Politics and Religion

Define the word police. (eom)
JohnyComeAlready 555 reads

Posted By: csekhar73
Police:  Take away their guns, take away their patrol cars.    Drop them off in the communities every morning.    Let them walk the streets, meet people, work with people, make sure kids go to school, come home, do their homework and not stand in front of businesses and street corners, play only in parks and recreational sites.  
 That is what police should be doing.  
 Armored cars, machine guns, assault rifles are for the military.    Police work should be in the communities.  

randomvr3012554 reads

The Police State in Fergusson, MO was ended today and now a human being taken over control of security and control.

Nothing will heal until the entire police department of Fergusson, MO are booted out and normal human beings take over permanently.

You do realize what ever entity that is granted authority needs funding.

Answer that question.

Which people?    What job?    What are you talking about?

Police:  Take away their guns, take away their patrol cars.    Drop them off in the communities every morning.    Let them walk the streets, meet people, work with people, make sure kids go to school, come home, do their homework and not stand in front of businesses and street corners, play only in parks and recreational sites.

That is what police should be doing.

Armored cars, machine guns, assault rifles are for the military.    Police work should be in the communities

followme428 reads

"make sure kids go to school, come home, do their homework and not stand in front of businesses and street corners, play only in parks and recreational sites. "

That is what paents are suppose to do, NOT police.

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and House

That is what the police have to do when parents are out at work.

2014 = GOP Senate and House!    In your dreams pal

What should single female officers do with their children while they are out enforcing the law?

Call the police?

Posted By: csekhar73
Police:  Take away their guns, take away their patrol cars.    Drop them off in the communities every morning.    Let them walk the streets, meet people, work with people, make sure kids go to school, come home, do their homework and not stand in front of businesses and street corners, play only in parks and recreational sites.  
 That is what police should be doing.  
 Armored cars, machine guns, assault rifles are for the military.    Police work should be in the communities.  

This guy, in quantity and quality is making this years SPOTY a no brainer. Which, when you think about it, is apropo.

GaGambler564 reads

and this moron wasn't even around when the year started.

I will concede that he has been making up for lost time, and he rates a lot more than a "field bet" when handicapping his stupid ass. I think I will put him in tomorrow's morning line as third choice at about 9-2. he has a lot of ground to make up, but he is as stupid as they come.

...righty brethren say enough moronic things to be eligible?  But I suppose you don't consider their posts to be moronic since you share their righty views.

NeedleDick should be in the running simply for the way he spelled "canard."  K-i-n-n-a-r-d.  This from a guy who claims to be an American and hates "furriners."

even the stupid one I made that you run around holding up, trying to get some traction on, don't really rate because, 1. Everybody here makes them, and 2. because of the that, no one really give a fuck but you.  

Now run along and head out to Mizzou and toss a Molotov cocktail on an innocent cop you've never met like a good little lefty goon. I know your white guilt compels you..

...is a page right out of JackDunphy's book of reasoning.  That's how righties think.

I never said anything about GaG but that wouldn't stop you from putting words in my mouth and claiming "victory". A better example of my point can't be found!!!

Posted By: BigPapasan
...is a page right out of JackDunphy's book of reasoning.  That's how righties think.

...does all the time - put words in people's mouths and then claim victory.  I even said that my post was an example of his style.  Yet it went right over your head.  Jeez, you are really TSTTT and a horrible example of the American education system.

GaGambler617 reads

As for the past candidates, most of them are/were from the GD board and don't even post here so we can only guess at their political leanings.

SPOTY is not a lefty or righty competition. Do you honestly think Fungy is the front runner because of his political views? Virtually the entire GD agrees he's a moron, and that includes dozens of people who are on the left side of the aisle as well, and then lets not forget Vern/JCA, he is a righty on most issues, AND he is a blithering moron 75% of the time. Those are our leading SPOTY candidates, one from the right, one from the left. It's not like I planned it that way, just like many things in life, it's just how it worked out.

Now, let's see how "big a man" you are. I have shown you clear proof that the SPOTY's are not politically biased, and that righties can and do make the list, can you admit that you were wrong?

We won't get a definitive answer from JCA to find the truth.  
  I don't believe he's a participating  member of left or right , in my opinion he's  middle of the dark road Devils advocate.
  Don't take my word for it, I'm  a ninth grade drop out, sometimes confusing their and there.

Posted By: GaGambler
As for the past candidates, most of them are/were from the GD board and don't even post here so we can only guess at their political leanings.

SPOTY is not a lefty or righty competition. Do you honestly think Fungy is the front runner because of his political views? Virtually the entire GD agrees he's a moron, and that includes dozens of people who are on the left side of the aisle as well, and then lets not forget Vern/JCA, he is a righty on most issues, AND he is a blithering moron 75% of the time. Those are our leading SPOTY candidates, one from the right, one from the left. It's not like I planned it that way, just like many things in life, it's just how it worked out.

Now, let's see how "big a man" you are. I have shown you clear proof that the SPOTY's are not politically biased, and that righties can and do make the list, can you admit that you were wrong?

...attempt to categorize him as one.  I agree with 'quad' that he's a Devil's advocate, more of an   "anti."  In the movie "The Wild One" Marlon Brando's character was asked: "Johny, what are you rebelling against?"  Johny answered: "Whatta ya got?"  Our Johny is quite similar.

Here's a post of YOURS that puts the lie to your statement that "SPOTY is not a lefty or righty competition."


You were lamenting the "shortage" of right wing trolls and were worried that you looked partisan by only pointing out left wing trolls.  Only a righty like you would think there was a shortage of right wing trolls.  You even mentioned the possibility of having a P&R division of the SPOTY's.  

Do you think it's too late to delete that earlier post so you don't look like the lying hypocrite that you are?

GaGambler749 reads

and you try to use that as PROOF that I don't call out righties.

What fucking world do you live in?

Any objective person would acknowledge that there are both left wing AND right wing trolls, any objective observer would also acknowledge that the board swings like a pendulum, sometimes it leans left, sometimes it leans right, and sometimes it leans quite heavily in one direction or the other. At the time of that posting there were virtually no right wing trolls on the board.

I stand by every word I made on that post, and PLEASE, you are the one who has his posts deleted, and you seem to do it every time you get your ass handed to you around here, which leads me to believe that this thread will have a short shelf life as well.

...And no wonder you think I'm grumpy; you're too dense to realize I was joking about you trying to delete a post from JULY, 2013!!!  A former mod, even one as addled by alcohol as you, should know you can't delete a post that old.  SMH!

GaGambler640 reads

and I am only joking when I make reference to your weight, Your sense of humor seems to be rather one sided.

and you seem to have no problems getting posts deleted that are well past the "editing" age. Which is what I imagine will happen to this thread after you hit RAP since you are once again looking foolish.

Now would you like to try again and explain to the crowd how a post made by me calling out a righty for being a troll PROVES that I only pick on lefties?

No, I have no reason to want that post to disappear, you OTOH might want to start covering your tracks once again. After all, it's what you do.

...cover up the fact that it is YOU who reports posts.  The Big Lie - GaGoebbels at his finest.

GaGambler442 reads

I simply call it pointing out the facts.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out threads where you get your ass kicked always seem to disappear. You can deny it all you like, but we all know you aren't fooling anyone.

That's Big Puffy Hippocrit with regards to you.  
  If you hope to be a teacher you won't be successful if you don't correct your pets.  
    In other words, any decent teacher with backbone, would correct incorrect spelling of their favorite students.  
    I quit school in ninth grade with no GED, yet I easily understand misspelled words.  
  Is there something about  your bought degree promoting your confusion ?  
   If Bill O'Reilly had  substituted  there for  their in your sentence below , would you have difficulty understanding who they were?  :-D  
 "Your buddy, Bill O'Reilly, said their were NO homeless vets"  


Posted By: BigPapasan
...righty brethren say enough moronic things to be eligible?  But I suppose you don't consider their posts to be moronic since you share their righty views.  
 NeedleDick should be in the running simply for the way he spelled "canard."  K-i-n-n-a-r-d.  This from a guy who claims to be an American and hates "furriners.

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