Politics and Religion

GaGambler 2757 reads

but apparently hate sells better than love. Except on TER of course. lol Even here hate seems to be hugely in fashion.

DoctorZGonzo8284 reads

I just want him to shut the fuck up and leave running the country to the elected officers in Washington, of which he is NOT one.

Let him run for elected office and then he can run his mouth. But I doubt even the most foolhardy partisan Republican would want to see Rush as the actual head of the party, it would spell the end of the party of Lincoln and insure Democratic dominance for a generation.

Until then, giving political credence to entertainer and popular radio personality Rush Limbaugh is no different than giving political credence to popular cultural icon Paris Hilton because of her political videos responding to McCains campaign. And damned if she wasn't talking alot more sense and reason that Rush Limbaugh ever does. So what if she was speaking from a well-rehearsed script? Isn't that what all politicians do?

Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer who has developed a megalomaniacal mean streak and believes himself above the law. He is a perfect example of demagoguery run amok.

But I don't want him to die. I'd rather he be tried and convicted for sedition and treason and threatening the safety and security of the United States. But that's no more realistic than Rush Limbaugh himself.

Timbow1792 reads

Tell us how there would be a basis for  Rush to be proscecutd for  sedition and treason :)

GaGambler2151 reads

Are you too lazy or too stupid to invent your own name? Why do you feel the need to steal someone else's good name?

I might caution you to not hijack the handle of a board moderator, you just might find your alias flipped and yourself moderated or banned.

old people from the confederate states who are afraid of the changes coming

"The Republican Party has become a gang of confederate flag waiving loons "


"Using the southern wing of the Republican Party, they have managed to kill, ... Everybody in the old Confederate States of America likes to fantasize that they are descended from ... These vocal and hypocritical people who control every aspect of life in The South .... be afraid, my little liberals, be very afraid"

"rand Old Party...still seasoned with sights and sounds of the Confederate States of america "

"he current Republican Party is a reflection of an old divide in the United States. ... The Old South was paranoid (afraid of slave revolts, ... interests of the states of the old Confederacy (including the border states), ... Backward people like this cannot lead the United States into the future"

Timbow1384 reads

I see you have  less  understanding  about history  as the fake Gonzeo does about law :)

Timbow1720 reads

You are ignorant of history if you compare the SOUTH to Nazi Germany :)

the South was more like South Africa's apartheid...wait South Africa got apartheid from us.   I can find a correlation between in that the Nazi party blamed Jews for the lost of WWI and the treaty of Versailles - correlation, blacks were blamed for the lost in the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Timbow1518 reads

Ah but the Confederate flag and the Ole  South is about much more so much that a black man in Asheville NC honors the Old South   by carrying it around :)
No way in hell can you show me a JEW that thinks the NAZI flag is honorable and will carry one around :)

For what? Saying he didn't want a policy to be successful.  

If that constituted treason, you would have at least 30% of the entire population of the United States for all its 200+ years guilty of treason, since 30% of the population has always been opposed to one policy or another of the current president.  

Even in WWII, while the vast majority supported FDR, many people did not like "That Man," and hoped that his non-military policies would not prevail.

What possible thing did he say that could be the basis of such a charge?

There are lots of people who are caustic in their views.  Randy Rhodes and Stephanie Miller being two off the top of my head that are on the other side.

Why is Limbaugh such a lightning rod?  So he's an entertainer who talks about politics. So he may get on people's nerves.

Did anyone ever say that they want Rhodes, Lenny Bruce, Mort Saul, Stephanie Miller or anyone else of that ilk to die?

Did anyone ever say that they should shut up and quit their commentary?

If people want to listen and support his advertisers, he should keep doing what he does.

There are a lot of people and shows I really don't like and find offensive, but I have never had a desire to see them shut down.  I never thought they should run for office or shut up.  My understanding was that people were allowed to talk all they want, and those who don't like it have tremendous power in the form of the dial.  (Wow. That shows my age. Dial? Do you dial phones?  All right - how many people change use the dial to change the TV program?  Do some of you even know that TVs used to have a dial?)

Finally, while I have rarely listened to him, I never really heard anything that was so offensive.  My understanding is that the latest thing is he said he wants Obama to fail.  Well, if you disagree with a man's policies and believe they may be harmful, why would you want him to succeed in implementing those policies.

Answer this honestly:  All of you who hate and hated Bush - Did you ever say you wanted him to succeeed.  

At the worst, Limbaugh is bombastic and offensive.  Free speech is allowed to be offensive. Only offensive speech needs the Constitutional protection.  If it were not offensive, it wouldn't need protection.

RightwingUnderground1296 reads

I use to own at least three of these.

Umm, yeah - many have.

Anyone who is a critic has been told to shut up at various times by various people.

Hell, Lenny Bruce was even arrested on several occasions - both for the language he used and for his particular views.

Do you not want Michael Moore to shut up?

Sure, he has a right to speak out and make an ass of himself but he's damned annoying and reduces the level of discourage by spreading misinformation. I'd be very happy if he were to one day decide to shut up.

And I'd be thrilled beyond recognition if tallslim would just shut the fuck up and never post here again.

But all this free speech defense is a non-sequiter. Anyone who truly believes in free speech should be fine with someone telling someone else to shut up. That's them expressing their own free speech. And the Constitution does NOT give you the right to say whatever you want. It only prevents the government from limiting your speech, and even then its not unlimited.

No. Lenny Bruce was not arrested for his political commentary. He was never arrested for his "views."

He was arrested because he violated what was then the standards for obbscen behavior at the time.  

Yeah, people may be tired of Moore, but no one has said they wanted Moore to drop dead. People (some - misplaced adjective, I admit) may be sick of his movies, but I don't think anyone has suggested he shouldn't put out his silly tripe if he can pay for it or get backers.  They may say he is a putz for saying it, but no one has suggested that he should drop dead.

Finally, in spite of Moore's rabid anti-Bush movies, I don't think Bush or the Bush White House ever mentioned his name.  

-- Modified on 5/11/2009 7:36:09 PM

Bruce was once arrested for comments against the Catholic Church. The complaint was made by the Archbishop of NY.

I never said anything about wanting someone to drop dead. You asked (as my title directly quotes you) if anyone said someone on the left should "shut up" and "stop their commentary". Big difference between that and "drop dead".

And yes, the Bush WH has referenced Michael Moore on many occassions, especially relating to his Farenheit 9-11 movie. They also conducted an investigation into possible violations by his visiting Cuba. WH spokesman Scott McClennan once even compared Murtha to Moore when Murtha demanded an immediate withdrawl of all troops from Iraq in 2005.

I'd rather he be tried and convicted for sedition and treason and threatening the safety and security of the United States ..But that's no more realistic than Rush Limbaugh himself."

Wow Dude ...Bad try on the alias..You don't write like Doc and you don't sound like Doc..But you do sound like a Nazi..

DoctorZGonzo2081 reads

... and frankly, I am amazed that a sarcastic cynical turn on my part with tongue firmly planted in cheek should be viewed with such amazing rancor... and maybe if you'd all known it was me you'd have read it differently.

Did that really come across as wild and fascistic sounding with no hint of mirth?
apparently so, considering the comments...

My last sentence, the one that apparently got everyone riled up... was intended as nothing more than my take on a fantasy...a fantasy I deemed as unrealistic as I deem Rush Limbaugh's political point of view. Obviously, my intentions went far astray in the eyes of all of you... especially GaGambler and quadseasonal. Holy shit guys... I really need to retune the universal translator!

Of course Rush isn't being seditious. Can't stand his pompous ass, but for cryin' out loud people, I really AM sorry for creating this drama. Maybe if there had been no question who the author was, you might read it in a different light. It's shameful enough the political climate in this country is such that this conversation even takes place and I am remorseful at my part in this little dramafest.

So let me set the record straight. DoctorZGonzo IS DoctorGonzo. My domain name is doctorzgonzo.com my yahoo id is doctorzgonzo and my REAL first name is Z.

So why the alias?

Because DoctorGonzo is now a Moderator userid on TER, and unlike others in the past, I do not want to "flaunt" moderator status when all I want to do is participate in a thread like I used to. I thought using DoctorZGonzo would symbolize that effort while maintaining identity, but alas, it appears to have backfired here. My bad, I'll own it.

There was no attempt at deception here, just a desire to riff off of an earlier thread, and to stir up the pot a little. Maybe I stirred up a little of the WRONG pot :P

Do I want Rush Limbaugh muzzled? Sure. Would I agree with him being shut down because of censorship? Oh hell no. I once spoke out against censoring tallslim26 remember? And I find his words far more reprehensible than anything Rush or O'Reilley have ever said.

Anyway... there it is. Have at it, shred me if you wish. It's all good. I know who does and doesn't have respect in this forum. Hopefully, I still have yours.


YOU started the thread....Now how are you going to spin it????

GaGambler2774 reads

I was just responding to what I perceived to be a highjacking of your handle. Once I was convinced someone was propagating opinions from a false identity the opinions posted seemed irrelevant to me.

Yes, you did manage to stir the pot, lol and I guess I will have to reread the OP to further comment on it's merits. At least you know we have your back. lol

DoctorZGonzo1154 reads

See Gag, thats the thing... if you read the entire comment, you might see the sarcasm and ascerbic satire of my intent...

I want him tried for treason... a fantasy to which I equate equal credibility as Rush Limbaugh himself... in other words, i give him NO credibility... There are many adjectives I can use to describe Rush Limbaugh... some of them aren't even obscenities. But he's just a blowhard with a following of lemmings... pardon me; dittoheads. Mindless either way you call it.

Some will call this spin... I call it a molehill made into a mountain because I didn't want to flaunt my "authority" on the P&R board. Silly me.

GaGambler2327 reads

deserves all the abuse that they get. Anyone who follows any other person blindly is a moron IMO. No difference between the dittoheads and the equally moronic followers of Bill Maher, Michael Moore and the rest of the loony left.

Rush is an entertainer, nothing more. Even when I agree with him, which is often, I still don't care for him. The same goes for the likes of Hanitty, Savage, etal.

DoctorZGonzo2962 reads

... but I suppose there is legitimate argument to be made there.

Would you agree with me that regardless of your perspective on all this, there's just too damned much HATE going on.

GaGambler2758 reads

but apparently hate sells better than love. Except on TER of course. lol Even here hate seems to be hugely in fashion.

Gonzo  "Would you agree with me that regardless of your perspective on all this, there's just too damned much HATE going on."

 I will agree with you on the too much hate any day of the week..I love you Doc..

Stempy1613 reads

That stupid & arrogant man has done more to ruin the Republican Party than any one, including the former Prez "W", his Veep Cheney and their policies.  Instead of trying to shift the focus of the party towards the middle of this country's focus albeit with a conservative tone, Rush is trying to steer it off the right-winged cliff and into the abyss.

If this continues, then the GOP will be nothing more than a party filled with hate-mongers consisting of homophobics, Bible-thumpers, abortion foes, bigoted, tax-dodging, commie baiting, nut cases.  If this keeps up, I may have to register as a Libertarian next election.

Stempy1927 reads

You should try thinking for yourself someday.

DoctorZGonzo1821 reads

...faithful listeners to The Rush Limbaugh Show. As Limbaugh often explains in his books and radio show, these are not necessarily those who agree with his views. Rather, he believes they are people who love the show and what he's doing. The term came into use because callers would frequently begin by giving praise and thanks to Limbaugh. Knowing that the caller’s and listener’s time is valuable, one caller simply said roughly "ditto to what those guys said (how much they enjoyed the show)." Thereafter, callers were encouraged to simply say, “Dittos,” and then get right to their point. Thus, long-time listeners would begin their calls with “Dittos, Rush,” leading to the term “dittoheads.”

The term is also used pejoratively by critics of Limbaugh, who claim that his listeners simply copy his political views without any independent thought.

Stempy1758 reads

I guess I expected much more from you, RWU, based on your past posts here, but I guess I was wrong.  Guess you are no better or worst than most of the rabid right-winged, bigoted, hate-mongering dittoheads here.

Rush will preside over the death of the Republican Party which will become marginalized by the lack of focus & direction. And what is sad, is that we are doing it to ourselves.

RightwingUnderground2082 reads

You clearly had formed an opinion of me “based on (my) past posts here”. That opinion was obviously more positive before my admission of listening to and appreciating Limbaugh. Now that I’ve “outed” myself you choose to label me with all the pejoratives that comprise your definition of dittohead. I haven’t changed. Your expectations from me shouldn’t have changed. But frankly, you don’t know what you are talking about.

RightwingUnderground1818 reads

He openly admitted that the hopeful positive opinion he had formed of me based on my posts had to be wrong, based solely on his new found fact that I was a “dittohead”.

OK so hatred is most likely too strong but he certainly passes the intolerance portion.

-- Modified on 5/14/2009 5:51:45 PM

since he was the one who referred to all the "rabid right-winged, bigoted, hate-mongering dittoheads here".

Other than tallslim, who fits that description?

RightwingUnderground2410 reads

The first definition is quite accurate. Of course simply becase someone desires to come up with their own pejorative definition doesn't make it true.

I don't agree with Limbaugh all the time. He goes astray regularly (most often when it comes to scientific things). Some of his tactics can sometimes be overly blunt, sometimes that’s good, sometimes not. He mostly reaffirms what I already believe while often shinning a new illumination on a topic. Often he reveals a new take or observation I didn’t see before. I especially like his technique of illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

But I have no problem being classified as a Dittohead.

they did the same for the Republican Party. Powell had immense respect from people in all political parties. When they saw how Bush and Cheney, treated such an honorable man, I believe it broke the trust of a lot of people in what the Republican party stands for. Bush hand promised that, a return of honor to the White House. Everyone could see that what they did to Powell was in no way honorable. Limbaugh, Steele, Romney, etc., etc., can never stand up to the life and service of General Colin Powell. He could have won it all for the Republicans.

Let me ask you RWU. If you were called to protect this country, would you do it following Limbaugh, Steele, Romney, or Powell. I'd choose Powell in a heart beat, and that's the person you want to lead your party, a person who really knows how to serve with integrity and wisdom.

Timbow1612 reads

So you forgive Powell for lying about the biological weapons ;)

nothing Bush or Cheney knew anything about.:)

RightwingUnderground1311 reads

Going into battle he obviously would be my first choice. But also remember that it was he and his right hand man, Richard Armitage that let Scooter Libby hang in the wind when they knew the truth.

Regardless of the past, Powell is longer a Republican and never really was very conservative.

but not that great a politician, but he became a good Republican president. If Cheney and Bush hadn't stabbed him in the back, and made him fall on his sword, Powell, could have been president. Somehow, I think you would agree that Powell would haven been a more conservative president than Obama.

the soon to be 60 Dem Senators are all more conservative than Obama.  It doesn't take much to win that battle with the Messiah.

GaGambler1617 reads

voting for Powell would have been an easy choice.

RightwingUnderground1631 reads

It took Ike a while to decide if he was an R or a D. Same with Powell. After Powell announced he was a Republican it took him even longer to actually make public any positions he had on specific issues.

Dickless_Cheney1602 reads

He is nothing more than a over-rated gas bag.  

I am the real Republican here!!

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