Politics and Religion

For years and years the network news divisions lost money. Big time.
JackDunphy 427 reads

But they didn't care. Their reputation as news men was VERY important to them and the nightly news had such great ratings they could afford to take the loss as a lead in for their prime time schedule and to advertise their schedules on the nightly news. It was a loss leader, so to speak.

Don Hewitt, the creator and producer of 60 minutes told an interesting story before he passed. He recalled the day CBS brass came into his office and were ecstatic to tell him that 60 minutes, for the first time, made a profit and a big one at that.

So Hewitt goes and tells his stars the news and he said, paraphrasing:  

"I have good news and bad. The good news is we made a profit. The bad news is we made a profit."

Hewitt knew if news programs were money makers, CBS suits would make them follow stories were the money could be made and not necessarily tell stories that needed to be told. In other words, once you show a profit, there is pressure to keep the profit going year to year and increase the profit as well

JackDunphy2324 reads

I guess we should dispense with the current investigation that would lead to whether or not we should even have a prosecution. What a dope and hopeless partisan hack.

GaGambler450 reads

The usual suspects here, and in real life have all acted predictably, with law and order types like Jack immediately giving the cops the benefit of the doubt, and the "other side", the rabid lefties, wanting to hang the cops before the victim/perpetrator's body was even cold or any of the facts had come in.

It is appearing that as the facts come in that the cop was NOT the cold blooded killer that the likes of Al Sharpton, WillyWonka and our newest moron C73, would like for him to have been, but I doubt that the facts really matter to them, and I bet you that secretly, or not so secretly they WANT the cop to be guilty to justify the hate they have for LE and "whitey".

It is a bit refreshing that not EVERBODY here leapt to a conclusion based on their preexisting biases, You and Matt are a couple that come to mind. Personally, I still don't have any real opinion on what happened. although the evidence is pointing towards the cop NOT being a cold blooded murderer. Once the media circus gets ahold of a story like this, facts not only get overlooked, they become almost irrelevant. It would be a change of pace though if just once they would make such a fuss if a white, brown, or maybe an Asian kid were gunned down by a brown, black or Asian cop. It only seems to be newsworthy if the shooter is white and the person shot is black. I guess no other color combinations are newsworthy.

Yeah Gaga, facts seem to have gotten short shrift in the evolution of the sound byte.
Remember when the news actually strove to present the facts? That was before the 24 hour news cycle and the news division being folded in under the entertainment umbrella, beholden to ratings.

There is no question of serious social dysfunction in Ferguson, to put it mildly. But as the story unfolds, the questions of what really happened and how are multiplying.

The Solution?
All you really need, are people willing to look at, assess, and decide BASED ON THE FACTS!!! A simple and elegant process, one that has little to no chance of happening in today's environment. Much like the Middle East. Only this one is MUCH closer to home.

"Remember when the news actually strove to present the facts? That was before the 24 hour news cycle and the news division being folded in under the entertainment umbrella, beholden to ratings."

Now, you also have:

"But it gets worse. A representative of the Newspaper Guild told Gawker that Time Inc. actually fired writers in part based on the chart, meaning that they were let go in part because they weren't driving enough advertising through their work."  see link.

JackDunphy428 reads

But they didn't care. Their reputation as news men was VERY important to them and the nightly news had such great ratings they could afford to take the loss as a lead in for their prime time schedule and to advertise their schedules on the nightly news. It was a loss leader, so to speak.

Don Hewitt, the creator and producer of 60 minutes told an interesting story before he passed. He recalled the day CBS brass came into his office and were ecstatic to tell him that 60 minutes, for the first time, made a profit and a big one at that.

So Hewitt goes and tells his stars the news and he said, paraphrasing:  

"I have good news and bad. The good news is we made a profit. The bad news is we made a profit."

Hewitt knew if news programs were money makers, CBS suits would make them follow stories were the money could be made and not necessarily tell stories that needed to be told. In other words, once you show a profit, there is pressure to keep the profit going year to year and increase the profit as well

Why can't they still absorb the loss of a half-hour or hour news show, which is the same caliber as before? Is it that they really need the extra money, or that that one news show will make their other 24-7 news shows on the cable channels look bad, and call into question the disparity? Or, is it both!

Well for one thing, in today's world, there are no Morrows, no Cronkites, no Reasoners, and certainly nothing even close to the Huntley-Brinkley Report.  

Shit, man, didn't I read somewhere that the most trusted news source in the US today is John Stewart and the Daily Show

but they are out there.

and isn't that the crowd that calls itself "smart"?

86H13LTP442 reads

killed him. We might have read about it in a one paragraph story on page three of the paper.  


That  Governor is a Douche Bag. The guy has  been a lawyer for over 30 years so that was no slip up.

GaGambler410 reads

would have stayed at home. "Sorry folks, nothing to see" would have replaced the headline.

cashorcredit462 reads

You can't hang someone before knowing whether or not they're guilty.  

How anyone could know what happened before the investigation is completed would have to be a psychic.  

Whatever the case maybe I feel bad for his parents, their son is gone whether he was murdered or caused his own death.

Panthera12339 reads

He should be removed from office for making such statements.

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