Politics and Religion

Black lives DO matter - the defendant and the judge are black...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 160 reads

...Only certain black lives matter to white folks.  The lives of "thugs" (as perceived by whites) don't matter.

The 3rd cop found Not Guilty in the Freddie Gray case!  OK he was a black cop, but the initial cell phone video showed two white cops and so Black Lives Matter and so the liars who aid and abet them (Obama, Hillary) adopted it as their next cause celebre'.  Hey, Zimmerman being Hispanic didn't stop them running with the Evil YT Kills Angelic Youth story, hey, his name sounded white!

So, let's add up: Trayvon/Zimmerman, Not Guilty due to self defense, as confirmed by Obama's Justice Dept.  Brown/ Ferguson, No Basis to press charges due to self defense, as confirmed by Obama's JD.  Eric Garner, Not Guilty.  Freddie Gray, 1 hung jury two Not Guilty.  Gee, it seems that Judges and Juries, presented with the facts, keep finding the narrative that Obama and Black Lives Matter and Hillary has no basis in fact.   And these were hand picked as the best cases for the propaganda push, what an embarrassment.

GaGambler161 reads

Remember what happened when the wife of the "First Black President" tried to add a bit of common sense by saying "All lives matter"???

It didn't take long for her to fall in line, did it?

bigguy30144 reads

It's nothing new for you either.

Posted By: GaGambler
Remember what happened when the wife of the "First Black President" tried to add a bit of common sense by saying "All lives matter"???  
 It didn't take long for her to fall in line, did it?

...Only certain black lives matter to white folks.  The lives of "thugs" (as perceived by whites) don't matter.

I didn't pick the stupid political movement's name.  Obviously I don't mean "Black lives don't matter" I mean:  The political movement named Black Lives Matter perpetuates a false narrative, that blacks are disproportionate victims of police brutality.  This is false because blacks actually are killed by cops at lower rates, on average, than their rates of commission of murder, assault, and their arrest rate overall.  As those rates are percent of Total murders, assaults, arrests, that means non-blacks actually are the ones killed by police at disproportionately high rates.

It also anecdotally is shown to be suspect as an assertion by the fact that all the high profile cases hyped by the Lib media and getting shout outs by the President as examples of the Thesis turn out to be totally unlike the original hype.  Trayvon was no 12 year old angel, he was sitting on top of the man who shot him, punching him, and was 19, and the man wasn't white, he was Hispanic.  Brown assaulted a cop and tried to take his gun, didn't hold his hands up, and was shot while charging the cop.  Not Guilty. No Civil  Rights Violated.  Etc Etc Etc.   BLM, the movement, is a travesty of truth.

bigguy30178 reads

So we all know, what you are about and protecting the blue wall is more important than black lives clown.

It does not matter, if the cops is black or white.
The fact that most cops don't want a jury on these types of cases and just a judge.
Also says it all, but not every cop get's off either.

This is why, it's a major push for Criminal Justice reform.

Also I would not be proud posting comments that include George Zimmerman playing the pussy card either. Since he has a criminal record and a thug too.

Just remember thugs come in all colors, but white ones lives are often spared at times.

The simple fact is, most people act tough with a gun.
When they have no gun, most are cowards.



Posted By: digdirkler
The 3rd cop found Not Guilty in the Freddie Gray case!  OK he was a black cop, but the initial cell phone video showed two white cops and so Black Lives Matter and so the liars who aid and abet them (Obama, Hillary) adopted it as their next cause celebre'.  Hey, Zimmerman being Hispanic didn't stop them running with the Evil YT Kills Angelic Youth story, hey, his name sounded white!  
 So, let's add up: Trayvon/Zimmerman, Not Guilty due to self defense, as confirmed by Obama's Justice Dept.  Brown/ Ferguson, No Basis to press charges due to self defense, as confirmed by Obama's JD.  Eric Garner, Not Guilty.  Freddie Gray, 1 hung jury two Not Guilty.  Gee, it seems that Judges and Juries, presented with the facts, keep finding the narrative that Obama and Black Lives Matter and Hillary has no basis in fact.   And these were hand picked as the best cases for the propaganda push, what an embarrassment.


-- Modified on 6/23/2016 3:00:51 PM

... at least relative to their rates of homicide and assault and arrest. Blacks are about 45% of Violent Criminals, and half those arrested, but only about 30% of those killed by police.

But this is a statistical point, as is BLM's entire premise.  This surely places it over your head, since you think that 2 white shooters not killed by police makes your case.  Since overall there are far far more black shooters, and very few people killed by police at all, I could find blacks who weren't killed either.  A couple select examples doesn't make a statistical point.

Re: Zimmerman.  Wow, what a stupid rebuttal. If I said I thought he was cool, or my hero or something of the sort, then him being a scumbag, or a pussy or whatever might matter.  My only point is that he is NOT what the Libs and the MSM and Obama and BLM said he was, a white vigilante that gunned down an innocent 12 year old that looked like Obama's lil boy in cold blood.  He was a small pussy Hispanic man who was assaulted by a 19 year old larger and stronger than him, whom a jury decided had enough plausible cause of self defense that 2nd degree murder could not be proven.

bigguy3097 reads

Then you did your score card against BLM and the cases that was lost to the police.
Also a thug killing a teenager.

So don't act like a fraud now and stop with your bs Rudy Giuliani crime data.
We all know he is a racists and should worry about, why his daughter shoplifted in the past.

Also how many times has George Zimmerman been arrest?
The link below will answer, that question on this Thug!

You have a history with your comments on here about blacks.
It's clear you have a issue and maybe that has to do with your area?
The only thing that matters is, we can see past your bs comments.

Posted By: digdirkler
... at least relative to their rates of homicide and assault and arrest. Blacks are about 45% of Violent Criminals, and half those arrested, but only about 30% of those killed by police.  
 But this is a statistical point, as is BLM's entire premise.  This surely places it over your head, since you think that 2 white shooters not killed by police makes your case.  Since overall there are far far more black shooters, and very few people killed by police at all, I could find blacks who weren't killed either.  A couple select examples doesn't make a statistical point.  
 Re: Zimmerman.  Wow, what a stupid rebuttal. If I said I thought he was cool, or my hero or something of the sort, then him being a scumbag, or a pussy or whatever might matter.  My only point is that he is NOT what the Libs and the MSM and Obama and BLM said he was, a white vigilante that gunned down an innocent 12 year old that looked like Obama's lil boy in cold blood.  He was a small pussy Hispanic man who was assaulted by a 19 year old larger and stronger than him, whom a jury decided had enough plausible cause of self defense that 2nd degree murder could not be proven.
-- Modified on 6/23/2016 6:02:18 PM

I like it when racist destructive political movements get shown to be the frauds they are.  
I like it when a racist president gets humiliated by the facts and the for now independent judicial system.
I like it when a movement dedicated to mob justice and rioting gets over ruled by the formal legal system.

George Zimmerman, a pussy and a thug (and neighborhood watchman wannabe)?  OK, fine, sure, though those seem to be mutually exclusive categories.   But is it OK for a Thug to kill a Teen (ahem, 19, an adult)?  YES, when done so in self defense from a teen attacking him.  If this was a normal case, would I celebrate his victory just because the adult teen doing the assaulting was Black?  NOPE.   BLM and Obama and the Media chose to take this Hispanic loser and try to make him an example, the Great White Boogie Man so rarely found in nature.  They distorted the facts to try to make him an example in their racist campaign, falsifying his race, his 911 call, Trayvon's age, etc.

When Zimmerman is falsely held up as a example of white racist oppression of angelic blacks, to be publically pilloried, and then found to be innocent, YES, I celebrate him.  You Libs chose him as your cause, not me.

RE: Giuliani... so, if your daughter shop lifts once, its not OK to take the largest city in the US and turn it from a dangerous as Baghdad to safer than London?  No arresting murderers, muggers and rapists and saving thousands of black lives (they matter!!!) if your daughter ever once does something illegal?  Hmmmm, okay.

bigguy30103 reads

I love it when people show their racial insecurities.
It makes you look and sound like a fool.

Posted By: digdirkler
I like it when racist destructive political movements get shown to be the frauds they are.  
 I like it when a racist president gets humiliated by the facts and the for now independent judicial system.  
 I like it when a movement dedicated to mob justice and rioting gets over ruled by the formal legal system.  
 George Zimmerman, a pussy and a thug (and neighborhood watchman wannabe)?  OK, fine, sure, though those seem to be mutually exclusive categories.   But is it OK for a Thug to kill a Teen (ahem, 19, an adult)?  YES, when done so in self defense from a teen attacking him.  If this was a normal case, would I celebrate his victory just because the adult teen doing the assaulting was Black?  NOPE.   BLM and Obama and the Media chose to take this Hispanic loser and try to make him an example, the Great White Boogie Man so rarely found in nature.  They distorted the facts to try to make him an example in their racist campaign, falsifying his race, his 911 call, Trayvon's age, etc.  
 When Zimmerman is falsely held up as a example of white racist oppression of angelic blacks, to be publically pilloried, and then found to be innocent, YES, I celebrate him.  You Libs chose him as your cause, not me.  
 RE: Giuliani... so, if your daughter shop lifts once, its not OK to take the largest city in the US and turn it from a dangerous as Baghdad to safer than London?  No arresting murderers, muggers and rapists and saving thousands of black lives (they matter!!!) if your daughter ever once does something illegal?  Hmmmm, okay.

OK, I smiley faced about another humiliation for racist BLM and their spokesman in the white house.

But seriously, the Ferguson Effect from all the BLM rioting and lies about Hands Up Don't Shoot and Freddy Gray riots has cost an additional 800 black lives ending in body bags in just one year.  Almost all killed by other blacks.  Turns out the cops aren't the enemy, black street thugs are, and if you intimidate the cops and get them to back off, the thugs take over and blood runs in the streets.

So each and every humiliation of Black Lives Matter and Obama is a critical strike on behalf of actual, real black lives.

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