accountant know exactly what you are thinking so that you can get accurate readouts from you accountant about this.

It's also happening in retail and auto repair.  But it gets even worse.  Some companies with headquarters outside the US years ago opened plants in the US as a gesture of good will toward the US even though the cost of those workers was a bit higher than what it would be outside the US.  Well, some of those companies have begun to shift that work back overseas as they experiment with impact to their business ahead of AHA being fully implemented.  It's a good bet that by the time AHA fully kicks in, those businesses will have their new manufacturing model worked out and jobs will shift outside the jurisdiction of Obama.  It gets better actually worse because physicians and insurance companies too are experimenting and putting in place policies under cover of government recommendations that result in less HC.  Classic example is the reduced coverage for annual physicals.  They still advertise 100 percent coverage for annual exam, but the number of procedures they consider "preventive" has shrunk to the point where the annual exam is not much more than a meal ticket to doctors who perform nearly nothing that matters to the patient.  If a patient actually wants a fairly accurate verdict on their health, they will have to pay out of pocket to have the traditional tests performed; otherwise they are not getting much of a sense for their health.

And have you noticed the price of drugs going up lately.  Drug companies too are on the band wagon of preparing to offset the freebies they will have to give out thus they are already tacking those costs onto other drugs as the offset.

Obamacare will one day go down in history as the biggest debacle ever perpetrated by government in the US.

more people will get part-time employment, and it will make Obama's enemployment numbers look better.  But it is going to be awful, because while inflation is going up, those with part-time jobs are going to be looking for another part-time job to take just so they can buy basic necessities.  And Obama nor our government should be surprised when thieving is a way of survival for those already suffering with no pay raises.  Nor should he be surprised that more will just give up looking for work all together.

Thank You.

and people seem to be stealing from you regularly because you can't figure out how  to secure your possessions.

I am busting my ass to move and secure everything from thieves and busting my ass seeing lawyers to secure my inheritance from the government thieves.  I am busting my ass to protect myself and prepare, because Times are a Changin.  You are delusional if you think you are above being stolen from, and I wouldn't wish that on you.  Have a nice life.

Anyone can be stolen from, and you're delusional if you're putting thoughts into your head about what I say.  I strongly suggested you get a web cam for your home, and the best set of two locks on every door. Of course someone can break into your home or car if given enough time.

I bike regularly and I have two U locks and I don't leave it for long, but I know it's possible to have anything stolen, but biking vs. not doing it outweighs as far as exercise. And now the beltline is being built out and paved which is a very fast way to get places on a bike, and safer than the extreme morons in your state LOL one who passed me going as fast as he was 50 yards from a light going into an oncoming traffic lane where a cop happened to be the next car going towards him. It's one of my favorite iPhone videos. What a dumb schmuck.:D

can be stolen while you are biking down the street.  I am guessing you are in Atlanta, be careful on that bicycle.  Every time I ride motorcycle to the N. GA mountains and go through Gainsville, immigrants with no fucking insurance, and soccer moms trying to get their children to church, with a cell phone to their ear, almost run me over.  Damn, I am so fucking happy to be moving to the country.  I believe change is going to be good for me.  Keeping my circle small, my facebook is still gone.  So I appreciate yall let me participate here sometimes.  I don't wish anything bad on anyone that is working and trying to make it today.  But the thieves, I hope they meet their match and end up in a sewer one day.

There are many flaws in Obamacare and there is always the question of whether government resources should have been devoted to this legislation when the economy was in such bad condition. But you cannot deny the good points of the legislation.
     Whatever the burdens on business, the unfair selective taxation, the delegation of unreviewable authority to 15 unelected officials, Obamacare will make a life or death difference to those who otherwise could not get health insurance because of preexisting conditions and poverty. So before you conclude that Obamcare "will go down in history as the biggest debacle ever" I think you have to balance the good parts of the legislation with the bad.

blatant malpractice not to do an EKG and a Chest X-Ray on a complete physical or when common sense warrants them.  There has been debate about how often to do them in asymptomatic patients as there is about almost every lab study and Rahm  Emanuel's brother Zeke who used to be Obama's health advisor now at U Pa. writes eloquently about cost effectiveness in his NY Times column.  There is an awful lot that's good in ACA; I know Mari hates the idea of a board, and he has every right to be concerned; there is a lot of analysis on that and every aspect of Obamacare and care prior to it in the medical controlled circulation and the media as there should be.

But pwilley's idea of taking an axe to everything Obama is ridiculous but that's his right.

I know this:  The real Romney is closer to the middle of the road.  Romney made a decision having run for office for so long and stung by his loss to Teddy Kennedy that he had to run way to the right.  His new fake moderate position probably is closer to his real beliefs, although he vetoed a ton as gov of Mass ( a job he wants you to forget he had) and I suspect Ann  Romney has told him he has to make people forget his 47% bitterness and his new moderat bullshit is not at all what he was preaching as recently as a week and a half ago.

If I were managing the ad buys in the next 27 days for the Dems both Obama and downticket, I'd for sure run a split screen of Romney lying now about what he allegedly stood for up to Debate I, and I can't imagine Biden and Obama not hammering Romney and  Ryan about their lies in the next three debates (although the pundits and Republicans are sure over-estimating what the impact of a bad debate one will be if you look at the graph and the article I posted by Ezra Klein in  WAPO this morning.

I would point out by the way as meningitis is spreading from a compounding  fungal contaminant now in 11 states with a number of deaths from rare Cryptococcal meningitis, funding for public healthemergencies has shrunk by 20% in the past decade.

Obamacare will extend health insurance to 32 million Americans. Here’s who they are. (If states don't refuse Medicaid expansion funds and each one  that does will take insurance away from people)

followme167 reads


ah-ah - ting-tang
wallw-walla - bing-bang

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP = Truth

Yes, and government will make life/death decisions across the board for all.  Therein lies the fundamental issue... government has no place in this process in a so called free society.  But thusfar, the supremes have spoken; however one can only hope that voters will now set things right.

Now I realize my views are cold hearted.  But, life isn't always fair, and as creatures of earth, it is designed to be survival of the fit.  I accept my cold hearted view satisfied that "most" of those who now get a free ride, made life choices that forced them to be in their current situation.  Decisions have consequences, and that's the cold hard truth and others should not be mandated to pay for the decisions of others.

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