Politics and Religion

Cartfuck "shockingly" and appppparently gets crazier exponentially by the second(e)
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 326 reads


From the Wall Street Journal:
CDC: Whooping cough cases may be most in 5 decades
"Nearly 18,000 cases have been reported so far — more than twice the number seen at this point last year. At this pace, the number of whooping cough cases will surpass every year since 1959.

Children get vaccinated against whooping cough in five doses, with the first shot at age 2 months and the final one between 4 and 6 years. Then a booster is recommended around age 11. The vaccine's protection does wane and health officials have debated moving up the booster shot.

The CDC is urging adults and especially pregnant women to get vaccinated so they don't spread it to infants who are too young to get the vaccine.

Whooping cough used to cause hundreds of thousands of illnesses a year but cases fell after a vaccine was introduced in the 1940s. Starting in the late 1960s, fewer than 5,000 cases were reported annually in the United States, for a stretch of about 25 years. But the numbers started to rise in the 1990s."

From CDC MMWR July 20, 2012

It seems to me that we were led down this exact same primrose path, a short while ago in the summer of 2009, at the "height" of the Swine Flu Epidemic. (Snicker)  You'll recall that this was the time that anyone presenting themselves at a hopital ER who had the slightest sign of Flu symptoms was summarily diagnosed with Swine Flu.


Because of this, the CDC had no clue as to how many people may have had Swine Flu.  

And then, with absolutely no epidemiological evidence the CDC announced (out of the thin air) that 10,000,000 million people were infected with Swine Flu virus and that the only sensible thing to do would be to get vaccinated (ASAP) with some of the massively overstocked vaccine known as Swine Flu, H1N1 (Mercury and Squalene added-no extra charge/"idiots" en masse refused to take that, also).

Jeffy-Poo is now acting the role of Pimp Daddy Jeffy-Poo for the CDC.  The CDC is a government agency given the onerous job of scaring Americans into getting vaccines.  OR ELSE!

Let's unpack some of the straw Dr. Poo laid on the camel's back, shall we?

1.  "The CDC is urging adults and especially pregnant women to get vaccinated."  When a pregnant woman receives a vaccination, particularly during certain periods of pregnancy, the risk of her child later in life having schizophrenia and autism increases about six fold.


2.  "The CDC is urging adults ........ to get vaccinated."  Widespread vaccination of adults against whooping cough (pertussis) would do almost nothing to reduce infection rates according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan and published in the journal, "Science."

3.  "Whooping cough used to cause hundreds of thousands of illnesses a year but cases fell after a vaccine was introduced in the 1940s."  I submit for your consideration the chart below.  The chart illustrate the death rate/million due to pertussis in Great Britain since 1850 to 1960.  The line is marked with milestones relative to the disease, i.e., when the causative agent was identified, the development of antibiotics and the introduction of pertussis vaccine around the middle of the 1930's.  

As you can see, there was a decline of the incidence of pertussis prior to the introduction of the vaccine from a high of 1500 deaths/million to around 200 deaths/million when the vaccine was introduced. By the time Old Dr. Nasty showed up with his shot of pertussus-laced sheep pus, the disease was already in sharp decline.

Perhaps my aged, presbyopic orbs deceive me, but do I detect a flattening (slower rate of decline) of the line AFTER the vaccinations started?  This would be par for the course.  The article stated that, "Nearly 18,000 cases have been reported so far."  The most common vector for whooping cough (and polio, as well) happens nowadays as a result of a child who has recently been given the vaccine that develops the disease or passes it on to another child.  Most of the cases involved in these designer "outbreaks" were previously vaccinated against the very thing that's breaking out. It's the kids breaking out with measles that are the ones who got the measles vaccine.  The article doesn't mention that.

The sad thing about it is all these fears are predicated on absolute lies.  The CDC is learning and applying the tactics of the Department of Homeland Security in using fear to market its own authority.  When attempting to evaluate anything the CDC says it seems best to observe the rule of thumb, "If the CDC is not lying, they're lying."

government, (taxpayers'), money. As a youngster, I, along with my 4 siblings, all had whooping cough, mumps, measles, and chicken pox. No vaccines existed then, but we all survived. My neighbor friend died of tetanus at age 12, after stepping on a rusty nail. Again, no vaccine then. I'm waiting for shingles to kick in after the chicken pox virus is dormant. No vaccine today for that either. Thank god for Jonas Salk, though. How many lives did his vaccine save?

18,000 people are dead in the US right now and in 1979 a lot more in Hong Kong and UK but you can do this and report back how it worked out. Just because you and your sibs had whooping cough if in fact you did because it's frequently misDX'd, does not mean that there isn't a dangerous epidemic on now in the US.

And thinking the CDC is bullshitting the public is an excellent sign of moronicity. That's a real bright trademark. Your real last name isn't Palin is it?

Here's a great experiement you and your family can try: Have some kids, or get your grandchildren, refuse to vaccinate them,  tell your sons or daughters if you have them not to vaccinate their children, gramps knows bestg, go visit some people who have whooping cough with the kids, say what a lot of Palin type fuckheads say and refuse vaccination and all get whooping cough and maybe you'll servive or maybe you'll do this board a favor and you won't.

The plain infectious disease fact is that if you don't vaccinate for Pertussis, the more who don't vaccinate the more will get Pertussis and the more will die.  Just because the Jersey Flyer family got whooping cough (if in fact you did because sometimes it's misdiagnosed) is absolutely no scientific proof you can or should withold vaccination.

Google Whooping Cough epidemic 1979 UK and Japan

I think that was the year. Or Google "Disease a Month" which is a monograph that comes out every month (has been for years) in every Med School Library and probably in libraries in hospitals like Overlook's in Summit and other places in NJ  and look for the  Disease a Month on the Pertussis epidemic 1979.  They did  about 150 pages on it.

Or try this. Call any infectious disease doc at a med school in New Jersey and tell them that your  Dr. Jersey Flyer a world renowed expert in Pertussis and you want to do a grand rounds on why vaccination shouldn't take place or call up here:

Goryeb Children's Hospital

Goryeb Children’s Hospital at Morristown Medical Center 100 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

or 973-971-5000
Morristown Medical Center 100 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

Overlook Medical Center 99 Beauvoir Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901


LOL Call up Overlook Hospital  or any of the hospitals I spoonfed you above, and tell them you want to lecture their staff on witholding vaccinations and see how many nanoseconds it takes for them to hang up on you.

pertussis, I'm pretty sure that would be a screaming news event from every news anchor on every channel. Politicians would be calling for hearings on why there is not a program to vaccinate everyone, and drug makers would want government funding to develop a larger vaccine supply. Look at the pandemonium that developed into the West Nile Virus "epidemic". How many in this country died from that? 20, 30, 50?

What we do need immediately is a vaccine for loudmouth, crude, vulgar, and obnoxious people that would enable them to discuss events in a more civil discourse.

A couple of people get bitten by a shark every summer and it makes the font page of Time magazine.  A handful of people in Asia die of Bird Flu and it's called a pandemic.  But aparrently there is a new Black Death in this country and somehow only Patch Adams knows about it.

Because Cartscmutz your medical knowledge is just smokin'. If you can use the words Patch Adams  you don't need a medical education or residency. You can just waltz into Georgetown, bring some of the girls you buy with ya, and start seein' patients.  They'll be thrilled to hear your delusions and that you sound a lot crazier than the Aurora shooter.

You kind of ignored the CDC is reporting it (I know Cartschmutz is the king of infectious disease and CDC is just wtf crazy) and you ignored your Patron Saint Rupert Murdoch who is fucking a golddigger  Wendi Murdoch 37 years younger who ditched her first US boyfriend for another one after he got her into the country.

So the conservative WSJ which I linked reporting the epidemic I posted that's real is just making it up. Sounds like you have a busy trip. You're going to go to Aurora and shut down Obama's campaign stat, then  you're going to fly back to DC and take your review harem in and start catching patients in the ER.

You are one impressive mothahfuckah when it comes to medicine. You can type "Patch Adams"  Robin Williams would  call you a fellow clown.

loud, crude, vulgar and waste your  life parotting medical stupidity on a site basically promoting the hobby.

No MD at any decent clininc in New Jersey if that's where you are now, or Philly would back your moronic claims.  It is absolutely true that we are facing an epidemic of Pertussis right now and you won't find a pediatrician or an ID expert in the cities where you buy your pussy that doesn't affirm this or who won't tell you you're dead wrong, and stupidly obnoxious in the way you present it given you have no experience whatsoever on even a grade school level in clinical infectious disease or medicine.

And I posted links from major media outlets and CBS. Maybe they don't scream loud enough for a raving screamer like yourself. I will agree there needs to be more good publicity to educate the public when there are ignoramuses like yourself who are too lazy to read good litearure.

For what it's worth, and not jack shit for someone like you, you can walk into any hosptial library or med school library in Philly where you purchase the vast majority of the pussy you reviewed or New Jersey, and I've given you addresses and phone numbers and can draw you a map to pediatric hospitals with great reputations.  You can walk into the ER and ask anyone there about a Pertussis epidemic or you could call Overlook or Morristown or any large hospital in Jersey or Philly where you travel to get your pussy and they all have information hotlines that will confirm

1) The Pertussis Epidemic is real
2) Vaccination should be done of children and adults who might be exposed to children per CDC recommendations

And finally:

Any Pediatric or Infectious Disease journal in a medical library (you won't find them in the grocery stores or on a news stand) and AJM (American Journal of Medicine), NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) and AIM (Annals of Internal Medicine all have current articles on the Pertussis epidemic.

I understand you think that you know more about Pertussis than the docs at Overlook in Summit but I talked with one an hour ago on another matter,  and he's never heard of Jersey Flyer the pussy hawk who goes for Philly providers. But he did say when I read your posts that you're one of may fucking morons whose thinking helps fuel the  Pertussis epidemic.l

You wouldn't mind sharing with us where you did your residency in Pediatrics or Medicine and your publications on Pertussis would you or what medical journal I've missed reading that contradicts what I've linked.

And you're asserting perhaps that the  Wall Street Journal is a liberal newspaper trying to spread misinformation and that Rupert Murdoch who recently met with Romney (you know the one--he married a gold digger 37 years younger named Wendy Deng  who would be a NYC MILF for you.

It is very interesting how Dr. Salk has become one of the most highly worshipped persons in the history of medicine.  But, like many other people in that particular field he was a highly-flawed individual.  What I am referring to is the human experimentation he conducted on male patients in an Ypsilanta, Michigan insane asylum.  Salk co-authored a clinical trial of flu vaccine in the asylum.  He injected the patients described as "senile and debilitated"with an experimental version of the flu vaccine, and then exposed all of them to live flu viruses several months later.  In addition to being senile and debilitated, the patients all suffered various form of mental disease and incapasitation.  This means that obtaining their rational consent to participate in such experiments would have been impossible.  Therefore, Dr. Salk was conducting this trial in violation of medical ethics and in violation of the law.

In 1952 Dr. Salk, a medical student and virus researcher, developed a vaccine against polio that, two years later, was accepted for testing nationwide.  Salk's vaccine logged early success; some 60-70 percent of those vaccinated did not develop the disease. But there were problems during the trial. About 200 people who had been vaccinated got the disease, and 11 of them died. It was determined that a faulty, poorly manufactured batch of the vaccine was the cause of those cases, leading to stricter production standards. Full-scale vaccinations nationwide resumed once more. Four million vaccines were given by 1955.

Nationwide distribution of the polio vaccine was in full force by the end of the 1950s, Dr. Bernice Eddy, a researcher with the National Institute of Health (NIH), made the discovery in 1960 that both the Salk and Sabin viruses contained SV40 (Simian Virus).  In 1962, Dr.Eddy published an article demonstrating that SV40 was the causative agent for several types of tumors such as mesotheliomas - rare tumors located in the lungs - brain and bone tumors; the virus has also been found to be associated with some types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Meanwhile, by 1960 around 99 million Americans had received the vaccine.  In the 60's, the 70's, the 80's and the 90's the rate of pediatric cancer showed an exponential increase.  


In the face of frantic, ongoing denials, an increasing number of researchers continue to maintain that not only is there a bona fide link between Salk's SV40-tainted vaccines and cancer.  The federal government officials and agencies responsible for ensuring the safety of such vaccines - then and now - are loathe to admit it, perhaps because they fear the fallout in terms of lawsuits and lost credibility.


Look Out China and Africa!  Bill and Melinda Are Coming to Give You A Dose Of Something Nasty!

Dr. Sappo the SapSchmuck, Board Certified in Ignorance, who has not been admitted to any medical school and could not get in if he paid them millions, has offered as his medical journal a single article in the SF Gate,  which he disjointedly and circumferentially and tangentially paraphrases. The article in SF Gatew is totally wrong in its premise, and very out  of date.

He seeks to discredit vaccines and apparently to cloud the issue of a real Pertussis epidemic that is all over the medical literature--the journals that physicians read and write in using this lame SF Gate whose parent is the SF Chronicle article and some goofy assed website called LOL "the infinite unknown" and to riducule the Bill and Melinda Gates organization. which has saved thousands of lives and helped educate thousands of children in America in a panoply of ways.

For years it  was organized and run in part by Helene Gayle who is an MD and has an MPH. Dr. Gayle was at CDC for 20 years working on HIV Aids, then moved to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation directing the HIV, TB, and Repro health divisions. Dr. Gayle also was chosen to chair the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV Aids. She currently runs CARE in  Atlanta.She was on the Forbes List of Most Powerful Women in 2011.

The SV-40 controversy was settled by extensive RECENT (not 1950's as Sappo quotes) research and several studies replete in the medical literature. Like NJFlyer, Sappo is not familiar with the medical literature and would not know how to use it or it's presence on the web, or where to go if Sappo entered a medical library and what to use to solve a problem.

This is the most current NIH Summary site enumerating the research that has found no connection between SV-40 at NIH and discredited the living fuck out of Dr. Eddy's early very flawed work and the other clowns that the  SF Gate article that Sappo the Sap Schmuck paraphrased like a child.

Sap Schmuck also takes a nasty swipe at the medical research profession with the undocumented and stupid statement out of it's bird brained CNS that "like many other people in that particular field he was a highly-flawed individual". There is no evidence whasoever that vaccine research is a field with many flawed individuals, and it's obvious the only flawed individual in Scap Schmuck who posted a  rambling paraphrase of lol a SF Gate article with no medical literature or current studies misrepresenting what the NIH has said and I've posted and linked here.

Studies Find No Evidence That SV40 is Related to Human Cancer

There was never a pediatric neoplastic peak for 4-5 decades and nothing in the pediatric cancer literature or in journals like CANCER, NIH Journals, or the medical or surgical literature begins to suggest there was and I've been following it extensively for a lot of years. There is nothing in JAMA since its beginning or NEJM possibly the  most prestigious medical journal and hardest to publish in that supports any of the pure shit Sappo who probably sells  Fuller Brushes or does some equally mundane job to pay for his pussy or collects disability checks suggests. There is nothing whatsoever in CA, a leading cancer journal published bi-monthly to indicate the utter shit Sappo suggests.

Sap would find no pediatric oncologist in the  world that would do anythiing but laugh at his utter stupidity.

or Swine Flu.  Just when I thought I'd seen you display maximum stupidity, you top yourself.  It's fuckheads like you who construct delusional infectious disease paradigms that help kill  people.

In fact, there were many thousands of deaths from H1N1 and analogues in 1918 and in 1978-1979 and docs here know of a lot of deaths in our hospitals and the care for some of theese people totaled $200,000 as well.

There is no reputable physician who wouldn't call you a fucking moron, because that's absolutely what you are.  That website LOL you put up couldn't be more shitferbrains and all their made up data.  You ought to talk to parents who witheld vaccines and then had to bury their kids.  But after a few minutes with you, they'd probably reach for an  AR-15 to put your ass out of its stupid reverie.

And holy fuck:  All the media is conspiring to plot against you as well:

Death Rates from Swine Flu 2009 May be 15X higher than 18,000

June 26, 2012 10:13 AM PrintText Death rates from 2009 "swine flu" pandemic 15 times higher than earlier estimates, study finds

Wall Street Journal owned by conservative Rupert Murdoch is conspiring against you as well:

Flu Pandemic's Toll Raised
"The findings suggest that anywhere from 151,700 to 575,400 people died from the pandemic flu during the first year that the virus circulated in each country. About 70% of those cases were respiratory deaths and the rest were cardiovascular deaths.

The latest research confirmed earlier observations that 80% of the pandemic deaths occurred in people younger than 65 years old. About 30% of the victims in that age group were healthy with no underlying risk factors. That is a marked difference from seasonal flu, which mainly claims the elderly and the frail.

After the pandemic ended, WHO was criticized by some for being alarmist about the dangers of H1N1. The United Nations agency says the Lancet data validate its response. "More than 200,000 deaths is not nothing, it is a significant event—especially when you look at the ages of those who died," said Anthony Mounts, a medical epidemiologist at the WHO. "I think the WHO did the right thing" in reacting forcefully to the pandemic."

I know you're way too fucking dumb to  read Lancet, and it's really a waste of time to try to educate such a stupid fuck with fixed delusional beliefs.  You're as crazy as Holmes in Aurora is, and possibly crazier.

You keep shovelling that garbage from that whackjob website, because you live in a fantasy world on Planet Fucking Moron where you shovel the dumbest medical fiction I've seen in years.

-- Modified on 7/22/2012 3:37:35 PM

Maybe the cause of those deaths was misdiagnosed, just like you say my whooping cough was.

becaue thier doctor was obsessivly posting irrrational messages on TER?

few hundred is my guess...

and I know a good therapist, (shrink), that could straighten you out. But it's gonna take some doing.

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