Politics and Religion

I am not a huge fan of Jamie Fox where it comes to humor
GaGambler 225 reads

but those jokes were at least "kind of funny" and hardly "Transphobic" and I can barely believe there is even such a word.

Remember TrannyBoy? Remember him calling me "GayGambler" and my response to him? I told him I was not gay, but that if I was, I'd be the best little cocksucker on the board and would wear it proudly.

Like you I am secure enough in my sexuality that I am not "afraid" that someone might think that secretly I was gay. I am not afraid to admit to EVERYONE that I fuck hookers, I certainly wouldn't be too afraid to come out of the closet if I were gay.

and to get back on topic, yes that App was way over the fucking top and Apple did a public service by shitcanning it. I can hardly believe anyone on a fuckboard would stoop to defending it no matter how much they hate fags. "Hating fags" what a complete waste of time and energy, what is there to hate? More pussy for the rest of us is my motto.

CltLuvr1077 reads

it's offensive.  The real truth is that Tim Cook, CEO of Apple is openly gay and is intolerant of anyone that doesn't accept homosexuality as normal.  

Funny how gays want people to be tolerant of them, but are never tolerant of anyone that doesn't share their beliefs.

Posted By: CltLuvr
it's offensive.  The real truth is that Tim Cook, CEO of Apple is openly gay and is intolerant of anyone that doesn't accept homosexuality as normal.    
 Funny how gays want people to be tolerant of them, but are never tolerant of anyone that doesn't share their beliefs.
Link? Source? Anything?

Apple removed that app option a couple years ago.  
  In Cook's defense it  was over the top.
The app in question was called Door of Hope, designed to free users  from homosexuality, gambling and other activities the holier than thou crowd never participate in, except  secretly.

IMO there's too much unnecessary strife inflicted from judgmental opinions when they believe homosexuality is wrong, while there's too much defense from homosexuals/trans and their  protectionists on the  sidelines .
  Look at  the flak Jamie Foxx  is receiving for a few  Jenner jokes.  
   A person content and secure in their own skin won't be easily offended, even when the joke is on them.  

  I don't believe Jamie Foxx is Transphobic or judgmental .
   I know I'm not Transphobic , I think the woman  in the link below looks hot  
  {She was  born with a manly physique }  

   Why will Bruce Jenner  quit golfing ?  Because he  -------  -- ------ ---- --- -----
   I'd fill in the punch line but I prefer to not be a suspected Jamie Foxx - Jenner  
joke plagiarizer.  
     I have no issues when  referred to as Quad the  Homo
  You shouldn't  believe with certainty I have no issues  when referred to as Homo, because I'm not one.
  1. You can't be sure I'm not.   :-D  :-D


Posted By: CltLuvr
it's offensive.  The real truth is that Tim Cook, CEO of Apple is openly gay and is intolerant of anyone that doesn't accept homosexuality as normal.    
 Funny how gays want people to be tolerant of them, but are never tolerant of anyone that doesn't share their beliefs.
-- Modified on 3/31/2015 8:50:42 PM

GaGambler226 reads

but those jokes were at least "kind of funny" and hardly "Transphobic" and I can barely believe there is even such a word.

Remember TrannyBoy? Remember him calling me "GayGambler" and my response to him? I told him I was not gay, but that if I was, I'd be the best little cocksucker on the board and would wear it proudly.

Like you I am secure enough in my sexuality that I am not "afraid" that someone might think that secretly I was gay. I am not afraid to admit to EVERYONE that I fuck hookers, I certainly wouldn't be too afraid to come out of the closet if I were gay.

and to get back on topic, yes that App was way over the fucking top and Apple did a public service by shitcanning it. I can hardly believe anyone on a fuckboard would stoop to defending it no matter how much they hate fags. "Hating fags" what a complete waste of time and energy, what is there to hate? More pussy for the rest of us is my motto.

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