Politics and Religion

Actually it's the Russian's providing air force cover FOR Hezbollah.....
saltyballs 114 reads

.......Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops and Syrian government troops as they fight the rebel forces. I would probably be more sympathetic to the Israeli position on this nuclear agreement, if they did NOT have a complete dick-head as Prime Minister.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... since the US-Iranian Nuclear agreement was reached. (cue bigguy30's retort)  
 In all seriousness, sure, planes have been buzzing warships since WWI. Sometimes in error, sometimes with malice aforethought and sometimes because some hotshot pilot named Usama bin Maverick or Topgunski Bigcockovitch decided to wave their dicks in public.  
 But in point of fact, there have been multiple cases of aggressive posturing by Iran towards the US fleet in the Gulf, and now Russian planes are futzing with the fleet in the Mediterranean. AND the Russians are toying with our Alaskan airspace, flying their bombers within meters or US airspace. When was the last time we turned our naive cheek to that level of posturing? How is it nobody in the Obama administration sees this as a status shifting maneuver by Putin?  
 So how is it the Russians, Jordanians and ISRAELIS were able to recently coordinate airborne attacks against Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard operating in Syria without stepping on each others toes, while back here at  home we can't get our own joint chiefs of staff to agree to cooperate with each other?  
 It will get worse and worse as long as Obama's Foreign Policy Mandate of Appeasement and Supplication continues.  

brooks51124 reads

Putin bitch-slaps, humiliates Obama yet again

Putin smells Obama's weakness and fear

as an American I am far past embarrassed, again

Obama promptly issued a statement aggressively protecting the right for grown men to use the same bathroom as our wives and daughters, demonizing those who disagree

Seinfeld called it bizarro world

... since the US-Iranian Nuclear agreement was reached. (cue bigguy30's retort)

In all seriousness, sure, planes have been buzzing warships since WWI. Sometimes in error, sometimes with malice aforethought and sometimes because some hotshot pilot named Usama bin Maverick or Topgunski Bigcockovitch decided to wave their dicks in public.

But in point of fact, there have been multiple cases of aggressive posturing by Iran towards the US fleet in the Gulf, and now Russian planes are futzing with the fleet in the Mediterranean. AND the Russians are toying with our Alaskan airspace, flying their bombers within meters or US airspace. When was the last time we turned our naive cheek to that level of posturing? How is it nobody in the Obama administration sees this as a status shifting maneuver by Putin?  

So how is it the Russians, Jordanians and ISRAELIS were able to recently coordinate airborne attacks against Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard operating in Syria without stepping on each others toes, while back here at  home we can't get our own joint chiefs of staff to agree to cooperate with each other?  

It will get worse and worse as long as Obama's Foreign Policy Mandate of Appeasement and Supplication continues

JakeFromStateFarm132 reads

The sanctions are tough and they bite.  Putin is pissed and feeling the pain, so he lashes out in petty ways.  It ain't "appeasement."

brooks586 reads


weakness invites aggression - and Obama reeks of weakness, starting with Hillary's "restart" button

Obama has single-handedly brought back the Cold War and brought us ISIS by being a naive pussy

as evidence mounts daily of his fecklessness, he still gets knee-jerk support from the clueles

Timbow76 reads

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
The sanctions are tough and they bite.  Putin is pissed and feeling the pain, so he lashes out in petty ways.  It ain't "appeasement."

-- Modified on 4/14/2016 9:50:32 AM

saltyballs115 reads

.......Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops and Syrian government troops as they fight the rebel forces. I would probably be more sympathetic to the Israeli position on this nuclear agreement, if they did NOT have a complete dick-head as Prime Minister.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... since the US-Iranian Nuclear agreement was reached. (cue bigguy30's retort)  
 In all seriousness, sure, planes have been buzzing warships since WWI. Sometimes in error, sometimes with malice aforethought and sometimes because some hotshot pilot named Usama bin Maverick or Topgunski Bigcockovitch decided to wave their dicks in public.  
 But in point of fact, there have been multiple cases of aggressive posturing by Iran towards the US fleet in the Gulf, and now Russian planes are futzing with the fleet in the Mediterranean. AND the Russians are toying with our Alaskan airspace, flying their bombers within meters or US airspace. When was the last time we turned our naive cheek to that level of posturing? How is it nobody in the Obama administration sees this as a status shifting maneuver by Putin?  
 So how is it the Russians, Jordanians and ISRAELIS were able to recently coordinate airborne attacks against Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard operating in Syria without stepping on each others toes, while back here at  home we can't get our own joint chiefs of staff to agree to cooperate with each other?  
 It will get worse and worse as long as Obama's Foreign Policy Mandate of Appeasement and Supplication continues.  

brooks5100 reads

classic lib nonsense

our national security interest takes back seat to a personal grudge

and thinly-veiled anti-semitism

and libs call US racist!

JakeFromStateFarm119 reads

I support Israel but I'm an American first.  And I don't support either country when I think they're wrong.  And Israel's settlement policy is wrong.
Also, the other poster is correct that the Russian's were bombing in support of Hezbollah, which is fighting for Assad, along with members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard.
You need to bone up on the Syrian conflict, brooks.  And take off your blinders.  Perhaps then you'll stop over-simplifying an extremely complex situation.
PS: I'm also highly critical of the way Obama has handled the Syrian issue.

-- Modified on 4/14/2016 5:17:35 PM

brooks595 reads

given that you were educated by a labor union ;)

Now, I don't claim to see every post here and I am not calling you a liar, but can you link to your posts with regards to your displeasure with the Obama foreign policy re: this issue?  

Or any foreign policy blunder of his for that matter? Iran deal? Bergdahl swap? Iraq withdrawal with no residual force? Troubled by any of those

Also, it would have been under a different handle/alias and I'm not about to link myself to my earlier posts and give myself away.  But I'll be happy to tell you I thought (and said) Obama's "red line" statement was a huge mistake.  You never paint yourself into a corner that way.  Worse, it led to him being bailed out by Putin, who thought he was weak and helped lead to Putin's adventure in Ukraine.
As for the rest, you sound like you've been spoon fed by our friend General Grant.  I'm too lazy to go into all that shit again, so please take a pill or something.

brooks586 reads

unleash Israel, our Allie, and let them finish this

we will have peace when the war is over

you can't negotiate with folks whose stated goal is your destruction - just what is so fucking complicated

Syria was lost with the red line

for serious people, not liking Bibi can't be the basis of our foreign policy

but you missed the point in search of a nonsensical lecture

-- Modified on 4/14/2016 10:46:18 PM

for its end-to-end litany of mistakes, over-simplifications and downright falsehoods.  But thank you for reminding me (once again) of what a waste of time it is to post on this board.

... I disagree of course, being a supporter of Netanyahu... which doesn't mean i prefer Israel over America.

And you see the same sycophantic, lap dog, Obama kiss ass brigade come out to defend the indefensible.

All you need is perspective and a dropping of ones partisanship, if only for a fleeting moment, to realize just how damaging this all is to our reputation abroad, if we really needed any more examples.

Jimmy Carter would be proud as would Neville Chamberlain, but anyone with America's best interests at heart, rather than that of one Barak Hussein Obama, would realize just how horrible this foreign policy has been.

Welcome to the new "USA."

The United States of Appeasers.

How is that for "hope and change?"

JakeFromStateFarm127 reads

in response to Putin's Ukraine aggression.



brooks587 reads

cuz were were there?

are you a Ruskie, or 12?

saltyballs122 reads

....said it best. "You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Times about the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser, which protects aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Donald Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

Putin KNOWS Obama wont do anything and that is why he is playing with the POTUS and embarrassing the U.S.

Its not that Obama has no backbone on THIS issue, its that he doesn't have a backbone on so many PREVIOUS matters that and in turn it allows the Russians to mock us in this specific incident.

You want to put this latest fuck up in a vacuum and try and excuse it away. The world's despots see the bigger picture that you seem unwillingly to grasp and realize America is a much more vulnerable place for these ass hats know nothing will ever come of their provocation and will only increase their hostility towards us

saltyballs121 reads

.....yet when Putin invaded Georgia, George Bush did nothing. Would America look "weak", in the rest of the world, had we NOT invaded Iraq under false pretenses? No! Some of you righty's would like to take all of Bush II's horrific mistakes and act like they never happened. Not to worry, we will never let you forget!

-- Modified on 4/14/2016 3:21:16 PM

I don't deny Bush's mistakes if you look at my previous posts. I have even given credit to Obama for bin laden killing.

I'd just like to see a lefty like you own Obama's numerous and horrific foreign policy nightmares.

Is that even possible?

saltyballs93 reads

.........that shows Obama remains more popular globally than his predecessor, George Bush.

Pew research has tracked global attitudes toward the U.S. president and American foreign policy since the early years of the George W. Bush administration. Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about President Barack Obama and his handling of major international issues. Here are seven charts illustrating how the world views Obama:


brooks582 reads

OF COURSE Obama is popular, he folds to even the tiniest dictator

the USA needs to be respected and feared

dumb shit pussy libs think that our national interest should be based on a vote for Prom Queen (yes, I said QUEEN)

this post shows how colossally stupid and clueless the left is when it comes to foreign policy

brooks572 reads

criticizing Bush

it shows that you and your team got NOTHING

what do you have to defend the pussy's pink line in the sand in Syria?

but that ain't news

Feckless doesn't even cut it anymore. Where on the planet are we respected?

Russia? Syria? Iran? Cuba? Israel? China? Where?

Two bit dictators or world powers, it doesn't seem to matter. They walk all over Bams each and every time.

Maybe Obama will apologize to Russia for provoking them? lol

What a pussy

brooks566 reads

I couldn't have said it better myself

it looks like kerry has set the stage for obama to go to Japan and apologize for dropping the A bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Thank you

saltyballs91 reads

..........but dodges on praising Trump or Clinton.

bigguy30112 reads

So you showing them real facts, will not mean anything to them.
They live in a GOP bubble.  

Posted By: saltyballs
..........but dodges on praising Trump or Clinton.

brooks575 reads

the same old lame insults are back

broken fucking record

bigguy3072 reads

Posted By: brooks5
the same old lame insults are back  
 broken fucking record

brooks580 reads

the superior intellect!

brooks573 reads

his little bitch

Obama pleasures him

As soon as Obama hears about this he'll apologize to Russia for our ships sailing in their flight path.

Posted By: brooks5
Putin bitch-slaps, humiliates Obama yet again  
 Putin smells Obama's weakness and fear  
 as an American I am far past embarrassed, again  
 Obama promptly issued a statement aggressively protecting the right for grown men to use the same bathroom as our wives and daughters, demonizing those who disagree  
 Seinfeld called it bizarro world

bigguy3088 reads

Then they act like this is not a crazy cult. Lol

Posted By: ROMMEL
As soon as Obama hears about this he'll apologize to Russia for our ships sailing in their flight path.  
Posted By: brooks5
Putin bitch-slaps, humiliates Obama yet again  
  Putin smells Obama's weakness and fear  
  as an American I am far past embarrassed, again  
  Obama promptly issued a statement aggressively protecting the right for grown men to use the same bathroom as our wives and daughters, demonizing those who disagree  
  Seinfeld called it bizarro world

brooks570 reads

have any idea what the fuck he is talking about

more and more incoherent and unhinged with every post

bigguy3083 reads

We all know you can't stop writing about your GOP stupidity.

Posted By: brooks5
have any idea what the fuck he is talking about  
 more and more incoherent and unhinged with every post

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