Politics and Religion

Dang! I'm not sure if I qualify or not!
SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 590 reads

Gosh knows I have pretty strong political views, and I am rarely "soft spoken" about them. But I'm just not sure I am vehement enough for you Dbl. I can try harder if you like.

I am afraid I don't quite come up to snuff on the matter of personal attacks either. Although I'll let the ocassional zinger fly, I tend for the most part to stay away from making a difference in polical opinion into a personal agenda. Sorry, maybe that is just a bad habit I should try to break :)

I'm afraid though that my ability to construct grammatically correst sentences, coupled with my nearly obsessive compulsion to correct any typos I spot just might do me in completely. I suppose I could try for your sake to make a few typos, or to ignore the fact that I pressed the CAPS LOCK key, but it would be an awful stretch to really go out of my way to make typos or combine "don't", "not", and "ain't" into a single sentence. So if you could see your way clear to overlook this aspect of my personality, perhaps we could be a great fit :)

So whaddaya think? Do I qualify for the job?? Sadly though, I am not in your area :(

I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

I am looking for a very specific kind of provider.  I get most aroused by women that are vehement in their political opinions.  They  can't be soft-spoken.  I don't like the 'beat around the bush' or 'keep it to themselves' types.  She has to be zealously sure that she is right and everyone else is wrong.

Additionally, if she could not shy away from attacking people that think differently from her, that would be a huge plus.

Finally, I can't stand the hoity-toity intellectual types.  So if she needs to be pretty loose with spelling, grammar, paragraph structure, etc.  Don't want no thinkin' to get in the way of our lovin', know what I mean ;)

I realize that I am limiting myself to such a narrow field that I probably won't be able to find anyone that meets these criteria.  But if anyone has any leads, I'd appreciate the insight.

Oh, almost forgot, I'm in the Atlanta area.

tjrevisted1396 reads

AND IM SURE!!!! And anyone else that doubt it, IS WRONG!!!

Look, I wa trying to warn people months ago, of real and IMANATE DANGER... And a few jumped on me..As the months have gone on, AND THIS SITUTATION, has played out.. I CAME BACK FOR SOME OF THAT SWEET, TIGHT GG, ASS, all the fags love...lmao xoxo

tjrevisted1703 reads

But when GG ATTACKS A GAL, for telling the truth.. THEY ALL DO.. Thats the other side of this story, for real..


GaGambler2422 reads

dblhappy, you better be careful what you ask for, you are liable to get it. lol Let me know if either of you survive.

tjrevisted4888 reads

GG, You have NO CLUE, how filthy my mouth is, or can get,k??

I wouldnt even suck yoru dick...


Tucker Max1211 reads

That way it would keep you from posting on this board and back doing to what you do best,...sucking dick!  ;)

Just curious.  How is Gamb a traitor?  What's that in reference to, if you don't mind me asking?  I can see insecure, intellectually deficient, inadequate, and I'm guessing he's also short...I get all that.  But traitor is something that never really comes to mind as I'm reading some of the shit he types.  

P&R isn't a daily routine for me, so either I'm out of the loop again or one of your many cats has been crawling on your keyboard (which I suspect is the case).

Gosh knows I have pretty strong political views, and I am rarely "soft spoken" about them. But I'm just not sure I am vehement enough for you Dbl. I can try harder if you like.

I am afraid I don't quite come up to snuff on the matter of personal attacks either. Although I'll let the ocassional zinger fly, I tend for the most part to stay away from making a difference in polical opinion into a personal agenda. Sorry, maybe that is just a bad habit I should try to break :)

I'm afraid though that my ability to construct grammatically correst sentences, coupled with my nearly obsessive compulsion to correct any typos I spot just might do me in completely. I suppose I could try for your sake to make a few typos, or to ignore the fact that I pressed the CAPS LOCK key, but it would be an awful stretch to really go out of my way to make typos or combine "don't", "not", and "ain't" into a single sentence. So if you could see your way clear to overlook this aspect of my personality, perhaps we could be a great fit :)

So whaddaya think? Do I qualify for the job?? Sadly though, I am not in your area :(

Sins, you're my dream girl which is why I am glad you are very very very far away! :-)

Yes, you have strong views.
Yes, you are not afraid to voice your opinions.

But, and I am trying to use my words gently here, I think we both know that you fall short on my other criteria.

Now, now, stop your crying.  It's alright.  Not everyone can meet my lofty standards.  Hey kid, you made a good run at it.  It just wasn't in the cards this time.

Come back and talk to me when you have launched a couple of sustained atomic exchanges with some others around here.  Let's meet if you can let your edjumacation fall by the wayside a little.

Until then ... I'm sorry.  I truly am.


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