Politics and Religion

Couldn't agree with you more and let us add
kerrakles 3545 reads

It is mechanism invented by the ruling class to relentlessly oppress others in the name of skin color, religion and ethnic origins.

There is not fu*king thing to be proud of in oppressing other human beings. How would you feel if the tables were turned?

Is that blacks no longer have an excuse for..you know...having 5 babies mama's, being a highschool drop out and drug dealer convict by age 23. Because NO LONGER can "white racism" be the excuse for laziness and stupidity. NO LONGER can blacks whine, piss and moan about the 'system that keeps them down".
After all..it was whites that elected Obama. (blacks could not have elected him alone)
I didn't vote for Obama, but perhaps this is the silver lining.
No more excuses for the derelicts of society!

ps...I expect flames, but I don't care. It's all the truth.


This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.

video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures



same video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures



This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.

video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures



same video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures



This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.

video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures



same video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures


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This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.

video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures



same video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 6:54:19 PM

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 6:57:06 PM

LOL you got that right. and none of his links change how I feel, or what I said above anyway.

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 7:12:23 PM

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 7:19:07 PM

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 7:20:02 PM

although its best not to feed the troll, that was a damn funny serving of dessert

..personal attacks DO NOT endear someone to your way of thinking, hon; it only invalidates your opinion.  Please try to keep it civil.

that "blacks" are the "derelicts of society"?

I'd be careful in referring to an entire group of people as derelicts of society, especially based on the color of their skin.

Do not act as if simply because Obama was elected, prejudice does not still exist.  Your very statement is glaring proof to the contrary, in fact.  You are very, very wrong - in fact, web traffic at Stormfront (the Web's biggest neo-Nazi hate site) has exploded since Obama's election.

You also fail to recognize the difference between race and culture.  There are just as many trashy-ass whites with 5 baby mamas and a rap sheet the length of a Hummer limousine by the age of 23.  Inner city culture is a curious phenomenon.  Race does play a factor in our society (an unfortunately large factor, whether people are consciously racist or not), but honestly, the most important divide in our nation at this point is rich people and poor people.

I live in a predominantly African-American neighborhood.  I NEVER hear about "the white man holding them down."  Seriously, where do you get your information?  Though to tell you the truth, if they would really dig deep, they would find that the white man - or rather, the rich man - has subtly manipulated legislature and media for YEARS, yes, to hold the black man - or at least, the poor man - down.  Watch "the Boondocks."  Seriously.  It's a cartoon - but also an amazing social commentary on how rich whites control black media, and also on how blacks allow their culture to be sabotaged and ruined.

I agree that minority groups need to stand up for themselves and fight harder.  Inner city culture needs to throw away its glorification of idiocy, and people need to start educating themselves - and start fighting the good fight.  However, to deny racism simply because of one small step forward is simply wrong.  It's only been 40 years since miscegenation was legalized, and while slavery seems aeons past, the daughters of slaves still walk among us.  That is a stain that cannot be so quickly erased.

So, a good try on your part, but ultimately, it fails short, and sounds dangerously close to unabashed bigotry.

I live in Atlanta, and when you watch the news..and someone has been murdered, raped or robbed (or all 3) you'd be a rich woman if you bet it was by blacks. Because 90% of the time, IT IS.
FACTS are not racist, they are simply FACTS.
MOST garden variety crime in the US is done by blacks, yet they make up 13% of the population.  More fatherless kids are BLACK than any other color.
Of course there are trash of ANY color. But no other race commits crimes and such to be such a small minority.
You tell me....that everytime you walk down the street downtown, you are barraged by homeless and/or  jobless blacks,  everytime you go to a club you are harassed by blacks who can't take no for an answer,  everytime you take your kids to a theme park, you are expected to not object when blacks break in line.  In my escorting work, Unless I am already seeing a black man of good standing (an accountant, lawyer, etc) I DO NOT SEE THEM, because... they are sleazy about money (cheap or just plain try to rip you off, etc). It's not my imagination, I experience these things.  I have lived around trashy whites, I assure you. But none have caused me to completely change my way of thinking/dealing with them.  I am sorry if my personal experiences color my thinking. (yes, that's sarcasm)  but it's not racism, it's just facts.

Do you know anything about crime?  Seriously - do you REALLY understand the statistics of crime?  Have you ever taken a course in sociology or in statistics?  Have you ever looked past your own ANECDOTAL experiences, outside of which there is a whole entire world?  I cannot BELIEVE the racist garbage spewing out of your mouth.

The black population of the entire US may be 13%, but Atlanta has the largest black population of any major city (at about 30% as of 2006).  Again - EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Do you know why 90% of the crimes YOU SEE ON THE NEWS are committed by blacks?  It's because THEY get the majority of media attention.  Blacks commit only 30% of drug crimes - but they make up over 70% of the arrests & convictions.  When it comes homicide, blacks & whites are pretty evenly split - but it depends on the type of homicide.

Look outside your narrow-minded little box and open your eyes to reality.  If you think the "news" is really the best place for information, you are sorely mistaken.  Ignorance like yours is the reason racial divides in our nation are so stark and negative.

Oh please. My GAWD, you are clueless. FBI crime stats SHOW that over HALF of all crime is committed by blacks. It's FACTUAL.
Sure, whites may be commiting the other half, but they damned sure aren;t the majority of their race.
Because YOU cannot handle that doesn't make what I say "racist garbage", sweetie.
So don't talk down to me as if you are somebody, you aren;t. Your sanctimony doesn't impress me.
You notice I had also said that the really horrible stuff...serial killing,  etc is done by WHITES. I didn;t see you crying about "racism" when I posted that, huh?
"Racism" is ONLY racism when it's TRUTHFUL things about ANY non white person.
Please, please PLEASE, try to think logically and without emotion.
Blacks make up 13% of the population YET commit HALF of the crime.  And, even if this is acknowledged, it too, will be blamed on "racism". Blacks are never responsible for anything, it's all bc of our "racist" society.
I am sorry facts bother you.
Not my problem.

I posted an article below with some statistics related to crime, arrests, races, etc...  It might just make you look at things in a different light...  Check it out and share your thoughts...

Here is a point of view that you might consider.
Race is a political construct created by the ruling classes to cause social division in the lower classes.

kerrakles3546 reads

It is mechanism invented by the ruling class to relentlessly oppress others in the name of skin color, religion and ethnic origins.

There is not fu*king thing to be proud of in oppressing other human beings. How would you feel if the tables were turned?

A black man in office gives hope where there wasn't a ton...  What your saying is like saying because Hillary Clinton and Sara Palin and the many other successful woman have accomplished whatever they did there is no longer the real problem/excuse of sexism or the "glass ceiling"...

I've honestly never heard a black man/woman bitch and moan about whites holding them down especially in my generation...  The only thing I have heard is a big problem of the races (white/black) not trusting eachother and both sides have solid reasons I suppose...

Derelicts of society rather harsh to say (just as wrong as me saying whites are the hate mongers of society), but okay fine I will agree with you based on this definition of Derelicts of society: A large portion of blacks haven't been as willing to assimilate to the white culture as other races (maybe consider a large portion of asians as a mimicking culture) to our own fault/disadvantage...  Its almost like if hispanics coming to America aren't willing to learn english, which naturally will limit their opportunities/possibilities...

I personally hate when people don't care to understand a portion of society (not just 1-5% of black peoples sentiments), yet want to critic them harshly, but at the end of the day you can say what you want... I strongly believe that Obama's presidency will open a lot of black youths eyes and make them consider more seriously the possibilities for their lives (good guidance, which unfortunately is at a shortage in our communities will be a problem)...  

All and all lets all have hope for a better America, more unity/openmindedness/understanding, and monetary success/fiscal responsibility under Obama's Presidency, CHEERS!!!

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 11:09:51 PM

9-man1652 reads

But not that they can't really, they won't.

No longer can criminality be seen in the community as a form of rebellion against The Man. The anticipation of racism will be reduced, as far as perceptions go . I expect you'll probably see more Black people getting their lives together and having some real self-esteem and pride. You'll also see them acting less like gang-bangers and more like Obama, with his perfect elocution and bearing.

I bet you that the changes over 4 years will be remarkable.

In what community is crime seen as "a form of rebellion against The Man?"  

I didn't find ANY truth in ANYTHING she stated.  All you've done was restate her blatantly racist rhetoric in friendlier and more ambiguous words.  

Your implication here is that black people have generally lived their lives in disarray and conducted themselves like "gang-bangers" and will now turn it around because of Obama's election.  Yes, those problems you mentioned DO exist among black people, but not exclusively.  I should remind you that we've had 43 Caucasian presidents yet motorcycle gangs, drug use, suicides, and homicide continues to flourish among white Americans.  Nobody uses these shortcomings as a yardstick to measure the state of the White people, though - and rightfully so.  

I believe you have some skewed perceptions that would warrant re-examination based on fact instead of dated stereotypes.

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 9:16:19 AM

9-man1820 reads

Rightfully you believe Blacks are still subject to racism, but how you can you believe that without seeing that it has been devastating for the psychology of the Black community?  

I don't think my belief is a skewed stereotype when Public Enemy and NWA had albums with songs about racism interspersed with songs about escaping from prison and killing guards, or saying "Fuck the Police" cause they want a n*gger to cease.

There was an important difference between what she said and what I said. She said there wouldn't be any more excuses, which implies that causes are excuses. I said the psychology in the poor Black neighborhoods would improve. Don't tell me it doesn't need to improve. It's bad enough to live in poverty, it's worse when aggravated by racism.  

I wasn't using the poorest, most violence- and crime-ridden sector of the Black community as a "yardstick" for the all the Blacks in the US. I wrote about them because they are in need of whatever help they can get, psychologically or any way else. A large part of racism is  psychological warfare. If you edify Black psychology, then you give them resistance against psychological consequences.  

Since it wasn't a "yardstick," I should be exonerated for the presumption that all Whites aren't judged in the way you give. But I'll go on to say that across racial lines there certainly are yardsticks by which Whites are measured.

You mark my words and watch: Blacks will improve their lot over the next 4 years. Gangster Rap and violent and sexist rap will decline. You will see Blacks emulating Obama.

You wouldn't have the joy and relief among Blacks if Obama's election wasn't important psychologically. But not only is Obama's victory inspiring, but he's actually cool.

You're all over the place here.  First, you somehow managed to draw a parallel between violent rap music and the problems that black people face in the US. Violent music and sexism permeates damn near every form of entertainment in the US (and I emphasize ENTERTAINMENT) but you've somehow turned it into a gauge by which you measure the success of a separate race of people? Rap music doesn't even have a consistent theme - and there exists a significant portion of black people that don't even like it.   You'll need a more concrete measure of racial advancement when you speak of change.  You won't see a change in its content AT ALL over the next few years, but it will hardly represent an unadvancing group of Americans - because it simply isn't relevant.  

Secondly, you weren't specific at all in your discussion about who you were referring to.  A reader (me) could logically conclude that you were speaking of black people in general being "gang-bangers" and without bearing.  I didn't find the word "impoverished" "in poverty" or "less fortunate" ANYWHERE in that post.  Not that it would make anything you've stated more accurate, but it is indicative of how discussions on stereotypes and racism become a moving target when confronted - and this aids in perpetuating the problem.  There's a hidden condescending rhetoric that will inevitably cause any constructive dialogue to deteriorate.  I've seen it happen over and over again in my lifetime - just as much now as it did pre-civil rights.  

Black people are a heterogeneous group (like all races) that have faced the homogeneous challenge of racial discrimination. You fail to understand the nature of the problem when you start defining our psychology and reaction to those challenges in terms of music, how we all supposedly conduct ourselves, and who we should collectively emulate.  It completely misses the point, and actually gives credence to the type of bigotry the idiot original poster so religiously subscribes to.  

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 7:08:45 PM

9-man2532 reads

"First, you somehow managed to draw a parallel between violent rap music and the problems that black people face in the US."

There's a logical connection between those "problems" (that is, racism) and the art that responds to the problems.

"Violent music and sexism permeates damn near every form of entertainment in the US . . ."

Not to excuse violence in entertainment, but few if any of those have as their theme crime as a rebellious, and when it is hardly ever is the rebellious against racism.  

". . .there exists a significant portion of black people that don't even like it."

Oh. You mean I didn't figure that out? :( Who is making racial assumptions here?

"Rap music doesn't even have a consistent theme -"

Again, you think I don't know this? Why and how? I told you of a few groups that did because it was pertinent to my argument. In talking about entertainment, do I have to mention that most movies aren't "Terminator" movies so you won't presume I don't know? Some rappers have sold a lot of CD's where crime and rebellion are equated. That's indicative of the thoughts of the youth that bought them, as sure as psychodelia was.

"Secondly, you weren't specific at all in your discussion about who you were referring to.  A reader (me) could logically conclude that you were speaking of black people in general being "gang-bangers" and without bearing.  I didn't find the word "impoverished" "in poverty" or "less fortunate" ANYWHERE in that post.  Not that it would make anything you've stated more accurate . . .

Last point first, if it wouldn't have made it more accurate, why do you cite it as an important omission? I thought a reasonable reader (you?) would understand that I'm talking about people trapped in poor Black neighborhoods, like projects on Chicago's South Side. I thought "gang-bangers" would restrict it enough by giving an example of poor, Black youth trapped in an awful neighborhood. I felt compelled to clarify this more in the second post, only to have you tell me it didn't make it more accurate. You're right, I'm dealing with a moving target, and I wish you'd stop moving it.

"There's a hidden condescending rhetoric that will inevitably cause any constructive dialogue to deteriorate."

You talk about hidden, condescending rhetoric, but sheesh, generalizing is completely reasonable thinking in other contexts, but it's forbidden to go anywhere in discussions about Blacks, racism against them, or poverty among them. Even if I hear Blacks on radio "News and Notes" talking about things in generalization. I'm talking generalization, not stereotyping. If I say the Germans killed Americans in World War II, am I expected to continue the sentence saying that most Germans didn't kill Americans? Stereotyping is taking a generalization and with little or no evidence, applying it to  individuals. Generalization is a completely legit form of thinking, as long as it isn't false.

"Black people are a heterogeneous group (like all races) that have faced the homogeneous challenge of racial discrimination."

Again, why do you presume I don't know this? Exactly what did I write that indicated it?  

"You fail to get understand the nature of the problem when you start defining our psychology and reaction to those challenges in terms of music, how we all supposedly conduct ourselves, and who we should collectively emulate."

I didn't do any defining, nor did I say how you should conduct yourselves nor who you should emulate. You're really hearing a commanding, condescending tone when there isn't any. I described what I thought the situation was, and I predicted how it would change. That's it.

Really, there can't be any dialog between poor Blacks and liberal Whites who want to help when communication is blocked in so many ways. I hate to say, it's now blocked on one side of the racial divide.  

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 8:56:22 PM

That was painfully lengthy...I'm not going to go through and pick this apart line by line, especially since there was a lot cyclical logic - which btw perfectly exemplifies how stereotypes become a moving target when confronted.  

Let's go back to the beginning, though.  I read a post where some idiot is calling black people "derelicts" and directly under it is a subject line that reads "actually there's some truth to what you say..."  leading to fleeting references to gangs and lives in disarray? Uhhh...I'm drawing a blank on how I should have automatically concluded that you were speaking about black people in specific tax brackets, in specific neighborhoods, with a specific set of circumstances.  I cited this as an important omission because YOU were the one who explained it this way...what the hell is this?  A bad riddle?? Did you forget what you stated in your post?  Are there poltergeist that peck away on your keyboard when you're not looking?  

We could go on and on all night about this; but given the context of the thread, it was perfectly logical for me to assume that you were making incorrect generalizations about black people and the problems we face.  Go back and have a read.  Yes, it's possible for "liberal white people" who come to rescue "poor black people" to be dead wrong about them.  Gasp!  Yes, citing the tired observations about rap music and "gang-bangers" does point to a certain acceptance of the very ideas they're assumed to be so opposed to; and hardly explains the nature of the real problem.  

We do agree, incidentally, that there's now a block in communication on one side of the racial divide.  I'm glad you mentioned it.

9-man2701 reads

It was sloppy writing on my part. But if I said there is "some truth to this" you can presume that I thought it was false. It was hardly a "me too."

-- Modified on 11/13/2008 8:29:11 AM

RightwingUnderground1525 reads

Connie throws down with Zin, our very own non-racist racist lib.

Don't worry Zin. Everyone's a racist, when Connie's around.

GaGambler1678 reads

Next thing you know Moosie will start calling him a "right winger".

...as the veiled type is a huge pain in the ass.  Sure it's simple to point out the absurdity of an overweight streetwalker calling an entire group of people "derelicts."  You can even laugh at that type of irony.  The real challenge lies in fighting institutional racism - which in current form is perpetuated by organizations that don't own up to the effects of discrimination on black people.  THAT part isn't terribly funny, I'm afraid.

shaka7001696 reads

Do you know how many blacks get college degrees each year. Or the ones that become lawyers, doctors, and other professions each year.

Why do you have so much hatred for black people?

Racism is pervasive in this society; just look at your own post. It doesn't disappear overnight.

Are you going to spend the whole Obama presidency being a bitter McCain supporter.

LOL   he's said the same thing and he IS black.
Whenever someone tells the TRUTH about any race BUT whites (the ONLY race that it's okay to bash) they are labeled "racist".
I am 1/4 CHEROKEE INDIAN. My MOTHER is HALF INDIAN.  I can hardly be seen as someone lily white (although in appearance, I look to be so)and I have 2 siblings that are cherokee, hispanic, apache, and white mix.  I wouldn't qualify for membership in ANY white racist organization. I simply know what I experience, and base my opinions on them.

Echochamber2556 reads

you don't have to be of any one race to be racist ... and your post attempting to dig yourself out of a hole, only served to dig you in deeper ... thereby proving my point.

Proving what point? That facts don't matter?
Whenever race is an issue, it's an absolute NO NO to actually tell the truth.
Most serial killers are white.
Now, go on a rant and tell me what a racist I am.

You're an idiot, like most people who can;t stomach facts and logic.
Dismissed. It's telling that not ONE person has debunked anything I said....
(because it's factaul) but please keep playing the race card.

Echochamber3546 reads

Intelligence was a prerequisite to get the point I made.

But I will spell it out for you:
From your post >>>"Because NO LONGER can "white racism" be the excuse for laziness and stupidity. NO LONGER can blacks whine, piss and moan about the 'system that keeps them down". "

Just because 1 black person breaks thru the barriers doesn't mean the barriers don't exist. If you think that black people with the same qualifications as whites don't encounter racism daily in jobs & housing, then you are naive.

And your defense of not being white doesn't exempt you from the bigotted comments you made. Stupidity is universal, as you just demonstrated.

When you can debunk anything I said, let me know. So far, the race card has been played. (as usual from people who can't discuss anything honestly)
FACTS aren't bigotry, they are TRUTH.
I know that means little to those that love to scream "racism!" at every turn.

We are arrested much more often, but whites do the same things at sometimes even higher rates...  

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 3:18:59 PM

...those get igged here, I'm afraid.  Good article though.

LMAO***1247 reads

looks like it's time for another serving of soft-serve

obscures the real issues facing the US capitalists.

kerrakles1741 reads

You must be another derelict with stupendous amount stupidity permeating through every vain in your body.

What's your excuse?

Said YET another person who can't deal in facts.
I'm on a roll.
facts are 'racism".
I win:)

Facts?  LOL.  You pulled some random percentage out of your wide ass, sweetheart...and regurgitated the shit you "hear" about black people around Atlanta to try to bolster your point.  Given this very non-academic approach, I don't think anyone is really attempting to use rationale to refute this ignorant shit.  Those of us who disagree are just content to insult and laugh at you.  So not so fast on that victory party.

LMAO***2388 reads

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 3:31:59 PM

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