Politics and Religion

do you believe ISIS
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 529 reads

has gotten ahold of weapons we supplied?  do you believe that certain people profit from weapons sold?  what made Bush believe there were weapons in Iraq?  Why would Hillary Clinton arm the Syrian rebels?  I think Roosevelt figured out that Military Industrial Complex runs our country.  We have the biggest, baddest military in the world.  Don't you think we could have squandered 10k terrorists by now?  And why does Obama have a drone ready for the Saudi cleric to the hijackers, hiding out in Yemen?

My conclusion, we have some kind of deal weapons for oil.  Money and war is making our world go around.

...ever did any sightseeing on the taxpayer's dime.

Next item on his bucket list - come out of the closet as a Muzzie and proudly display his collection of prayer rugs.  It's been amazing how they've covered up his praying five times a day facing Mecca.

-- Modified on 9/5/2014 7:17:05 PM

The current administration is very diverse. Don't you work for the Obama Administration?

pot/kettle450 reads

Granted, he won both in 2008 and 2012 by comfortable margins but landslides are more like Reagan-Mondale in '84 (Mondale won one state and DC) and Nixon-McGovern in '72.  

But, I guess it is easy for someone like you to get carried away . . . . .

Anyone getting more than 325 EV is a landslide.

pot/kettle466 reads

that proclamation?

Lemme guess.  You pulled that one out of your ass just like almost all of the comments you make on this board.

86H13LTP446 reads

a wonderful nights sleep with the DO NOT DISTURB sign on.

What are you denial assholes going to do now that the truth is pouring out ?  

One could only hope they  slip on a banana peel !  

-- Modified on 9/6/2014 7:49:17 AM

to victims families of 911, to release the 28 pages commission investigation. Could it be because he wishes the next Bush or Clinton to cover-up Benghazi?  They are all friends behind the curtain, and very strange bed fellows with the Saudi Royal family!

The lawmakers that have read the 28 page report have said that it would not harm national security, and the American citizens have a right to know the truth if we are to continue fighting wars in the ME.  They also said that we would be angered, frustrated and it would be an embarrassment for the Bush administration.

2 administrations have covered up "911" attacks on Americans.  Don't ever look for the truth about Benghazi to ever come out with next administration.

You have access to the blogosphere... get on with the truth telling.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
2 administrations have covered up "911" attacks on Americans.  Don't ever look for the truth about Benghazi to ever come out with next administration.

Bush flew Saudi's out of the country 2 days after 911 with no FBI interviews.  Even a towel head in San Diego that financed at least 2 of the Saudi hickjackers that went to flight school here.  Same info you can look up

I have no idea why there was a stand down for the Ambassador.

Stop smoking pot before you get sucked into the downward spiral of mania. You can always start again in April.

does pot have to do with what I said?  It's not mania that both democrats and republican Senators are calling for the sealed 28 pages to be released to the public.  Maybe you don't care, but I do care to know if it ever comes out.  And it happens to be current events that democrats and republicans both are pushing legislature to release to American citizens what happened and why.

86H13LTP435 reads

ISIS by calling them JV . They've made him look like little league

has gotten ahold of weapons we supplied?  do you believe that certain people profit from weapons sold?  what made Bush believe there were weapons in Iraq?  Why would Hillary Clinton arm the Syrian rebels?  I think Roosevelt figured out that Military Industrial Complex runs our country.  We have the biggest, baddest military in the world.  Don't you think we could have squandered 10k terrorists by now?  And why does Obama have a drone ready for the Saudi cleric to the hijackers, hiding out in Yemen?

My conclusion, we have some kind of deal weapons for oil.  Money and war is making our world go around.

let's just make 51rst state, 52nd state, 53rd state... Step away from the oil!  

Why don't we just take it if we are going to spend so much money on wars?  

Just sayin.

His name is George W. Bush and he created the current mess in Iraq  allied ISIS.

It is clear fact that most Repugnants cannot discern between truth and lies. If the can, they won’t be listening and taking every coming out from the mouths of; Ted Cruz, Pual Ryan, Mitch McConnel, Hannity, O’Reilly, Luambaugh and many others like them

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