Politics and Religion

Do you believe the six Obama's or the one Obama?
JackDunphy 420 reads

2008 Obama....I don't have the power.

2009 Obama....I don't have the power.

2010 Obama....I don't have the power.

2011 Obama....I don't have the power.

2012 Obama....I don't have the power.

2013 Obama....I don't have the power.

2014 Obama....I DO have the power. Oops.

Slap in the face of legal immigrants like myself and countless others...

That's all I will say..

bigguy30495 reads

I should be even more upset being a natural citizen but I am not upset.

When you look at what he said it's a temporary fix and he told congress pass the senate bill.

The speech had three parts to it and nothing seemed crazy about it.

If congress passes a bill this excutive order will be replace.

So the real problem is the congress not the President.

They would rather point fingers and lie then doing their fucking jobs!

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Slap in the face of legal immigrants like myself and countless others...  
 That's all I will say..
-- Modified on 11/20/2014 6:28:58 PM

We're all simply slaves to the Federal Reserve's debt based economy, conned into thinking that having choice of 50 different brands of tooth paste at Wal-mart is the same as "Freedom".

Executive Action to the degree that he wants to happen.  

The compassion that he shows to the ones who have broken the law in the first place, by quoting the Scripture and making a big show and pomp of what he is about to do makes me feel like a 2nd class citizen.

bigguy30565 reads

I am sorry but your statement is crazy.

You are a US citizen now so get over yourself.

We all know life is not fair at times, but we don't have to worry about living in the shadows like other people in this country.

If they are here for five years or more and working.  

They are not criminals or breaking the law.

Then paying their taxes and whatever other fees back.

This is a temporary law with limits to it!

What's the problem they are still paying a price!

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Executive Action to the degree that he wants to happen.  
 The compassion that he shows to the ones who have broken the law in the first place, by quoting the Scripture and making a big show and pomp of what he is about to do makes me feel like a 2nd class citizen.
-- Modified on 11/20/2014 9:08:09 PM


Ronald Reagan

George H Bush and

George W Bush

It is the Reoubscum hypocrisy that is baffling.

minor changes to the law that was already on the books and passed by the Congress.  They did not do Congress' job.

Posted By: anonymousfun
 Ronald Reagan  
 George H Bush and  
 George W Bush  
 It is the Reoubscum hypocrisy that is baffling.

JackDunphy421 reads

2008 Obama....I don't have the power.

2009 Obama....I don't have the power.

2010 Obama....I don't have the power.

2011 Obama....I don't have the power.

2012 Obama....I don't have the power.

2013 Obama....I don't have the power.

2014 Obama....I DO have the power. Oops.

because he doesn't have to run in 2016 again...

I think this is a trap for Republicans to overreact, and do something stupid like file Articles of Impeachment or another shutdown. Both are terrible ideas. So he can go back and rally his own base to win back both the chambers of Congress...

GOP should tread very carefully..

JackDunphy513 reads

I don't say this often but the R's have been on their "A" game for awhile now.

bigguy30565 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
I don't say this often but the R's have been on their "A" game for awhile now.

by making outrageous comments like "Woman's body can shut down a rape and not get pregnant" among other BS.

Ass fucking their lives.

Of course all you ever care about is D "winning".

That's why you're a loser and a liar with a big truck and shrimp dick

bigguy30422 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
2008 Obama....I don't have the power.  
 2009 Obama....I don't have the power.  
 2010 Obama....I don't have the power.  
 2011 Obama....I don't have the power.  
 2012 Obama....I don't have the power.  
 2013 Obama....I don't have the power.  
 2014 Obama....I DO have the power. Oops.

bigguy30459 reads

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Slap in the face of legal immigrants like myself and countless others...  
 That's all I will say..

You became legal when your parents emigrated legally. You didn’t do a damn thing.  

Best thing for you is STFU

That's exactly what happened. And the point is....

Dude.. I've already talked to Gambler and he agreed that we need to make separate SPOTY awards just for P&R Board. Hang in there.. You are ahead by a mile...

-- Modified on 11/21/2014 8:54:31 AM

SPOTY means anything to anyone besides you two and few other self conscious ignorant information ally challenged scums. Is developers from India kicking your butt at work to rail against immigration?  

You are going to get your butt kicked even more, the law allows more H1 visa and are going to allow University students to stay. More competition for you

followme411 reads

The Chiefs/Raiders game or obama's blather?

Thank you  
2016 = GOP WH,Senate and House

-- Modified on 11/21/2014 9:02:13 AM

bigguy30535 reads

Posted By: followme
The Chiefs/Raiders game or obama's blather?  
 Thank you  
 2016 = GOP WH,Senate and House

-- Modified on 11/21/2014 9:02:13 AM

followme436 reads

undresatand time zones........you are one cumb dunt.

The game started at the sane point in time of the speech evey place regardless.

You're Welcome
2016 - GOP WH, House and Senate

bigguy30421 reads

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
than dorfman just did.  
 priceless diouchebag.

bigguy30410 reads

Posted By: followme
undresatand time zones........you are one cumb dunt.  
 The game started at the sane point in time of the speech evey place regardless.  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 - GOP WH, House and Senate

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