Politics and Religion

he will get a new first name
AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 252 reads

The Dems and their friends in the media will attach "extreme or extremist" to his name . It's a word never associated with Obama , Warren, or Clinton
A few weeks ago Walker was supposed to a dummy because he dropped out of college.Cruz has degrees from Harvard and Princeton.Not that it will matter to the left.

The Dems and their friends in the media will attach "extreme or extremist" to his name . It's a word never associated with Obama , Warren, or Clinton
A few weeks ago Walker was supposed to a dummy because he dropped out of college.Cruz has degrees from Harvard and Princeton.Not that it will matter to the left.

bigguy30222 reads

Posted By: AliquippaJones
The Dems and their friends in the media will attach "extreme or extremist" to his name . It's a word never associated with Obama , Warren, or Clinton  
 A few weeks ago Walker was supposed to a dummy because he dropped out of college.Cruz has degrees from Harvard and Princeton.Not that it will matter to the left.

nuguy46251 reads

when will we see the 'attacks' on his wife?  she's a lawyer...like Mrs King and the Clinton lady...(but no attacks on the Dims crowd, huh?)

bigguy30243 reads

Posted By: nuguy46
when will we see the 'attacks' on his wife?  she's a lawyer...like Mrs King and the Clinton lady...(but no attacks on the Dims crowd, huh?)

If he didn't have it memorized then that would be a problem. And he's just channeling in his inner Joe MacCarthy.

...attend Cruz's announcement or else they faced a fine and reprimands from their thumper college.  "Liberty" University - what an ironic name!

nuguy46244 reads

he didn't use a teleprompter like the man who thinks he was elected King...

Crucifier has been memorizing this shit for two years now.  

Wait till he has to give another speech on another subject. Here is news flash for mental midgets, all POTUS and every speaker worth a grain of salt used paper before. Teleprompter is replacement for the paper.  

If you look closely, you will find that, no is using typewriters in offices anymore, you will also find no one is using big old files in government offices. Instead of typewriters, people using computers and word processing software, instead of huge files and file cabinets, government offices are using computers to collect, store and find information.

Humanity has also moved onto the 21st century from the 20th century, most people in the world has no desire to go back to 17th century when there was no cure for many diseases.

It may be big deal for ignorants, not for anyone else

Because if you haven't heard, North Koreans are Marxist.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...attend Cruz's announcement or else they faced a fine and reprimands from their thumper college.  "Liberty" University - what an ironic name!

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