Politics and Religion

He'a about the only one left to make a surge if . . .
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 490 reads

Gingrich's bid is stymied.

But the general voting public will likely never take Paul seriously. He just doesn't look Presidential enough. He looks too much like what he is -- a retired doctor from rural Texas.

Priapus532202 reads

And Newt WILL plunge, take my word for it. Priapus Nostradamus, P&R's most trusted oracle ( some say orifice---LOL ) who predicted the Cain
collapse sees similar TSURIS for Newt: seems the dude was a lobbyist for Freddie Mac, supported cap & trade, supported "healthacare mandate", was against the Ryan medicare plan before he was
for it,cut a commerical where he was "cushy" with
"Princess Pelosi", ad nauseum. Add this to Newt's other personal baggage ( listed in my OP below ) & "Newtster" becomes toast along with Herman Cain, buttressing a "shit sandwich" for their board supporters--------;)

All this brings me to the subject of Ron Paul ( see link below )he's surging in early primary states. Do I think the electorate & GOP establishment will let him be nominee ? No. However, ENOUGH devoted followers where he COULD vaunt up to 2nd, making him a formidable voice/presence.

Don't get me wrong------wouldn't vote for him because of "wacky" domestic policies, though I do admire his stands on foreign policy, defense spending "war on drugs" & Libertarian stance on prostitution. I must restate MSM has taken a shoody & dismissive attitude toward him,which it does at its own peril.

-- Modified on 11/16/2011 8:13:31 AM

Gingrich's bid is stymied.

But the general voting public will likely never take Paul seriously. He just doesn't look Presidential enough. He looks too much like what he is -- a retired doctor from rural Texas.

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