Politics and Religion

Does anyone know who GB Singh
kerrakles 1979 reads

He is a known sympathizer of a terrorist organization responsible for blowing Panam flight over Lockerbee.

Not very reputable. Lives in FL and considers him to be a Management Consultant.

Nice twist on the spelling Gandhi - correct, Ghandhi - wrong

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi”

A new book on Ghandi just came out that is capitalizing on the ignorance of the American public,not to mention the politicians, just in time for the coronation of the Democratic candidate, of course both candidates have made many favorable comments regarding Ghandi during the span of their careers.

The book doesn't reveal anything new to those who actually have acquired information from places other than their TV set. Ghandi was not only a steadfast believer in the inequality of the different human races, he believed that Whites should have ruling power over South Africa.It is worth noting that he believed that Indians were the same as Caucasions and thus would be a part of the ruling class.

On many occasions Ghandi refered to Blacks as "kaffirs" which is the equivelent to the word nigger. Of blacks Ghandi stated, "Ours is on continual struggle against a degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by Europeans, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw kaffir whose occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, then pass his life of indolence and nakedness." Ouch!!

Ghandi also admired and corresponded with Adolf Hitler. So much for being a icon of leftist equality and multiculural movements ey?? Alas the majority of leftists heros can always be revealed as frauds, or perhaps I should say not what the left wants them to stand for, with only a bit of research that is not handicapped by the subversion and subterfuge of the news media, excuse me, jews media.

The liberals should not fear. With the Zionist/liberal stranglehold over the American media, very few of the sheep will ever find out any of this information, I mean, who reads books right????


-- Modified on 5/24/2008 5:47:55 PM

kerrakles2059 reads

Let me say World Net daily is full of shit. Gandhi was not a politician, never held an elected office, never wanted to be in political power.

It is sad people are so ignorant and say things about someone they know nothing about.  They could have at least watched Richard Attenborough's movie before showing their ignorance.

Gandhi wasn't corresponding with Hitler or anyone for that matter during those days. He asked Indians to join the British army and serve.

World net Daily didnt break this story. While I hadnt heard,and I dont believe just yet, that he was an admirer of Adolf Hitler, there are many different sources that document his stern disbelief in racial equality and his statements about different races.

Then again, every one was a bit more sane and realistic, not at all handicapped by political correctness, during his time.

If you guys want any respect, learn how to spell someone's name first.

-- Modified on 5/25/2008 3:06:17 AM

I'm sorry, I am laughing my ass off at the notion of Gandhi admiring or corresponding with Hitler. They were the antithesis of one another. There is absolutely no way you could ever convince me that Gandhi ever had any admiration for a man who's goal was to subjugate his neighbors and completely exterminat an entire race.

Of course Worldnetdaily would break such a story. They are on par with the National Enquirer and other trash papers. Get a better source and maybe your claim will have some credibility.

-- Modified on 5/25/2008 5:18:16 AM

kerrakles1980 reads

He is a known sympathizer of a terrorist organization responsible for blowing Panam flight over Lockerbee.

Not very reputable. Lives in FL and considers him to be a Management Consultant.

Nice twist on the spelling Gandhi - correct, Ghandhi - wrong

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi”

he blew an entire flight? wow, his jaw must be sore.

of course, the spelling of Gandhi's name was not the only thing talldim got wrong in his post. And if BP is going to ridicule someone for that, he should at least get it right himself.

As for the nonsense in the original OP, more of his standard Jews run the world crap. So let's see, Jews control all the mainstream media, but its the mainstream media that is promoting Gandhi and covering up his admiration for and contact with Hitler. Anyone else note the contradiction?

Then his reply states he is not sure about the accuracy of the correspondence, after stating it as if it were fact in the OP.

So as far as your quote goes, I guess talldipshit is half-way to winning.

You perceive my comments as being typical, old, stupid,etc, wow you haven't done that before . Well your bland retorts are just as old, I have told you before stop stalking me.

I posted an article you doorknob, I never stated that it all parts of it were factual. I posted it for consideration by those who wished to do so. I guess,according to your rational, one must wholeheartedly believe in anything they post on a message board,I shared my opinion on the article and added that I was aware of A FEW of the facts discussed.

You are so miserably stupid I feel sorry for anyone that must come into your vacinity at any time of any day. The media promotes Ghandi (now I am just misspelling to annoy) without mentioning the inconvienent historical facts. Ghandi was a stanch believer in race and thus the media ignores that so not to cloud his image as a freedom fighter. Has the mainstream media ever acknowledged this story that may or may not hold water, no. And they never would, their poster boys are untouchable.

As for my misspelling,I have been ribbed about that by better people in the past, guess it shows how much I care about what a bunch of faceless people on a message board think about my grammar. Seeing as I write on the side I seem to be able to get it together when my name is actually on something.

Any lawyers on here that can help me with a restraining order definatly look me up.

For the record zisk, and for the last time, I care not what you think regarding my opinions, you cretin.

-- Modified on 5/27/2008 8:58:40 AM

-- Modified on 5/27/2008 9:02:09 AM

you've made how many posts and new threads since returning, and I have one reply, and you again accuse me of stalking? Talk about playing an old card. So yeah, go ahead and contact a lawyer here - I'm sure they will laugh at you as hard as I do. And BTW, maybe that lawyer will get you to pony up the $100 you bet and lost.

If you'd bother to actually even read these posts (or maybe you should get your mommie to do that for you since you keep showing off your lack of comprehension skills) you would see I commented on someone else commenting on your misspelling of Gandhi's name, in that they got it wrong too.

"For the record zisk, and for the last time, I care not what you think regarding my opinions"
--does this mean you will never state it again? Hypocrite.

Sea Lawyer1654 reads

You need a fucking order to be restrained.

Uhhhh, just for the record I was joking about needing a restraining order for my stalker, though not about the need for one. Its a freakin board, did anyone actually think I was looking for protection, a few of the responses lead me to believe that some were.

Believe me patriots like myself can take care of ourselves, we pride ourselves in doing so. Why do you think we care about the 2nd Amendment so much?

"Uhhhh, just for the record I was joking about needing a restraining order for my stalker, though not about the need for one. "

Huh? Does this make sense to anyone?
To quote Samuel L. Jackson: "English, motherfucker, do you speak English?"

"Believe me patriots like myself..."
(snicker, snicker, ha ha, guffaw)

I doubt you understand the concept of a patriot very well. Did you even know that some of our supposedly greatest patriots, such as George Mason, refused to sign the Constitution when it was drafted? Do you know anything about the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

"Why do you think we care about the 2nd Amendment so much?"

That's easy. Because you think shooting people and animals is fun.

naiveguyus2734 reads

my understanding is that kaffir means non-believer or rejecter.

Sly post there, no I dont believe in talking about or trying to take actions against things that are a result of Zionist power over America, i.e. the Federal Reserve. I believe in calling a spade a spade and screw political correctness if adhering to it means not telling the truth.

Ron Paul and his band of conservative cowards would be very eager to sign that I am sure, of course dont scare them by saying that it may make them appear just a little bit anti semetic, its really kinda sad to see an adult curled up in the fetal position you know.

Posted by Tusayan, 5/25/2008 3:52:44 PM
What the hell is a Caucasion?

  Its not in the dictionary since its a old secret, but a caucasian is a Black man who's skin tone has turned white over the centuries...

Caucasion is derived from the group of Europeans who lived in and amongst a mountain chain in Russia of the same name.

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