Politics and Religion

But I'm not the one crying to Mommy and finking people out.
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 980 reads

You are.

You have no problem labeling people racists, crossdressers, insane, dungbeetles etc, etc, etc but when it cuts too close to the bone you whine like a pussy.

You're over your head, but too stupid to know it.

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 9:04:09 AM

mrnogood4730 reads

HYPERINFLATION will make this country unrecognizable soon!!!

Published: Wednesday, 30 Nov 2011 | 8:17 AM ET

The world's major central banks unleashed coordinated action Wednesday to ease the increasing strains on the global financial system, a move that sent stock markets up sharply.

The European Central Bank, U.S. Federal Reserve , the Bank of England and the central banks of Canada, Japan, and Switzerland are all taking part in the operation, which is designed to "enhance their capacity to provide liquidity support to the global financial system."


An that's why Buffet dumped more $$$ in the market.

Check out the futures. . .

http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/stocks/futures/  up UP UP! But we have a liquidity crisis, WTF?


Now is the time to get into copper!

As expected, the Fed has just bailed out the world once again:
FED, ECB, BOJ, BOE, SNB, BANK OF CANADA LOWER SWAP RATES - BBG, ECB, FED other major central bank to lower the pricing of existing USD liquidity swaps by 50BPS

And as we have been writing every single day, the worldwide dollar crunch is now confirmed:
At present, there is no need to offer liquidity in non-domestic currencies other than the U.S. dollar,

This means that the global situation is far, far more dire than the talking heads have said. Luckily, when this step fails, which it will, Mars can always come and bail us out


EVEN THE LIBERAL CRAMER (Mr never saw a bailout he didnt love) says this is death con 3

NOT TO EVEN MENTION THE NUCLEAR WINTER HEADED OUR WAY FROM FUKUSHIMA that will also weaken immune systems while mutating germs...

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 6:01:43 AM

Priapus53681 reads

well, you know------someone should tell this whining bitch to get back on his meds----;)

and show complete disregard to TER guidelines regarding "posts intended simply to be mean"?

While you may not agree with ng's post, it is substantive. And you reply with a textbook TROLL post.

You are, by definition, a troll and a hypocrite of the highest order.

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 8:44:58 AM

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 8:45:39 AM

Priapus53618 reads

You're not one to talk.

BTW, I see the market is up over 400 points today.

You & the likeminded mrng should get together for drinks-----hopefully ,your attendants will slip some anti-psychotic meds in your Shirley Temples.

You are.

You have no problem labeling people racists, crossdressers, insane, dungbeetles etc, etc, etc but when it cuts too close to the bone you whine like a pussy.

You're over your head, but too stupid to know it.

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 9:04:09 AM

mrnogood915 reads

and attempted to make the dollar REAL cheap, to keep the world economy a'float...

"As expected, the Fed has just bailed out the world once again:
FED, ECB, BOJ, BOE, SNB, BANK OF CANADA LOWER SWAP RATES - BBG, ECB, FED other major central bank to lower the pricing of existing USD liquidity swaps by 50BPS

And as we have been writing every single day, the worldwide dollar crunch is now confirmed:
At present, there is no need to offer liquidity in non-domestic currencies other than the U.S. dollar,

This means that the global situation is far, far more dire than the talking heads have said. Luckily, when this step fails, which it will, Mars can always come and bail us out"

At the very least WE ALL JUST LOST 50% OF OUR WEALTH TODAY.. Because YOU will pay for this discount on treasurys in the form of INFLATION


and this nuclear winter coming is so bad the media wont even mention fukushima... Use your common sense folks over 600,000 rods of spent nuclear fuel was in building 3, and 4 reactors have been in total meltdown for over 8 months...


This will effect us, more importantly our immune systems, while mutating germs to make us sick.. The CDC warned of a zombie apocolyse..and the word "pandemic" is now in the vocabulary of ALL dinner table politicians because the news now mentions it frequently..

They've been preparing IN OUR FACES..

and no matter what your corporate news tells you RADIATION KILLS..

If you haven't done this already,,Stay away from ALL shots .. do NOT allow them to shot u up w live viruses of anything, in a nuclear world... this is VERY dangerous..

So while hyperinflation hits, food shortages and food prices will keep us from consuming the proper nutrients, further weakening our immune systems..


Time to wake up, and get your heads out of the sand and prepare, we don't have long..

IMHO - They're about to devalue the dollar, to entice investors into the US economy, and the final step will be to pull the rug out from under ALL of our feet once they've sucked in investors looking for a 50% discount on the USD

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 10:47:34 AM

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