Politics and Religion

And I'm here to tell you that those guys are idiots.
Blowing Chunks 2528 reads
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Some religious people are associating Dark Matter to the Holy Spirit.  Lets analyze this bull shit logically. The universe, as mysterious as it may be, has always been behaving in a way that we can take small cracks at it and gradually come to understand it bit by bit.  

From what we observe about dark matter, it produces more gravity than ordinary matter itself. Enough so that it can hold gigantic stars, weighing several hundred times the size of our sun, tightly together within our galaxy. It's a gravity giant.  

So, if dark matter really is this mysterious 'holy spirit' that religious people speak of... Simple logic tells us that we'd be seeing dead people weigh a fraction of their weight as soon as their spirit left their body and ascended into heavens.  We don't see any of this happening in real life.  

Just this alone proves what should already be obvious to most people in the know.

-- Modified on 3/4/2014 4:09:07 AM

James_Connolly 546 reads
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tis it Big Bang theory , because the possibility of that would be the same as blowing a scrap metal yard with C-4 and havin a full operational Lamborghini land in front of ya as a result . odds be much better in favor of having some type of  creator

dncphil 16 Reviews 498 reads
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DA says "Some religious people are associating Dark Matter to the Holy Spirit."  He then goes into a rant about what Dark Matter is.

It might be useful to his argument, if his argument is to refute religious, to say who among the religious hold this view.  Is it Pope Francis speaking for the Church?  Is it the Dahli Lama speaking for millions of followers? A leading religious figure in Mecca?

Is it some individual with his church of six people in the hills of W. Virginia?

If "some" is a small group of insignificance, he spends a lot of time refuting something that is not is issue.  

"Some" athiests believe that Mars is located beyond Pluto.  Let's refute this to show how silly athiesm is.

James_Connolly 577 reads
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all day teaching self discipline . That be another one to mock alrigh

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 730 reads
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She said " Love your brother for who  he truly is , a man with sight who can not see  ,  your brother can not fathom  how I came to be ,  he can only   gaze  upon my wonders , finding nothing  for himself ,  searching for his answers staring back at  him , while overlooking  my  one and only truth  .
  Do not fault your brother for his failure  to find  my beauty and power finding others , while watching over him  , when he can not  hold and feel me , for his own proof  "


-- Modified on 3/4/2014 8:12:32 AM

RRO2610 51 Reviews 555 reads
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I'm all for science, progress and knowledge. But splitting the atom seemed to give us only power to destroy and potentially contaminate, and the wonders of modern digital technology have serendipitously stripped us of our 4th Amendment Rights.  

  I'm sure a "particle" that can vaporize the planet is very valuable; but only to a select few psychotics that shouldn’t possess such power to begin with

Timbow 466 reads
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RRO2610 51 Reviews 662 reads
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and the "human condition" serve better than knowledge of something that inherently can/will be used for technological power and potentialy evil

Blowing Chunks 434 reads
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Heat transfer equations from thermo dynamics are used for financial markets such as derivatives...  Options trading  came from Black Scholes equations.  

Relativity theory has been applied to many areas as well,  and we use them for GPS navigation every time.  

Cracking the dark matter and dark energy code will open many more doors.... new materials,  new understanding of Gravity,  flying cars,  space travel to farther distances,  new energy sources.  

Value of basic scientific research is enormous since there are many applications for them. They've all turned out to have significant contributions to mankind.  Of course  a double edged sword but seeing that people live longer and less poverty,  quality of life improved no doubt.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 485 reads
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keeps open-minded people searching for truth.

My spiritual belief is, the Holy Spirit we carry around with us.  Hell we carry with us.  We get the free-will choice to choose Love or Fear with every circumstance.  We choose how we react, which we are creating our experience and creating our own lives.  The universe is responding to our energetic vibrations and attracting.  That is why insecure women keep attracting abusive men that repeat that same role.  So we can become aware and change!  

Now I would fucking love science to reconcile with our spiritual nature.  Religion will never change even with scientific proof, they have too much invested in being right.  From people, no doubt that sat around and watched the stars and told stories.

GaGambler 485 reads
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He's still a moron, as you have often lumped Buddha in with all the other bogus deities created by charlatans and con men.

Blowing Chunks 513 reads
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I thought the fat man came from like India or something.  still asian, but not what I would call oriental

GaGambler 516 reads
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Oriental means basically "from the east" and Buddha definitely came from the east. Just like "negro" is the Spanish word for black, Oriental means "eastern" in Spanish. I guess stupid people, white, black and yellow, need to find offense in words never meant to be offensive.

Now JamesfuckingConnolly, he is offensive to just about everybody, as he is a racist douchebag still fighting a war his people lost hundreds of years ago. He is almost as pathetic as the southerners who still do Civil War enactments. You would think that if anyone would do Civil War enactments it would be the North, since they were the winners, Just like the British who still are running Ireland. You would think that losers like JamesConnolly would want to forget all about their little war against the Brits, considering how badly they got their asses kicked.

I guess calling Buddha a fat, bald, asian dude makes the likes of this Mic loser feel just a little bit better about himself, but does anyone other than real Buddhists really give a fuck where that fat fucker came from in the first place?

Blowing Chunks 621 reads
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Not because of faith , blind faith, or beliefs but through experimental evidence.  

Nothing says "Ha, I told you so" better than a bunch of good experiments screaming at you




James_Connolly 745 reads
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ya have to wait 46 days now because it part of me annaual repent to be kind to ones like you

James_Connolly 599 reads
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Blowing Chunks 660 reads
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PPPPPPPPPPPPPPRAISE the nonexistent LORD!  The holy trinity, the holy spirit, the fatther son, the holy ghost, the holy frog, the holy cow... OMG holy fucking everything!!  

Save me Jesus! Save me Cow! Save me Bank of America!!

Blowing Chunks 610 reads
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Blowing Chunks 626 reads
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just thought he's some indian fat ass who needed to eat less. haha

Not even sure how he ended up brainwashing people to think he's some sort of divine god. That's one trick I wanna learn, cuz obviously people are fuckin stupid and hungry for some deity to believe in.  I might as well create my own religion and call my self God.  I'd center the religion around liquor... just like that pot religion.  

What scares me most is that I'm pretty sure some stupid shmuck is gonna subscribe to it.

James_Connolly 654 reads
25 / 27

rhe first to beg for his help when ya find yourself is a life or death .  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPRAISE the nonexistent LORD!  The holy trinity, the holy spirit, the fatther son, the holy ghost, the holy frog, the holy cow... OMG holy fucking everything!!  
 Save me Jesus! Save me Cow! Save me Bank of America!!!  

GaGambler 507 reads
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a group of people worshipping some thousand year old bullshit fairy tale is a "religion" the same group of people worshipping a different bullshit fairy tale that is only twenty years old is a "cult"

Somehow people think that L Ron Hubbard's Scientology is more ridiculous than the equally unbelievable bullshit put out by the Christians, Muslims, Buddhists et al. Sorry, but stupid is stupid, no matter how old or new it is.

Blowing Chunks 593 reads
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