Politics and Religion

Are you doing placing put options now ?
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 182 reads

Thinks the stock market or stocks favored by Hillary are going to tank ?

GaGambler758 reads

In the last several hours the odds on Donald Trump have gone from 9-2 all the way down to 5-2. That is a HUGE shift in odds over such a short period of time.

Could this be the knock out punch, or more accurately the house we having been waiting to fall on Hillary's head? It certainly could be.

Most objective observers are not surprised at all about these "new" revelations. I wonder how long her supporters are going to keep their heads buried in the sand as more and more gasoline is poured on this already raging fire?

bigguy30166 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
In the last several hours the odds on Donald Trump have gone from 9-2 all the way down to 5-2. That is a HUGE shift in odds over such a short period of time.  
 Could this be the knock out punch, or more accurately the house we having been waiting to fall on Hillary's head? It certainly could be.  
 Most objective observers are not surprised at all about these "new" revelations. I wonder how long her supporters are going to keep their heads buried in the sand as more and more gasoline is poured on this already raging fire?
-- Modified on 10/28/2016 2:46:52 PM

bigguy30285 reads

This action by the FBI will actually motive, the Hillary supporters even more now.
I am still voting for her, especially after today!

Posted By: stucaboy

followme265 reads

or any point for that matter.

You're Welcome
In hillwhorie Supporters We Distrust

Deceptions from evil, crooked, despicable, war mongering, ISIS mother, Hillary Clinton, and her staff,  suddenly becoming more and more  transparent to millions of  previously in denial voters.        
  Thank You WikiLeaks.  :-D

  How many  HRC  supporters are  aware, her mascot hound, Mark Cuban, cowers to the  other side of the street if he sees a Black man with a hooded sweat shirt walking toward him.
Mark Cuban, typical spineless, closet racist,  HRC supporter.  

  As election day draws near intelligent voters are deciding to abandon HRC.  

          Trump 2016

bigguy30327 reads

The news today will not change, that Trump is not winning.  
Thanks for the laughs.

Posted By: quadseasonal
 Deceptions from evil, crooked, despicable, war mongering, ISIS mother, Hillary Clinton, and her staff,  suddenly becoming more and more  transparent to millions of  previously in denial voters.        
   Thank You WikiLeaks.  :-D  
   How many  HRC  supporters are  aware, her mascot hound, Mark Cuban, cowers to the  other side of the street if he sees a Black man with a hooded sweat shirt walking toward him.  
 Mark Cuban, typical spineless, closet racist,  HRC supporter.  
   As election day draws near intelligent voters are deciding to abandon HRC.  
           Trump 2016

...Well quad while you are lookin for that landslide the HRC landslide will bury your sorry ass & the rest of your Nazi fascists right-wing friends. What happened to your "job" with the Dump camPAIN, did they have a clown clearance?

86H13LTP253 reads

and that dude has been covering elections for long ass time .  

Hilla-Criminal is speaking live right now . Something is missing in her presentation . Oh I know what it is , she doesn't ha s that shit eating grin on her face and serial killer sounding laugh isn't there either .

GaGambler291 reads

BUT only a few hours ago she was at 1-6 and now the odds have risen to 2-7 roughly twice what they were only a few hours ago.

86H13LTP290 reads

who just might be one the slickest people on the planet has unleashed Comey .  He covered his ass on the front side with he and his wife out on the trail and he covered his ass on the backside on being responsible for a cover up for anything that comes out after the fact . He played his hand finally - because he hates them - and now leaves it to the American people to decide having all the facts and ties on his golf shoes

bigguy30385 reads

It shows why you are so lost.  

Posted By: 86H13LTP
and that dude has been covering elections for long ass time .  
 Hilla-Criminal is speaking live right now . Something is missing in her presentation . Oh I know what it is , she doesn't ha s that shit eating grin on her face and serial killer sounding laugh isn't there either .

nuguy46244 reads

He's been saying Trump will win.
How can Hill supporters stay on the line of a proven liar?  a proven queen of corruption?


saltyballs299 reads

Guito the orangutan is predicting an electoral landslide win for HRC.

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 8:19:59 PM

Thinks the stock market or stocks favored by Hillary are going to tank ?

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